Come along to Decolonising DMU's Kimberlin sessions: Read to Debate

The latest Decolonising DMU event in the Kimberlin reading and discussion series will be taking place on Tuesday 15 September from 10.30-11.30am. The theme of the discussion will be 'talking about race'. 

Decolonising DMU is the university’s initiative, which encourages staff and students to examine the everyday norms of university life to identify and eliminate systems, structures and behaviours that create disadvantage for ethnic minorities.

Launched in November last year, it focuses on decolonising the university as a whole rather than the curriculum alone, to celebrate the rich diversity of DMU.

Please read and consider the following in terms of your practice, our service, the student experience before the event: 

Wareing, S. (2019) Talking about race in higher education in The white elephant in the room: ideas for reducing racial inequalities in higher education, pages 17-22. 

Boakye, Jeffrey (2019) Smooth, angry, cool, powerful: how we talk about blackness, The Guardian.


Come along ready to share your thoughts with other students and staff at the university. 

If you're interested in more background information, see our Read to Debate list for all previous material

Book your place here or email and a Microsoft Teams meeting invite will be sent to you before the event.

Posted on Friday 4 September 2020

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