Module Level Feedback – a chance to share your views

Your insights are vital to enhancing the student experience at DMU. Because of the changes in teaching methods due to Covid-19, your opinions are more important now than ever.

Our Module Level Feedback (MLF) process ensures students have their voices heard and it’s really easy to take part.

The Module Level Feedback season begins from Monday 9 November

Over the next few weeks, you will receive an email with a link to complete the survey online. The message will come from DMUsurveys ( with the subject Module Level Feedback survey.

 MLF Student Voice - main

Positive changes will be made from your feedback

Your voice guides the choices we make. The feedback you give through the MLF helps us to meet your needs on the programme you are studying. It lets us know what kind of changes will mean the most to you during your time here.

The university has made a series of changes across campus which have been informed by what our students tell us.

About the survey

The MLF survey is simple to fill in and will only take a few minutes. The feedback you give will be anonymous, so please be constructive, courteous and honest.

You’ll have the opportunity to tell us about a module’s best aspects, what can be improved or what should be changed. Use this chance to share your thoughts with us and to reflect on your whole experience.

If you have any specific academic or personal issues that you wish to raise, please discuss them your faculty’s Student Advice Centre or personal tutor.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Posted on Wednesday 4 November 2020

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