Disability advice and support
DMU is committed to providing leading support to enable our prospective and current students to achieve their full potential.
Support and guidance is available to students with a wide range of impairments. This can include, but is not limited to:
- Visual or hearing impairment
- Autism, including Asperger's
- Physical impairments or mobility difficulties
- Long-term or progressive medical conditions e.g. diabetes, sickle cell anaemia, epilepsy, cancer, HIV, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome
- Specific learning difference e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia
What do we offer?
- Assistance with applying for the Disabled Students’ Allowances funding
- Referral for an assessment with an Educational Psychologist
- Referral for Autistic Spectrum Disorder assessment
- Identification of individual reasonable adjustments
- Arrangements for study needs assessments
- Liaison with academic and other university departments
- Exam support – please see the exams webpages for information on deadlines and how to access support
Please note: DMU-CAN has now closed. The government has made changes to the provision of assessment of needs, assistive technology provision and assistive technology training. As a result of this decision, we will no longer be able to provide assessments of needs. If you want to arrange an assessment of needs, please visit gov.uk to find a centre close to the university or near to your home address.
If you have already had an assessment of needs at DMU CAN and want to discuss anything within it, please contact DSA_Team@slc.co.uk.
If you require an amendment to your support package, such as additional recommendations, or if you meet the criteria for a Review of Needs Assessment, SLC will direct you to a new assessment centre or transition you to the new suppliers depending on the timing of when this occurs.
If you need any further advice, please contact Disability Advice and Support team at disability@dmu.ac.uk.
Students can book an appointment to see a member of the team through our online booking service, MyGateway to discuss any support requirements.
There is a separate process for prospective students who wish to discuss the support available to them at university.
Getting an assessment
If you suspect you have dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, Autism and/or attention and concentration issues, a screening can help you explore this. You will be given advice on the next steps for you. This might include a referral for a full diagnostic assessment, which can give answers about Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs), Autism or ADHD. There will be a report of the diagnostic assessment. The report may suggest reasonable adjustments, and enable you to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs). Book a screening with us so we can support you in this journey.
At DMU, we are keen to support student to have a formal assessment for neurodiverse disabilities, where appropriate. This is to help DMU students to access the full range of support available to them. This includes support from DMU and from Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs).
‘Neurodiverse disabilities’ includes Autism, ADHD, dyscalculia, dyslexia and dyspraxia.
This information is for DMU Leicester students, including apprenticeships.
Students who are eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs)
Students who are eligible to apply for the UK Government’s Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) should book an appointment using the information below.
There is information about eligibility for Student Finance England DSAs on the gov.uk website.
Students who are not eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs)
If you are not eligible for DSAs, you are welcome to book an initial appointment.
International and EU students are not eligible for DSAs funding. Some courses are not eligible for DSAs or Government student support funding.
This will be so we can signpost you to relevant support areas inside and outside of DMU.
Formal assessment through DMU
We can pay for one assessment, so please bear this in mind when booking in for an appointment.
Final year students
Final year students will not be offered an assessment. Instead, they will be offered support for their studies. The support offered will be similar to support they may have received as a result of a formal assessment. This means an initial screening appointment will be helpful.
Partner college students
Students on a DMU course at a Partner College need to contact the student services team at their college to discuss concerns about their learning.
Booking a screening if you think you might have ADHD
Please note that a screening is not an assessment
Appointments are available to book on MyGateway. You can search for appointments by topic, e.g. ‘I think I might have ADHD’. In the appointment, you can discuss ADHD and your personal circumstances.
These appointments get booked very quickly, and we recommend checking MyGateway regularly for new appointments or cancellations.
You can view appointments on MyGateway up to eight weeks in advance. Bookings can be made 14 days before the appointment.
You will be able to see when bookings open for advance appointments on MyGateway.
If you cannot view or book appointments then this means they are currently full.
Please note the university does not offer any clinical assessments for ADHD. If you are eligible for an assessment from DMU, you may be able to have an educationally focussed assessment with an Educational Psychologist. This would explore traits of ADHD and other Specific Learning Differences. This assessment is unlikely to be suitable to access NHS support for ADHD e.g., medication.
Final year students only
If you are in your final year, please email sensory@dmu.ac.uk to discuss booking an ADHD screening.
Clinical pathways for an ADHD assessment
If you would like to pursue a clinical ADHD assessment, then you can consider the options below. Please note the processes listed below are outside DMU.
- ADHD Right to Choose pathways that may be open to take referrals.
- You could also contact your GP to discuss a potential referral via the NHS.
- If feasible, you can look into a private assessment. This will have a cost involved that you would need to cover, including any follow up support and treatment.
If you already have a formal diagnosis
If you have had an assessment for ADHD and have received a diagnostic report, then you can get in contact with our team directly. You will need to email a copy of your assessment report to sensory@dmu.ac.uk from your DMU email address. The ADHD Disability Officer will reply to you with further information.
ADHD Drop In
Location: Student Gateway, Gateway House
Time: Every Wednesday 11am – 1pm (term time)
The ADHD drop ins offer the opportunity to discuss:
- Pathways for clinical assessments for ADHD
- Advice and Guidance with the Disabled Students’ Allowances
- Study strategies support
- Reasonable adjustments e.g., individual exam arrangements
We cannot offer ADHD screenings in the drop ins. If you want to discuss a formal assessment or have an ADHD screening, you must book an appointment via MyGateway. The drop ins will 15 minutes (term time).
