
What is Digital Criminology? Exploiting technology to enhance rehabilitation

Monday 5th March 2018


Vijay Patel 2.02, De Montfort University 

This session will offer three insights into the ways in which technology can facilitate rehabilitation and help boost recovery and desistance for offenders of crime. There is a small yet growing raft of research which has focused on this area within criminology. Much focus has been on how technology is facilitating criminal activity. This session, deviates from this growing trend in criminology and reports in detail how digitization is currently been employed and how rehabilitative agendas can be assisted by technology.

Our speakers include:

Dr Victoria Knight- De Montfort University UK

Jason Morris- Interventions Team- HMPPS UK

Dr James Tangen – De Montfort University UK

Steven Van De Steene- Smart Corrections Belgium

Free event: Book here 

The Second Annual Emotion and Criminal Justice Conference 2018

2nd Annual Emotion and Criminal Justice Conference 2018


Call for abstracts closes 28th February 2018


Tuesday 15 May 2018, 9.15am - 4.45pm

Location: Devonshire Place, London Road, Leicester

Keynote Speakers:  Professor Robert Canton, De Montfort University and Jason Warr, De Montfort University

Registration information: Cost £65 for the full conference including refreshments and a buffet lunch.  20 discounted places reserved for full time students.

Key contact details: Helen Douds (0116 257 7891)/Danielle Beavon (0116 257 7538) (

This conference aims to once again bring together a range of scholars and practitioners with a passion for debate and interest in the developing field of emotion and criminal justice. Our exciting schedule draws upon national and international research and offers important additions to the debates about emotions in this sector.

Cost £65 for the full conference including refreshments and a buffet lunch.  We have reserved 20 discounted places for full time students. Registration closes on Friday, 20th April 2018.

We will also provide a number of opportunities for postgraduate students to present their work.

If you are currently a postgraduate and interested in submitting an abstract for consideration please send your title and a 250 abstract to, and by 28th February 2018.

Accepted abstracts will be confirmed by end of March 2018.