The CRR resource library


Covid-19 and Reproductive Digest

In April 2020, the Centre of Reproduction Research launched the ‘COVID-19 and Reproduction’ digest to capture the impact the Covid-19 outbreak had social and biological reproduction, reproductive choices, health and rights. 

Egg Donation in the UK, Belgium and Spain: an interdisciplinary study (EDNA) (2017 - 2021).

Prof. Nicky Hudson, who led the project, was an invited speaker at the Annual Fertility Conference hosted by the Association of Reproductive & Clinical Scientists, the British Fertility Society and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility, and delivered a talk on the study 'The changing landscape of egg donation in Europe'. 

Freelance journalist Alison Motluck, published a piece in her newsletter, HeyReprotech, about the study 'Vitrification has changed egg donation and some donors are not pleased'.

Prof. Nicky Hudson recorded a Known Donor Resource (Instagram Live) with Erika Tranfield at Pride Angel, a stakeholder organisation involved in the development of the Known Donor Resource. 

Louisa Ghevaert, expert member of the EDNA Stakeholder Advisory Group, published a post on her blog, Louisa Ghevaert Associates, about the study 'Egg Donation Law, Policy and Practice'.

The Study Team hosted the EDNA Study End Of Project Webinar.

Prof. Nicky Hudson published an article in BioNews 'The changing landscape of egg donation in Europe: findings from the UK, Belgium and Spain'.

The Study Team co-produced an online Known Donor Resource with the SEED Trust, Fertility Network UK, Pride Angel and the Donor Conception Network.

The Study Team hosted an online panel event 'The new landscape of egg donation: Egg donors give their views'.

Prof. Nicky Hudson recorded a Podcast on egg donor experiences for the HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) Website.

The Study Team co-produced a series of Egg Donor Films and Infographics with the SEED Trust.

Prof. Nicky Hudson published an atricle in BioNews 'Walking on eggshells? The morally complex practice of egg sharing'.

The Study Team created the EDNA Twitter Account.

The Study Team created the EDNA Project Blog.

A Survey of the Endometriosis Clinical Nurse Specialist Role in British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy Registered Centres (2017). 

Study recommendations were cited in the revised version of the Royal College of Nursing's Endometriosis Clinical Nurse Specialist Skills and Knowledge Framework Document.

The Study Team wrote a blog for Endometriosis UK on endometriosis Clinical Nurse Specialists.

ENDOPART 2: developing a knowledge exchange partnership and improving support in endometriosis (2015 - 2016).

A webpage – featuring a short film was co-produced by the Study Team and Endometriosis UK.

A support group session was developed from the findings from this study. Sessions are being delivered at Endometriosis UK support groups at various locations across the UK to find your group and to enquire about this session. 

Prof Nicky Hudson, who led the project, discussed this study with Emma Barnett on BBC Radio 4 Women's Hour on 7 August 2017 - listen to the show.

An exploratory study of egg freezing for non-medical reasons (2011 – 2016).

‘Egg Freezing, Fertility and Reproductive Choice: Negotiating Responsibility, Hope and Modern Motherhood’, by Dr Kylie Baldwin was published by Emerald Books based on the findings of this study.

The ENDOPART study: Endometriosis: improving the wellbeing of couples (2012-13). 

The ENDOPART Study Project Report detailing the key findings is available.

A video created by the Study Team.

A webpage, co-produced by the Study Team and Endometriosis UK

Study recommendations were cited in the final European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Guideline for the Management of Women with Endometriosis. Access the study team response to the draft guidelines.

The Study was listed as a useful resource in an Endometriosis Factsheet, and a booklet on the Clinical Nurse Specialists in Endometriosis, co-produced by The Royal College of Nursing Women’s Forum, Endometriosis UK and the British Society For Gynaecology Endoscopy.

Study recommendations were cited in the final All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health report ‘Informed Choice? Giving women control of their Healthcare’. Access the Centre’s evidence submission.

Study recommendations were cited in the National institute for Health and Care Excellence’s draft guideline on Endometriosis Diagnosis and Management.

A wellbeing seminar co-hosted by the Study Team and Endometriosis Awareness Week was delivered to De Montfort University for staff and students.

Breast feeding baby ‘on the go’ (2011-2012). 

Watch a video created by the study team

The TRANSREP study: Transnational reproduction: an exploratory study of UK residents who travel abroad for fertility treatment (2009-2011). 

The TRANSREP Study Project Report detailing the key findings.

A podcast providing details of the findings.

The GAMDON study: Public understandings of gamete donation in infertility treatment (2005-2006). 

The GAMDON Study Project Report detailing the key findings.

The ASFERT study: British South Asian communities and infertility services (2002-2004).

The ASFERT Study Project Report detailing the key findings.

The Study Team produced a set of resources about infertility in English language and in four main South Asian languages: Gujarati; Urdu; Punjabi-trying-for-a-baby and Bengali as well as a resource aimed at health care professionals.

Audio versions of these resources are also available to downloaded in Gujarati; Urdu; Punjabi and Bengali Gujarati audio versionUrdu audio versionPunjabi audio version and Bengali audio version.