Staff car parking

Vehicle Parking & Cycle Policy

The permit year ranges from September to August inclusive. 

Permit Types (Paid)

Permit Types (Free)

Payment Options

Salary Deducted:

Payments deducted monthly from your salary. 

Tier 1 - Staff with an annual gross salary up to the top of Grade D - 
£120 per annum (£10/month).

Tier 2 - Staff with an annual gross salary above the top of Grade D and 
up to the top of Grade G - £240 per annum (£20/month).

Tier 3 - Staff with an annual gross salary above the top of Grade G and 
up to spinal point 51 - £360 per annum (£30/month).

Tier 4 - Staff with an annual gross salary above spinal point 51 - 
£480 per annum (£40/month).

Electric Vehicle Charging Points

In line with our commitment to reducing carbon emissions through sustainable travel, we have invested in four new electric vehicle charging points which are available in the Bede House Car Park. Our electricity is provided from procured renewable and low carbon sources. Our charging tariff is £1.66 per hour of charging (for the first 4 hours) then £3.00 per hour thereafter.

The charging points have been installed by and will be managed by Pod Point, a leading UK installer of electric vehicle charging points. Usage of these private charge points is accessible via the Pod Point app. To register your vehicle with this app please email

If colleagues would like access to the Bede House Car Park to charge their vehicle, then please contact the Estates Helpdesk ( who will arrange for an exchange of your existing permit for a Bede House Car Park permit.

Pay & Display

Pay based on usage at the Pay & Display ticket machines. Tickets cost £4 for up to 12 hours or £2 for up to five hours. Please note that Pay & Display options are only available in certain car parks.

Pay in Advance

Pay in advance on the online store. Payments must be made in full months. Charges are as per the tier table above. 

How to Apply

Please see the 'How to Apply' text relevant to each permit type using the links above.

Alternative Travel Options

Click here for information on alternative travel options.


For enquiries regarding car parking please contact the Estates Helpdesk on 0116 250 6366 (ext. 6366) or email

Parking Enforcement

Parking enforcement is managed by the university's approved BPA Operator. All appeals against parking charges must be made in the first instance in writing to the BPA Approved Operator responsible for collecting parking charges. Details can be found in the Vehicle Parking & Cycle Policy.

Campus Car Parks

Click here for a map of our car parks. 

Click here for a map of Accessible Parking bays.



For the latest roadwork updates in Leicester and Leicestershire please click here.