Anonymous disclosure form

If you are in need of urgent assistance or feel at risk of harm, please contact 999 now.

If you wish to formally report an issue to DMU, call 0116 2577642.

This form will allow the university to receive information anonymously regarding incidents of hate, harassment or sexual misconduct experienced by DMU students.
We understand that not everyone will want to formally report their experiences, which is why this form has been developed. The university will not be able to investigate any disclosures received via this form; however, sharing what has happened helps us monitor the prevalence of these issues and helps us to remove barriers to reporting. Your response can help us make effective use of resources and ensure our training programmes and initiatives are targeted to the appropriate areas.

For further information, please refer to the options below:

  • No Space For Hate: Support and signposting if you have experienced an issue linked to hate or harassment
  • The Mandala Project: Support and advice If you have experienced sexual violence or harassment, domestic abuse or so called ‘honour’ abuse
  • DMU Security: Report incidents formally to our security team or get tips on safety

Please note that this form is limited to DMU students. DMU staff should refer to the guidance in the Dignity at Work policy and grievance procedure. DMU employees and their families may also access free and confidential counselling support and advice on a range of lifestyle challenges via the PAM Wellbeing service who are contactable on 08081 968 186.

Submit an anonymous disclosure


  • Part One
    This part of the form will give us some basic information about the event being disclosed.
  • I am disclosing on behalf of:
  • I am:
  • What is the main reason for you choosing to disclose anonymously?
  • Do you believe the behaviour you suffered or witnessed was based on prejudice or hostility because of one of the following protected, or perceived protected characteristics?
  • Part Two
    This part of the form will tell us about the type of behaviour that took place. Please read the following descriptions below and select the option that best matches the incident you are disclosing.
  • Social media: Inappropriate use of social media which breaches DMU Policy.
  • Discrimination: Being treated unfairly or less favourably by university staff or other students because you have or are perceived to have a protected characteristic.
  • Microaggressions: A subtle verbal or nonverbal insult directed at a person with a protected characteristic. This includes both intentional and non-intentional instances.
  • Property: Damage to home/accommodation and/or other personal property (personal belongings such as bags, university materials -notebooks, laptop and kitchenware if in shared accommodation).
  • Hate speech: Hate related comments including the display or circulation of discriminatory literature or posters on campus.
  • Bullying: Offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour that undermines humiliates or injures.
  • Physical assault: The use of physical force, threatened or actual, against another person, or against a group of people, which results in injury or physical or psychological harm.
  • Threatening behaviour: Includes physical actions short of actual contact/injury (e.g., moving closer aggressively), general spoken or written threats to a person or property in person or online.
  • Racial discrimination: Being treated unfairly or less favourably by university staff or other students because of your race or your perceived race.
  • Racial harassment: Including but not limited to face-to-face or via phone or electronic means such as unwanted calls, messages or other communications which have the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment, based on race or perceived racial characteristics.
  • Racial violence
  • Sexual Harassment: Any kind of unwanted sexual act or activity not involving physical contact which happens without consent. This could include sexual jokes, unwanted explicit communications or requests face to face or online which breach the DMU Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  • Sexual violence: Any kind of unwanted sexual act or activity that involves touch, including intercourse which happens without consent. Examples might include unwanted sexual acts such as grinding, groping or touching (over or under clothing) which breach the DMU Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  • Other harassment: Including but not limited to face-to-face or via phone or electronic means such as unwanted calls, messages or other communications which have the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
  • Stalking: Unwanted behaviour such as repeatedly following, watching, waiting for or contacting another person physically or online which breaches the DMU Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  • Domestic violence (including so-called "honour abuse"): Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members. The abuse can be emotional, coercive, financial, physical, psychological or sexual.
  • Victimisation: Victimisation occurs where someone is placed at disadvantage after making an allegation of discrimination or harassment, or supporting someone who has made or intends to make a formal report.
  • Part Three
    This part of the form will give us more detail about the event being disclosed.
  • If you were the victim, have you sought support?
  • If you were a witness, have you sought support?
  • Where did the incident take place?
  • The perpetrator was:
  • If known, are they:
  • If not known to you, but you are able to identify them, are they: