Build you own business

4 December 2024

Build you own business

This session will enable students to build their own business focussing on product development, competitive promotions and pricing and understanding and meeting the needs of customers. The course will be a practical day of activities and games that will help students understand some theory and allow them to develop their own personal and business skills.


Roger Saunders is an Associate Professor in Advertising & Marketing with 28 years teaching experience prior to which he was a sales and marketing consultant working with organisations such as Procter & Gamble in developing consumer products.

  • Name
  • Address
  1. Terms and conditions

    Expected Behaviour

    Participating in the DMU Inspire experience will be very different from your experiences at school. The DMU Inspire experience aims for all students to benefit from the course and to enjoy this new experience. In order for this to happen, you will be expected to show responsible behaviour while attending the DMU Inspire experience as well as respect for the rights of other students and DMU Inspire experience staff.

    Rules and Regulations

    For health and safety reasons, and for the benefit of all DMU Inspire experience participants, the following rules and regulations will be in operation. Alcohol must not be brought onto the university campus or consumed during the DMU Inspire experience.

    • The purchase or use of any illegal substances is strictly forbidden.
    • Smoking is not permitted.
    • Students are expected to attend all timetabled activities (unless there is a valid reason for absence, such as illness).
    • Students are not allowed to leave the Physical Theatre School site without permission from appropriate university staff.
    • Students are expected to follow any emergency procedure, such as a fire drill, as directed by university staff.

    Student Declaration

    I have read the information presented in this Code of Behaviour included with the application form and agree to adhere to the rules and regulations listed.

    I also agree to adhere to any additional rules and regulations explained to me on the first day of the DMU Inspire experience.

    I understand that I will not be allowed to continue on the DMU Inspire experience in the event of serious misbehaviour on my part.

    Parent/Carer Declaration

    I agree to my child taking part in the DMU Inspire experience and any related activities.

    I confirm I have read the contents of the application form and that the information given is correct.

    I have read the information presented in the Code of Behaviour included with the application form and agree to my child being bound by them.

    I understand that De Montfort University reserves the right to withdraw from the DMU Inspire experience any student who does not comply with these regulations and that in such cases we will assist the University in making arrangements to take our child home.

    I understand that DMU is collecting personal data about my child to take part in this activity and that this will be stored securely at the university for the duration of the academic year.

    Image Consent Declaration

    De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) sometimes uses images, names and/or audio interview material for publicity purposes. We would like your permission to photograph/video and/or interview you or your child/dependent for possible use in our publications, website, social media platforms and other publicity material. They may also be used by our partner organisations with our permission. These images, names and/or audio interview material will remain the property of the De Montfort University Leicester and will be used for the sole purpose of promoting similar activities.