If you want to explore a diagnosis of autism, you should email autism@dmu.ac.uk and the team will arrange a meeting. At the meeting we will check your eligibility, explain all the Autism Team services without a diagnosis, and send you the screening forms.
When you have returned the forms to autism@dmu.ac.uk, you may be added to the waiting list for a screening appointment with a Disability Officer.
Final year students will not be offered an assessment through DMU.
The term ‘Specific Learning Difference’, or 'SpLD', includes dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.
Please note that a screening is not the same as an assessment. Screening gives an indication of whether or not a person has an SpLD.
Depending on your screening result, we may be able to refer you for a diagnostic assessment.
Booking an SpLD screening at DMU
There are two options for you to book for a screening using the MyGateway booking system:
Small group screening sessions
These are available in the first term of the 23-24 academic year.
The group size is a maximum of 20 students per session. You will not be asked to share personal information with the group.
Places can book quickly, especially in the first term.
Search ‘Events’ on
MyGateway for 'screening'; the search result will show sessions and whether there are places available.
Select a session that you know you can attend and book it. You will receive booking confirmation and the location of the session.
If you find you can’t come to a session you have booked, please cancel your place so another student can book it.
Screening appointments
Search for appointments by topic on MyGateway, for example:
- I think I might be dyslexic
- I think I might be dyspraxic
- I think I might have dyscalculia
The screening appointment is discussion-based. You will not be asked any ‘test’ questions.
These appointments get booked quickly, and we recommend checking MyGateway regularly for new appointments or cancellations.
You can see appointments on MyGateway up to eight weeks in advance. Bookings can be made 14 days ahead of the appointment.
You will be able to see when bookings open for advance appointments on MyGateway. If you cannot view/book appointments then this means they are currently fully booked.
If you already have a formal diagnosis of an SpLD
If you have had a diagnostic assessment for an SpLD and have received a report of the assessment, then you can get in contact with our team directly.
You will need to email a copy of your assessment report to spld@dmu.ac.uk from your DMU email address. The SpLD Disability Officer will reply to you with further information.
Further information
A member of the team will discuss with you all of the details of this process by meeting up with you when you have disclosed a disability.
Common reasons to have a delta number include:
- Medical conditions which might cause the following- epileptic seizures, Sickle Cell attack, cardiovascular attack, anaphylactic shock, fainting episodes/ collapse, falls or nausea/ vomiting.
- Mental health conditions which might cause the following- anxiety/ panic attacks, repetitive rituals, or seizures.
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder which might cause the following- stimming and anxiety.
You will be issued with a unique delta number if you might/will require (emergency) assistance on campus or in your accommodation due to a diagnosed disability. The delta number refers to a form which contains important information about you such as the nature of your condition and typical symptoms, prescribed medication, common triggers, a confirmed (emergency) response and emergency contact details for you.
Your information is processed by the Disability Team or Wellbeing Team and shared with the Security Team, Accommodation Team and Faculty Engagement Officers. Your unique delta number is added to their exam arrangements (if appropriate) so that a first aider can be present or located as necessary during an exam.
For any further information contact medcon@dmu.ac.uk or wellbeing@dmu.ac.uk.
What is Non-Medical Help?
NMH (Non-medical help) is the human support provided to students to enable them to access their studies.
The University delivers their own in-house NMH service to students as well as working with external providers.
The NMH Support Team's (Non-Medical Helper) co-ordinates this support for students who require assistance to help them maximise their potential during their studies.
In order to access this support students will need to have a meeting with a Disability Officer who will assess the appropriate support.
Which Non-Medical help services do DMU (De Montfort University) provide?
De Montfort University non-medical helper (NMH) provision is provided by a team of skilled, qualified, and registered professionals experienced at providing specialist support to students.
De Montfort University can provide the following support to students:
Support assistants
- Mobility support - support to and from teaching sessions, including maneuvering wheelchairs
- Sighted Guide – For students with visual impairments to enable them to move safely around campus.
- Practical assistant – Assistance with carrying bags, setting up, clearing away equipment and lifting and carrying items.
- Library support assistant
Enhanced support assistants
- Note taking support – Manual note taker to summarise information in a teaching session (Is not a transcription service)
- Study assistant – Assistance with study strategies in the learning environment
- Examination support worker - (reader, scribe & prompt)
Please note: The university employs Non-Medical Helpers. If you require support from a relative, friend, partner etc, on campus for personal support, you need to contact us. There are strict guidelines on where non-registered students are permitted to go on campus. For further information please contact nmh.support@dmu.ac.uk.
Non-medical helper rates
Rates effective from 27 September 2023.
These rates apply to Disability Services Non-Medical Helper (NMH) Support, which is registered with DfE.
The university's NMH rates are available in this document. The greyed out cells indicate that the institution does not offer these services.
Contact us
The Student Gateway, Gateway House
T: +44 (0) 116 257 7595
E: disability@dmu.ac.uk