UCAS Tariff guide and entry requirements

Listed below are the point values assigned to different levels of common UK qualifications.

If you have a qualification not listed, visit the UCAS website directly or contact our admissions department.

  1. Examples of grade combinations - A level grade
    A level grade  Tariff points
    A*A*A* 168
    A*A*A 160
    A*AA 152
    AAA 144
    AAB 136
    ABB 128
    BBB 120
    BBC 112
    BCC 104
    CCC 96
    CCD 88
    CDD 80
    DDD 72
  2. Examples of grade combinations - BTEC Extended Diploma
    Grade  Tariff points 
    D*D*D* 168
    D*D*D 160
    D*DD 152
    DDD 144
    DDM 128
    DMM 112
    MMM 96
    MMP 80
  3. Examples of grade combinations - International Baccalaureate, Higher Level (HL)
    Grade (HL)  Tariff points
    777 168
    776 160 
    766 152
    666 144
    665 128
    655 112
    555 96
  4. A levels and AS - GCE & VCE
    Grade         Tariff points
    GCE & AVCE
    Double Award
    A level with additional
    AS (9 units)
    GCE A level and
    GCE AS Double
    GCS AS &
    AS VCE
    A*A*         280
    A*A         260
    AA         240
    AB         220
    BB A*A*       200
    BC AA       180
      AB       170
    CC         160
      BB       150
    CD BC A*     140
    DD CC A AA   120
      CD   AB   110
    DE   B BB   100
      DD   BC   90
    EE DE C CC   80
          CD   70
      EE D DD A 60
          DE B 50
        E EE C 40
            D 30
            E 20
  5. BTEC qualifications (QCF) (Suite of qualifications known as Nationals)
    Grade         Tariff points
    Extended Diploma Diploma 90 credit Diploma Subsidiary Diploma  Certificate  
    D*D*D*         420
    D*D*D         400
    D*DD         380
    DDD         360
    DDM         320
    DMM D*D*       280
      D*D       260
    MMM DD       240
        D*D*     210
    MMP DM D*D     200
        DD     180
    MPP MM DM     160
          D*   140
    PPP MP MM D   120
        MP     100
      PP   M   80
            D* 70
        PP   D 60
          P M 40
            P 20
  6. OCR Nationals

    Grade     Tariff points
    National Extended Diploma National Diploma National Certificate  
    D1     360
    D2/M1     320
    M2     280
    M3 D   240
    P1 M1   200
    P2 M2/P1   160
    P3 P2 D 120
      P3 M 80
        P 40

Entry requirements

DMU welcomes applications from students studying a wide range of UK, EU and international qualifications.

Where applicable, we will usually make offers using the UCAS Tariff points system.

The GCSE and A2 (or equivalent) entry requirements for our programmes, HND or foundation Degrees are detailed below.

Information about Tariff points requirements for each of our courses can be found on our course pages.

To find out the grades required for the necessary UCAS points take a look at the UCAS tariff calculator.

Undergraduate degree

GCSE entry requirements

We normally require applicants to have a minimum of five GCSEs at grade C/4 or above including English (in some cases English language is required) and, where specified in individual course requirements, Mathematics.

For some courses it may be necessary for applicants to have successfully passed GCSEs in other specified subjects (e.g. Science) and/or to have passed specified GCSEs at grade B/6 or above.

Some of our courses also require applicants to have a minimum of six GCSEs at grade C/4 or above including specific subjects. Where these additional requirements apply, they will be clearly detailed on our course pages. 

Some of our courses also require applicants to have a minimum of six GCSEs at grade C/4 or above including specific subjects.

Where these additional requirements apply, they will be clearly detailed on our website

Some of our courses also require applicants to have a minimum of six GCSEs at Grade C/4 or above including specific subjects. Where these additional requirements apply, they will be clearly detailed on the course pages.

A2 (or equivalent) requirements

UCAS Tariff points from passes in at least two A2 Levels (or equivalent qualifications).  

For some courses it may be necessary for applicants to have passed qualifications in specific subjects.

Please see individual course requirements on our course pages for more information.

The majority of our undergraduate degrees will require at least 104 UCAS Tariff points.

Higher National Diploma/Foundation Degree

GCSE entry requirements

Five GCSEs (grade C/4 or above) including English and, where specified in individual course requirements, Maths.

A2 (or equivalent) requirements

UCAS Tariff points from passes in at least one A2 Level (or equivalent qualification).

The majority of our HND and Foundation Degree courses will require at least 48 UCAS Tariff points.