Facilities and equipment

DMU has an extensive range of facilities that are available to businesses. Here you'll find details of specialist equipment and laboratories - if you'd like to find out more, email us at businessservices@dmu.ac.uk


The Microscopy Suite is home to a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with an Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy system. The SEM is a Carl Zeiss EVO LS 15, equipped with a Peltier stage (allowing fully hydrated ‘wet’ samples to be analysed) and a STEM detector.

The EDX system is an Oxford Instruments X-max 80mm2 detector equipped with Aztec feature, allowing large area mapping and Gunshot Residue (GSR) samples to be analysed. The facility supports research and teaching in Health and Life Sciences and provides a service to other faculties within De Montfort University and to the commercial sector.

Our technical staff have many years’ experience of SEM, along with a history of delivering a high standard of analytical service, ranging from pharmaceutical to forensic analysis.

If you would like to discuss how electron microscopy could support your study, research or business please contact us on stephen.kelly@dmu.ac.uk

Information for Industry

We provide access and expertise to imaging and analysis instrumentation, supporting a diverse range of activities including:

  • materials properties analysis
  • analysis of defects and / or failure(s) in components
  • evaluation of a product's quality / consistency (quality control)
  • bio-imaging

DMU can offer a full analytical service in addition to electron microscopy