How to become a paramedic

De Montfort University, in partnership with East Midlands Ambulance Service, are working together to help your students achieve their goal by hosting an information and personal development day on becoming a paramedic.

Join us on Wednesday 16 October 2024, on the DMU campus for a day of workshops, for you and your students.

The day is aimed at anyone giving advice to students about becoming a paramedic, and to students from year 12 and 13/first and second year of college.

The schedule includes;

  • Specific workshop for school / college career advisors to understand what Universities and Employers are looking for in a candidate
  • How to write an impactful personal statement
  • How to prepare for interview – tips and guidance specific to Paramedic interviews and requirements
  • Alternative pathways to become a Paramedic and how to access these
  • Support in the application process with UCAS or an employer
  • How to apply for funding and what is involved.

Here at DMU we know education has the power to transform lives and that’s why we’re committed to helping develop and support raising aspirations and attainment – to ensure all learners have the opportunity to go on to higher education, whatever their background. For all of our events, including this one, we would like to ensure students from the below characteristics are given the opportunity to experience what university can offer them. Please do share this invite with your Pupil Premium and WP leads too.

  • Pupil Premium students, students in receipt of free school meals (FSM)
  • Some ethnic sub-groups, including young people from Black and Asian communities, and White males from economically disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Young people in local authority care (LAC) or care experienced students
  • students who live within the 40% most deprived wards based on IMD postcode data
  • Those from Young Participation Rate quintile 1 and 2 based on POLAR4 postcode data

If you have a questions about the event, or would like to book multiple places, please contact

To book your place as an advisor (for continuous professional development), or as a students, please complete this form: 

  • Name
  • Are you a student or Adviser/teacher
  • Address
  • Emergency contact and medical information
  • Name of emergency contact
  • De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) sometimes uses images, names and/or audio interview material for publicity purposes. We would like your permission to photograph/video and/or interview you for possible use in our publications, website, social media platforms and other publicity material. These images, names and/or audio interview material will remain the property of the De Montfort University Leicester and will be used for the sole purpose of promoting similar activities.