The Exchange resources

Education in the Time of Corona 

Below are links to resources discussed during The Exchange: Episode 2, Education in the Time of Corona. The resource list is free to download, print and share. Please be mindful that some of the information discussed may be sensitive.


Guidance - education

De Montfort University (DMU), ‘Information for Students’, DMU, 2020

Education and childcare during coronavirus, Department of Education, 2020

Guidance for providers about quality and standards during coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Office for Students, April 2020

Guidance for Schools, Department of Education, March 2020

Guidance for Schools, Department of Education, June 2020

Resources directly referenced or in relation to topics discussed

Macpherson Report, London: Home Office, 1999

The Cost of Learning in Lockdown, London: Child Poverty Action Group, 2020

‘The Underachievement of ‘Black Caribbean’ and ‘White British Working-Class’ pupils of secondary school age in Leicester’, Leicester: Leicester City Council, 2019

Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS), ‘Predicted grades – what you need to know’, UCAS, 2020

Adegoke, Y, and Uviebinené, E., Slay in Your Lane: The Black Girl Bible, London, United Kingdom: Fourth Estate, 2019

Coard, B., How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Subnormal in the British School System, London, United Kingdom: New Beacon Books, 1971

Eggleston, J., Education for Some: The Educational and Vocational Experiences of 15-18 Year-old Members of Minority Ethnic Groups, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom: Institute of Education Press, 1986

Anon, ‘Five charts that tell the story of diversity in UK universities’, BBC News, 24 May 2018

Coughlan, S., ‘Uni admissions could scrap use of predicted grades’, BBC News, 27 February 2020

Cullinane, C. and Montacute, R., ‘COVID-19 and Social Mobility Impact Brief #1: School Shutdown’, Sutton Trust, April 2020

Hazel, W., ‘GCSEs: Predicted grades could be affected by ‘unreliable’ assessment in ‘weak’ schools, says ex-Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw’, iNews, 10 June 2020

Hazel, W., ‘GCSE and A-level exams 2020: Millions of proposed grades set to be cut down after ‘generous’ predictions by teachers’, iNews, 18 June 2020

Hussain, Q., ‘As a GCSE student, I’m worried cancelling exams leaves the field wide open to discriminate’, iNews, 16 June 2020

Lightfoot, L., ‘New UK teachers’ union chief: ‘Institutional racism in schools has to be addressed’, The Guardian, 9 June 2020

Runnymede, ‘Follow-up letter: Predicted grades & BME students’, Runnymede, 29 April 2020

Turner, C., ‘Number of black students at Cambridge University rises by 50 per cent as ‘Stormzy effect’ is cited’, The Telegraph, 11 October 2019

Relevant resources collated by the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre

Equality issues during Covid-19, England: University and College Union, 2020

Schools and COVID-19: guidance for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) staff and their employers in school settings, England: BameEd, 2020

Anon, ‘Should I return to work at school?’, New Statesman, 17 May 2020

Apkan, P., ‘Black students will suffer most from A-Level cancellations – they routinely outperform their predicted grades’, The Independent, 23 March 2020

Atrey, S., ‘Universities beware: shifting classes online so quickly is a double-edged sword’, The Guardian, 20 May 2020

Batty, D., ‘Plans to reopen English schools ‘fails to address risk to BAME staff’’, The Guardian, 26 May 2020

Campion, K., ‘Universities must not forget about BAME students during this crisis’, Wonkhe, 14 May 2020

Dickens, J., ‘DfE chief scientific adviser admits he hasn’t assessed school reopening guidance’, Schools Week, 13 May 2020

Hall, R. and Batty, D., ‘’I can’t get motivated’: the students struggling with online learning’, The Guardian, 4 May 2020

Johnson, B., ‘Bias concern for BAME students as exams cancelled’, Sky News, 27 April 2020Khan, O., ‘Covid-19 must not derail efforts to eliminate equality gaps’, Wonkhe, 22 June 2020

Lough, C., ‘Relax GCSE grade boundaries this year, says teachers’, Tes, 10 June 2020

Morgan, W., ‘BAME academics are already under-represented. The response to Covid-19 could reduce our numbers further’, Wonkhe, 6 May 2020

Ray, J., ‘Predicted grades could unfairly ‘predict futures’ of students, report warns’, ITV News, 17 June 2020

Singh, G., ‘Covid-19 does discriminate – so we should tackle its impact on BAME students’, Wonkhe, 3 May 2020

Weale, S., ‘Students ‘should get a year’s refund due to Covid-19 crisis’’, The Guardian, 24 April 2020

White, N., ‘Black and Minority students could lose out if grades are based on predicted results’, Huffington Post, 24 March 2020

Please note that these are a selection of resources relevant to Episode 2 of The Exchange.
For more information, including a recording of the event, please go to:

COVID-19 and Racial Inequality in the UK

Below is a list of resources discussed during the inaugural episode of The Exchange, COVID-19 and Racial Inequality in the UK. The resource list is free to download, print and share. Please be mindful that sensitive topics are discussed.

