English Language Teaching MA modules

Core Modules:

Teaching of Receptive and Productive Skills

This module is designed to consolidate and further develop students’ understanding of the theory and practice of the teaching, learning and assessment of the four English language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, together with associated sub-skills.

In this module, students will also analyse existing learning resources and activities and consequently acquire skills to develop and critically evaluate their own authentic learning materials and lesson plans. This will enable the students to engage with either further post-graduate research and/or a rewarding career in teaching international learners at all levels in primary schools, secondary schools, universities and English Language schools both in the UK and overseas.

Trends and Issues in the Communicative Classroom

In this module, students will be introduced to the major trends and issues in the communicative ELT classroom today. They will consider a variety of learner styles and teacher roles, as well as approaches to communicative language teaching concentrating on the classroom skills needed to deliver successful lessons. In addition, students will look at lesson planning, classroom management, instructions and error correction, together with the use of equipment and realia as means to enhance the learning environment in the ELT classroom. They will also be expected to assess and put into practice the most appropriate management techniques for students, and demonstrate this in their own teaching practice session.

Research Methods

This module is designed to introduce students to the skills required and methodologies used for post-graduate level study. The aim is to slowly build up students’ research knowledge and skills. For example, we start by introducing the skills needed to write a literature review, in particular, guiding students to engage in critical evaluation in their reading, to judge and debate issues, and to reach their own conclusions. This is crucial for students to apply such knowledge to other areas in English language teaching/learning or English Language. Furthermore, the research methods session will enable students to understand the pros and cons of different research methods, and how they can be used to help answer research questions in the context of ELT or English Language. In addition, students will do small research projects with fellow students in class, helping them understand the necessary steps of doing research. At the end of this module, students will produce a research proposal, leading them to embarking on the dissertation.

Dissertation or Work-based Project

The 15,000-word dissertation or work-based project is guided by one-to-one tutorial contact, placing emphasis on independent study with the tutor monitoring your progress.

Optional Modules:


In this module students will develop a systematic understanding of the main areas of Psycholinguistics, and they will be able to assess their usefulness in English Language teaching. Specifically, this module will focus on the relationship between language and the brain, and the process of how language is produced and processed by the brain. Such theoretical basis will help students understand more about the process that students go through when they are learning a second language, and it will provide various strategies to support language learners’ learning process.

Assessing English Language: Context and Construct

This module aims to equip students with the skills of effectively assessing English language learners across the spectrum of language skills. Students will learn the sociocultural factors which influence assessment, from the perspectives of the student, teacher and institution. They will then learn the principles of assessment, in particular, test reliability and validity; and how to apply the theoretical knowledge to actual test design. At the end of the module, the students will gain some in-depth knowledge of how to design an assessment for a particular group of English learners.

English for Specific Purposes Syllabus and Course Design

This module is designed to place English Language Teaching in the broader context of education and to provide an in-depth discussion of the concepts of syllabus and curriculum. Students will develop the ability to plan short and longer courses, taking into account the particular learning and teaching situation for a specific group of learners. In addition, students will consider how to put into operation a negotiated syllabus and the consequences of doing this. Alongside these considerations, this module will also look at the specific needs of certain groups of learners: Business people, university students, or pilots, for example. At the end of this module, students will be able to produce their own materials by adapting existing ones or devising new ones, thus diminishing their reliance on published course books and learning materials.