Preparing for study

On this page you will find:


For students joining us in autumn 2024, your teaching timetable will be released on MyDMU in the second half of September, shortly before the start of teaching from Monday 30 September. 

Explore our campus

To help find your way around camps, you can take a look at our handy campus map and accessibility map showing all of the DMU buildings including the Campus Centre, halls of residence and car parks.

Discover DMU with our virtual tour of campus!

Studying at DMU

Most of you joining us in this academic year will learn in a focused ‘block’ teaching format, where you study one subject/module at a time instead of several at once.

This short video will explain everything you need to know about block teaching.

Lectures and seminars explained

Lectures: These are delivered by an academic and held in lecture theatres, classrooms, and sometimes online. In these sessions you will find out the main themes of your subject. 

Seminars and workshops: These are smaller interactive sessions also led by an academic. They are an opportunity for you to debate and discuss your learning with your course-mates. 

You will be assigned a personal tutor who will be your point of contact and available for 1-1 appointments throughout your time at DMU.

DMU library and IT

DMU Library has a range of resources, spaces and support to make you the best student you can be. You’ll find books and other material in our libraries and online; spaces to study in and support to develop your academic skills.  

DMU uses IT systems and software you will have to get familiar with: this guide will help you get started. 

Disability support

If you are a student with a disability, DMU has a variety of services to support you.

The Your DMU Welcome site has videos and key information.

How to access DMU Replay/recordings

DMU Replay allows lecturers to record presentations, allowing content to be replayed at your leisure. DMU Replay is available through your Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) known as LearningZone. You will receive your log in for this once you have finished registration.

You can view a full tutorial of how to use DMU Replay through the Library.

Workspaces at DMU

There are some great study spaces across the DMU campus. Take a look at some of the options including the Kimberlin Library with individual and group spaces, and the Campus Centre, home to De Montfort Students Union (DSU). 

Student support

We’re dedicated to creating an environment that focuses on students' health and wellbeing to help them to live a healthy, happy and productive life. 

Our dedicated student support team are on hand to help deal with any issues you may have before or during your studies

If you have not disclosed a disability or mental health condition to the university, you can do so by completing this form or by emailing and arranging a student support meeting.


Tennessee Renvoize

"DMU was really supportive from the start though and made the adjustments I needed to perform my best."

Find out more

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a government support package and covers a wide range of conditions. This support could include:

  • Specialist equipment, such as a computer or ergonomic chairs
  • Non-medical helpers, autism and mental health mentors, specialist study skills tutors
  • Travel costs specifically related to your condition

You could be eligible to apply if you have a:

  • Long-term health condition including Crohn's, sickle cell and multiple sclerosis
  • Mental health condition such as OCD, anxiety or depression
  • Specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia
  • Neurodivergent conditions including autism  

You can find out more by contacting or

Information Technology and Media Services (ITMS)

Our helpful and friendly ITMS Service Desk provides IT support to staff and students 24 hours a day whether you’re on or off campus.

For quick responses to many IT-related issues, you can use the ITMS chatbot on our website or from the MyDMU app. This helpful virtual assistant responds to common queries and can pass you on to a human agent at peak times if you need further help.

The self-service portal, myITSupport, can be used to log calls or faults and track their progress. You can also email the team or give them a call on +44 (0)116 250 6050.

Using technology confidently is an important part of your education at DMU. The Student IT Handbook is our guide to the information technology and online learning resources we can offer and how we can support you during your time here. 

Placements and work experience

Our award-winning Careers Team offers students and graduates an exceptional programme of career support and industry experience that delivers outstanding results.  

From working at Leicester City Football Club to working with major brands in Vietnam, or developing your Enterprise skills in Los Angeles, the Careers Team offers students exciting career opportunities in every year of your degree.

You’ll have access to: 

  • Guaranteed work experience opportunities
  • Flexible and personalised career support tailored to their needs, including placement years which count towards their degree
  • Unlimited access to digital tools including LinkedIn Learning courses, practice interviews, self-assessments, and instant personalised CV feedback through the Careers Team Skills Hub.
  • Lifelong careers support after graduation

Student Charter

The Student Charter details the university’s goals and aspirations, expectations of all DMU staff and students and our commitment to respecting each other and the community.  

All DMU students are treated as independent and mature individuals who are expected to act responsibly and appropriately, following the student code of conduct at all times.