Profile creation

To create a staff profile page, you will need to complete and submit the staff profile information form.

The information you enter into the form will be used to create an initial profile page for you.

See an example of what a standard staff profile page looks like.

What to remember

Contact details you enter into the form will be public on the website.

If you would like your image on your profile, please complete the form and then email with a high-resolution image of yourself that is preferably portrait orientation. We will crop, optimise and upload the image onto your profile for you.

Submit your staff profile information

Go to form

Your profile

After you submit the staff profile information form, we will create your page and publish it to the live site. You'll then receive an email with a link to your page.

What happens next?

If you'd like to edit and update your page after it's created, you will need to read through the following sections to learn how to use Contensis, the content management system (CMS) that the DMU website runs on. When you submit the staff profile form, we will create an account for you on the CMS. Signing in to the CMS for the first time allows the web team to grant you the appropriate permissions to edit your page. Follow the link below to continue.

Next - access and logging into Contensis