Partner Institutions

Central Conservatory Beijing Logo PartnersSpacer

Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing
Chinese Electronic Music Centre  

Artistic and research and exchange; joint degree
programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)

ChinaConservatoryOfMusicLogo PartnersSpacer

China Conservatory of Music

Educational, research and cultural exchange 


Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras

Staff and student exchange; joint degree
programmes (MA, Phd); artistic and research
exchange; post-doctorate opportunities.



Conservatorio Di Musica
'Giovan Battista Martini' Bologna, Italy 

Erasmus exchange; artistic and research exchange; 
joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)

Frosinone Logo  

Conservatorio di Musica 'Licinio Refice' di Frosinone, Italy

Postgraduate and staff exchange

ina/grm logo PartnersSpacer

Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM), Paris

Artistic and research exchange, staff and postgraduate


Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy
of Performing Arts in Prague

Artistic and research exchange

ionian university logo PartnersSpacer

Ionian University, Greece
Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications

Erasmus exchange; research exchange; joint summer
academy; joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)

notam logo PartnersSpacer

Norsk Senter for Teknologi i Musikk og Kunst (NOTAM),
Oslo, Norway

Artistic and research exchange

Logo of University of Cape Town  

South African College of Music / University of Cape Town / Plaatjies Institute for African Musics and Technology

Research exchange; staff and student exchange; joint exhibitions, projects and meetings; cooperation of courses and curriculum development

untref logo  

Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 
Caseros, Argentina

Exchange of staff and students; joint degree
programmes (e.g., MA, PhD); joint research activities

kmhLogo PartnersSpacer

Royal College of Music, Stockholm

Erasmus exchange; artistic and research exchange; 
joint degree programmes (e.g., MA, PhD)

sibelius academy logo PartnersSpacer

Sibelius Academy of Finland  

Erasmus exchange: undergraduate, postgraduate
and staff

temporeale_100x80 PartnersSpacer

Tempo Reale, Florence

Artistic and research exchange, staff and postgraduate


Tokyo University of the Arts ('Geidai')
Department of Musical Creativity and the Environment

Exchange of staff and students; joint degree programmes
(e.g., MA, PhD); joint research activities

udk logo PartnersSpacer

University of the Arts, Berlin
Studio für Klangkunst und Klangforschung

Postgraduate and staff

University of Montreal Logo PartnersSpacer

University of Montreal Faculty of Music

Undergraduate, postgraduate and staff exchange

Sorbonne Logo PartnersSpacer

Université de Paris IV — Sorbonne

Erasmus exchange: postgraduate and staff;
research exchange; joint degree programmes
(e.g., MA, PhD)

zkm logo PartnersSpacer

Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM),
Karlsruhe, Germany
Institute für Musik and Akustik  

Artistic and research exchange


Alex Rights, University of Montreal exchange student, performing on the PACE diffusion controller.