Student parents

The information on the following pages is for students with caring responsibilities for children. If you have decided to study at university whilst raising your family, then we hope you will find the following pages helpful. If you don't find the answers you are looking for, please contact us at

  1. Childcare

    Leicester City Council

    The Leicester City Council website includes a directory of information for nurseries and childcare provision in Leicester.

    Leicester City Council also have a number of useful links on their website for Children and Family Care.

    Activity Clubs in Leicester


    Clubszone are an established Midlands children’s day activity and club provider operating a variety of holiday, breakfast, lunch, afterschool and term time clubs.

    Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sport (LRS)

    LRS is an Activie Partnerships Team for physical activity and sport across Leicestrshire, Leicester and Rutland. If you are interested in getting involved in local activities, sports and wellbeing opportunities, they can provide support, advice and information. They can also offer help to become physically active families together.

    Wildlife Watch

    Explore, discover, learn and be inspired by taking part in events and activities with Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust.

    PlayFit Kids Club

    PlayFit manage a range of specialist playschemes providing activities to keep children entertained before, and after school, and also during school holidays.

    What’s on for Little Ones

    You can find lots of classes and activities for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.

    Help with childcare costs

    Student Finance England offer grants to help students with their childcare costs. Follow the links below for more information:

  2. Funding

    Student Finance and Welfare

    As a student parent, you may be entitled to apply for additional funding to help towards certain costs.  To ensure you apply for all the relevant funding contact Student Finance and Welfare.

    In addition to the above our Money Doctor clinics can help with budgeting advice. You can book a Money Doctors appointment by calling (0116) 257 7595 or by emailing

    Student Finance England - Dependant's Grants

    Student Finance England offer a number of grants for students who have children and adults who are financially dependent on them. 

    • Childcare Grant (external link) - available to full time students who have at least one dependent child under 15 at the beginning of the academic year who is in registered or approved childcare.
    • Parent's Learning Allowance (external link) - available to full time students with dependent children, which can help with extra costs associated with being a parent.
    • Adult Dependants' Grant (external link) - available to full time students with a partner or other adult who depends you financially.
  3. Support and guidance

    The Student Gateway

    The Student Gateway, based in Gateway House, is a welcoming integrated reception for all non-academic enquiries.  A number of services are available in the Student Gateway for advice on student finance, wellbeing, disability and much more. For more information about each of the services please visit the Student Gateway webpages.

    Personal tutors

    DMU provides all of its undergraduate students with a personal tutor who can be contacted regarding any general academic matter or personal concerns relating to such matters as adjustment to life at DMU.  If you aren't sure who your Personal Tutor is, please speak to your Faculty Student Advice Centre.

    Seek support and advice from your tutors as early as possible. At times, your studies do need to take precedence. Working at regular times also means that you can give your employer as much notice as possible during periods where you might need more time. Often a certain kind of confident assertiveness is required; being assertive is a useful and possibly vital actively which can be learned and practiced.