Resources directly referenced or in relation to topics discussed: 

The Marmot Review, London: The UCL Institute of Health Equity, 2010

Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19, London: Public Health England, 2020

Please note is has become apparent that there is a second report as yet unreleased by Public Health England which allegedly has recommendations originally omitted from the first report. It is unclear when this is due to be released, if released at all.

Race Disparity Audit, London: Cabinet Office, 2017

Arday, J. and Mirza, H. S. (Ed.), Dismantling Race in Higher Education: Racism, Whiteness and Decolonizing the Academy, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

Benjamin, R., Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, Cambridge, United Kingdom: 2019

Bryan, B., Dadzie, S., and Scafe. S., The Heart of Race: Black Women’s Lives in Britain, London, United Kingdom: Virago, 1985

Gray, M. A., ‘Inequalities in Health. The Black Report: A Summary and Comment’, International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 12 (1982)

Lorde, A., Sister Outsider. Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde, New York, United States of America: Crossing Press, 1984

Mirza, H. S., Young, Female and Black, London, UK: Routledge, 1992

Global Development Institute (GDI), ‘All in this together? How a decade of austerity cleared the way for Covid-19 and deprived areas’, GDI, University of Manchester, 6 May 2020

Hirsch, A., ‘Britain doesn’t care about health inequalities. For minorities, that ignorance is deadly’, The Guardian, 23 April 2020

Khan, O., ‘Coronavirus exposes how riddled Britain is with racial inequality’, The Guardian, 20 April 2020

Marsh, S. and McIntyre, N,, ‘Six in 10 health workers killed by Covid-19 are BAME’, The Guardian, 25 May 2020

Mohdin, A., ‘BAME women make up 55% of UK pregnancy hospitalisations with Covid-19’, The Guardian, 16 May 2020

PA Media, ‘Boy, 13, dies in London after testing positive for coronavirus’, The Guardian, 31 March 2020


Further work by panellists

Professor Heidi Mirza

Professor Ivan Browne

Relevant resources collated by the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre

The Colour of Money. How racial inequalities obstruct a fair and resilient economy, London: The Runnymede Trust, 2020

The Marmot Review: 10 Years On, London: The UCL Institute of Health Equity: 2020

State of the Nation. Ethnicity, Race and Inequality in the UK, Bristol: The Runnymede Trust, 2020

Abbey, N., ‘Black coronavirus deaths have exposed Britain for what it really is’, The Independent, 8 May 2020

Asaria, M., ‘Are there more COVID-19 deaths than expected in BAME communities in England – What does the data say?’, Discover Society, 29 April 2020

Barr, C., Kommenda, N., McIntyre, N. and Voce, A., ‘Ethnic minorities dying of Covid-19 at higher rate, analysis shows’, The Guardian, 22 April 2020

Booth, R., ‘BAME groups hit harder by Covid-19 than white people, UK study suggests’, The Guardian, 7 April 2020

Croxford, R., ‘Coronavirus cases to be tracked by ethnicity’, BBC News, 18 April 2020

Hirsch, A., ‘If coronavirus doesn’t discriminate, how come black people are bearing the brunt?’, The Guardian, 8 April 2020

Morris, N., ‘BAME households have ’10 times less wealth’ that white Brits – and Covid-19 is making it worse’, Metro, 27 April 2020

Patel. A., ‘Serious concerns raised by Leicester academics around high numbers of Covid-19 deaths in ethnic minorities’, Leicestershire Live, 21 April 2020

Roberts, J., ‘High number of BAME coronavirus deaths ‘magnifies UK’s institutional racism’’, Metro, 23 April 2020

Siddique, H., ‘Equality watchdog urged to investigate Covid-19 impact on BAME people’, The Guardian, 10 May 2020