Research Students
Doctor of Philosophy
andersonS 80x |
Sol Anderson
The Act of Listening, Objects and Noise W:
catena 80x |
Stefano Catena [M4C DTP with U. Birmingham]
The Language of Music in Space: A Study of Listeners' Perception to Develop a New Vocabulary of Sound Movement W:
chafer-80x100 |
Robert Chafer [M4C DTP]
Creative Frameworks for Future Practice: Cross-Synthesis of Mixed-Reality and Audiovisual Composition
Clijsen-80x |
Eddie Clijsen [M4C DTP]
Practical Explorations of Formalised Approaches to Microtonal Composition
davidsonR 80x |
Ross Davidson [M4C DTP]
Applying an Electroacoustic Approach to the Soundtrack of Narrative Film W:
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Katie-Jane Howard
Audience Perception of Digital Music Instruments in Live Musical Performance
kara-80x |
Eva Kára
Writing the Political: Electroacoustic Music Composition as Ideology
MatthewLondon 80x |
Matt London [M4C DTP]
The Integrated Soundtrack: An Analytical Exploration of the Auditory Elements of Music, Sound Design and Dialogue within Horror Cinema
Palandri_80x |
Christina Palandri [M4C DTP]
Materialising sound-based composition: exploring multi sensory perception and audience engagement between tactile and sonic spheres
Masters by Research (MA or MSc)
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Joe Hitchen
Parker 80x |
Kris Parker
Exploring the Potential and Means for Making Original Electronic Music to Enrich our Experience of Historical Silent Film
rogerson-80x |
Matt Rogerson
Sensory Overload: Noise, Mind, Emotion
Snape-80x |
Connor Snape
Fundamentals of Adaptive Audio Design in an IDM Context for Video Games
JoeStillwell 80x |
Joe Stillwell
Interdisciplinary Improvisation