Black History Month 2023

Black History Month 2023 at DMU features a richly diverse calendar of events celebrating the heritage, history, arts, culture and accomplishments of African, Caribbean and South Asian diasporas in the UK.

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Running throughout October, this year's vibrant programme consists of a range of in-person events and activities taking place across campus, as well as online and hybrid events including performances, talks, and interactive sessions.

Sherilyn Pereira, co-chair of the Race Equality Network said: “Over the years, DMU’s Race Equality Network has led the way in magnifying marginalised identities and voices on our campus during Black History Month, and this year is no exception.

“I want to thank the Black History Month Steering Group for organising a month of exciting and thought-provoking events and conversations that celebrate our African, Caribbean and Indian communities at DMU for everyone to take part in and appreciate.”

Our dedicated Black History Month microsite​ contains a full run-down of what's on and much more. You can also check out our DMU Events calendar for details on how to book onto or access events. Both will continue to be updated throughout the season.

There will be a display of ‘Banned Black Books’ on the ground floor of the Kimberlin Library throughout October, developed in conjunction with the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre. All books that are part of the display will be available to be borrowed by DMU students and staff.

View the full timetable of events below:

BANNED – But they can’t stop the discourse: Banned Black Books You should be Reading

Throughout October

Kimberlin Library, DMU Campus

Black Excellence Exhibition 2023

Throughout October

Campus Centre, located in the glass cabinet on the ground floor

Lights Out Active Event | Black History Edition (DMU students only)

Wednesday 4 October, 7pm - 9pm

The Watershed, DMU campus

Leicester Future Black, Asian and Ethnically Minoritised Entrepreneurs

Thursday 5 October, midday - 2pm

DMU Careers Hub, Hugh Aston 0.82/0.83

Indoor Football World Cup (DMU students and staff only)

Wednesday 11 October, 6pm – 10pm

The Watershed, DMU campus

Encountering Archives as a Person of Colour

Wednesday 18 October, 5.30pm – 7pm

Trinity Chapel, DMU campus

Social Enterprises and the Cost-of-Living Crisis: The Social Enterprise Research Group presents findings from its research on the resilience strategies by Black social entrepreneurs to survive the UK cost-of-living crisis.

Thursday 19 October, 1–3pm

Stephen Lawrence Research Centre, DMU campus

DMU Women: midday meditation and mindfulness (DMU students and staff only)

Join Diana Beldeanu for a midday meditation to connect to your breath, find your energy and tap into gratitude. No prior experience of meditation is required.

Monday 23 October, midday–12.30pm (online)

DSU Open Mic Night: Part 2

Monday 23 October, 5pm-8pm

DSU Atrium


Tuesday 24 October, 1pm – 2.40pm

TBC, DMU campus

DSU BHM networking event

Wednesday 25 October, time 5pm-7pm

DSU POD, Campus Centre

Teaching To Transform: Charting the journey of the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre’s racial literacy programme for Leicester educators

Thursday 26 October, 12noon-4pm

TBC, DMU campus

Black Care - Talk with Ty’rone Haughton

Thursday 26 October, 6pm-8pm

TBC, DMU campus

Black Care – Keynote with Arlene Weekes

Friday 27 October, 5pm-6pm 

TBC, DMU campus

Black Care – Poetry Club

Friday 27 October, 7pm-9pm 

SLRC Seminar room, DMU campus

Anti-Racism Series – When Black History Takes To The Streets 

Monday 30 October, 1pm – 2pm


Posted on Friday 8 September 2023

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