Scholarships and bursaries

Details of the scholarships and bursaries offered to our students can be found below. Contact details for the teams who look after each scholarship can be found under each heading.

Academic scholarships

If you have any questions about the scholarships below, please contact a member of the Student Funding team on (0116) 257 7766/7309 or by email


If you have any questions about the scholarships and busaries below, please contact a member of the Transitions Team (within Student Finance and Welfare) on 0116 257 7872/0116 366 4456 or email

  1. The Unite Foundation Scholarship is closed for 2024/25.

    The Unite Foundation Scholarship is jointly offered by De Montfort University and the Unite Foundation. The scholarship offers care leaver and estranged students a free student bedroom in Newarke Point for a maximum of three years of eligible study.

    The Unite Foundation Scholarship webpage contains more information and eligibility criteria.

  2. Applications for 2024 are now closed.

    The Stoneygate Trust Scholarship is dedicated to providing DMU students from a low income or disadvantaged background with monetary awards that will assist them in obtaining at least a grade of 2:1 in their degree programme.

    Stoneygate Trust funding will help 3 students from disadvantaged backgrounds per year for the next 3 intakes of students. The scholarship will provide £3,000 per academic year from the trust, with an additional £1,000 per academic year drawn from existing DMU funds.

    View more information
  3. The Stephen Lawrence Professional Scholarship aims to support aspiring, talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds providing a tuition fee reduction and an annual cash bursary. The scholarship was established in 2016 in honour of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence. You can find out more about Stephen Lawrence and his legacy by visiting DMU’s Stephen Lawrence Research Centre.

    The Stephen Lawrence Professional Scholarship is specifically offered to students in year 1 (Level 4) studying one of the following courses:

    • Architecture BA (Hons)
    • Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)
    • Criminology BA (Hons)
    • Health and Wellbeing in Society BA (Hons)
    • Journalism BA (Hons)
    • Law LLB (Hons)

    There are three scholarships available. Each scholarship provides:

    • 50% off the cost of tuition fees, and
    • £3,500 cash bursary each academic year

Personal circumstances bursaries

If you have any questions about the scholarships and busaries below, please contact a member of the Transitions Team (within Student Finance and Welfare) on 0116 257 7872/0116 366 4456 or email

Find out more about the Transitions Team

  1. We are offering £1,000 cash per year to home students studying full time and paying a tuition fee of £9,000 or £9,250. The Care Leavers' Bursary is available to eligible students who come to the University directly from care.

    Bursary and scholarship terms and conditions apply.

  2. We are offering £1,000 cash per year to home students studying full time and paying a tuition fee of £9,000 or £9,250. The Estranged Students' Bursary is available to eligible students who are estranged from their family and have no other source of income.

    Bursary and scholarship terms and conditions apply.

Course-specific scholarships

If you have any questions about the scholarships or bursaries below, please contact a member of the team by email at

  1. The Business and Law Scholarship was created to support aspiring students from low income backgrounds into studying on undergraduate courses within the Business and Law Faculty. The scholarship is £3,000 per year of study.

    Learn more about the Business and Law Scholarship.

  2. The Creative Vision Scholarship: Supporting Excellence in Performing, Fine, and Visual Arts was created to support students studying Drama and Theatre Arts BA (Hons), Fine Art BA (Hons), Photography and Video BA (Hons), and Film Studies BA (Hons). The scholarship is £3,000 per year.

    Learn more about the Creative Vision Scholarship.

  3. Two undergraduate (Contour Fashion BA (Hons)) and two post graduate (MSc/MA Contour Fashion Innovation or MSc Sustainable Textile Technologies) have been funded by the Clothworkers’ Company. Undergraduate scholars will receive £5,000 per year of study and Postgraduate scholars will received £5,000 for a one year course.

    Learn more about the Clothworkers’ Company Scholarship.

  4. The David Tupman Women in Technology Scholarship has kindly been funded by alumnus David Tupman. The scholarship is intended to encourage and support ambitious young women to undertake a degree in Engineering. The scholarship is £3,000 per year of study.

    Learn more about the David Tupman Scholarship.

  5. The Mattioli Woods Scholarship has been provided by local wealth management company, Mattioli Woods, to support students in their second and third year of finance based courses (Finance and Investments, Economics, and Accounting and Finance). Funds of £3,000 are awarded each year, for the second and third year of study.

    Learn more about the Mattioli Woods Scholarship.

  6. National law firm Freeths has established a scholarship programme for law students in memory of Mukesh Patel, former Managing Partner of Freeths’ Leicester Office.

    Learn more about the Mukesh Patel Scholarship.

  7. Launching her scholarship in 2024, Sophia said "It’s crucial that we nurture and support the next generation of designers and today, I am thrilled to announce the creation of the Sophia Webster Scholarship for footwear design at De Montfort University."

    Learn more about the Sophia Webster Scholarship.

  8. The Waymade Scholarship is generously funded by the Shanta Foundation and supports five BSc undergraduate Nursing or Midwifery students each year. Funds of £3000 are available each year for the full 3 years of study.

    Learn more about the Waymade Scholarship.

  9. The Welford Investments Scholarship is generously funded by Petar and Patricia Cvetkovic and will support and undergraduate student studying either a Business or Psychology course. Funds of £3,000 are awarded each year, for the second and third year of study.

    Learn more about the Welford Investments Scholarship.

  10. The continuing support of The Worshipful Company of Cordwainers for the Footwear Design Programme at De Montfort University is central to its success in preparing students for their future roles in industry. The scholarship is for £3,000 per year of study.

    Learn more about The Worshipful Company of Cordwainers Scholarship.

  11. The Dyers Company has encouraged and supported the Craft of dyeing since the 12th century. The scholarship looks to support students from low-income backgrounds to complete an undergraduate degree that includes a focus on dye and colouration techniques - Textile Design BA (Hons), Fashion Textile Design BA (Hons), Fashion Design BA (Hons). The scholarship is for £5,000 per year of study.

    Learn more about The Worshipful Company of Dyers Scholarship.