Take action on sustainable development with funding from the SeeD Grant for DMU students, staff and alumni


The SeeD Grant for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) funding is designed to help members of the DMU community to act on sustainable development and the SDGs, for situations where a little money and support can help.

A total of £4,500 is available in the 2024/25 academic year and the maximum application is for £1,000 with grant awards typically being around £500. This will be distributed into two rounds of funding. The next deadline for applications to the grant fund is Friday 6 December 2024.

Who can apply?

Applications can be led by current DMU students, staff, alumni or groups/organisations with a lead applicant in one of these three roles (e.g., DMU student societies, DMU staff networks). We aim to prioritise funding new projects and applicants over projects previously funded by the SeeD grants.

What can funding be used for?

The Seed Grant fund is flexible and can be used to support any idea that makes a positive contribution to the sustainable development agenda and/or impacts upon the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

What support is available?

The SeeD Grants process is designed to support applicants to plan, deliver and evaluate their ideas.

This could include, but is not limited to:

  1. Organising one-off or repeated educational events, such as workshops, film showings or talks.
  2. Volunteering activities, for which equipment is required.
  3. Small-scale projects for which materials are required (e.g., arts-based activities).

Further information

For further information on SeeD Grants and the application process go to DMU’s Education for the SDGs web pages.

The DMU sustainability team will happily discuss any project ideas that staff or students may have. Please email sustainability@dmu.ac.uk with any queries, for further details and an application form.

Posted on Friday 8 November 2024

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