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A statement from the Interim Vice-Chancellor on the further relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions in Leicester

A statement from the Interim Vice-Chancellor on the further relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions in Leicester
A statement from the Interim Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andy Collop about the relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions in Leicester.
31 July 2020

Celebrate National Graduates Day 2020

Celebrate National Graduates Day 2020
On Thursday 30 July, Universities UK will launch National Graduates Day, a focused day of digital activity to bring graduates of UK universities together in celebration. Here's how you can get involved.
29 July 2020

Together we will get through this

Together we will get through this
Leicester City MPs, Jonathan Ashworth, Liz Kendall and Claudia Webbe unite during the Leicester lockdown 2020 in a positive message to the city at this difficult time.
27 July 2020

The Module Level Feedback survey opens on Monday 27 July

The Module Level Feedback survey opens on Monday 27 July
The MLF survey is simple to fill in and will only take a few minutes. You'll have the opportunity to tell us about a module's best aspects, what can be improved or what should be changed.
24 July 2020

Complete the Graduate Outcomes survey

Complete the Graduate Outcomes survey
The Graduate Outcomes survey is the biggest UK annual social survey for recent graduates. Along with all other graduates across the country, you will be contacted 15 months after you leave DMU.
24 July 2020

Send a video message of congratulations to the Class of 2020

Send a video message of congratulations to the Class of 2020
We're putting together a congratulatory video for our Class of 2020 from their closest family and friends, to wish them congratulations and well done for completing their degree in such a difficult year. Find out how to send us your message.
24 July 2020
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