The CRR research team

  1. Professor Cathy Herbrand, Deputy Centre Director and Professor of Medical and Family Sociology

    T: +44 (0)116 250 6422


    Areas of expertise: reproductive technologies, mitochondrial donation, LGBT kinship, new genetics

  2. Professor Lorraine Culley, Emeritus Professor

    T: +44 (0)116 257 7735


    Areas of expertise: diversity in health care, (in)fertility, reproductive technologies, endometriosis

  3. Abena Addo, Senior Lecturer Midwifery

    T: +44 (0)116 257 7817


    Areas of expertise: midwifery, pregnancy, HIV

  4. Mrs Sharon Anyiam, Lecturer in Health and Wellbeing in Society

    T: N/A;


    Areas of expertise:  Qualitative research, Maternal health and wellbeing of minoritized ethnic groups, Intersectional social (in)justices, Activism and Resistance

  5. Dr Kylie Baldwin, Senior Lecturer

    T: +44 (0)116 257 7735 


    Areas of expertise: (in)fertility, reproductive ageing, social egg freezing

  6. Dr Sara Bamdad, Lecturer in Global Health


    Areas of expertise: assisted reproductive technologies, religion (Islam), mixed-method research

  7. Mrs Grace Dawson, Lecturer in Midwifery

    T: +44 (0)116 366 4732


    Areas of expertise: perinatal care, neonatal screening, inclusive health care

  8. Dr Rowena Doughty, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery

    T: +44 (0)116 207 8757 


    Areas of expertise: midwifery-led care, antenatal care, obesity

  9. Zaheera Essat, Lecturer in Midwifery

    T: +44 (0)116 250 6565


  10. Dr Kriss Fearon, Research Fellow


    Areas of expertise: reproductive decision making, medical egg freezing, intrafamilial donation

  11. Dr Esmee Hanna, Associate Professor/Reader in Health and Wellbeing in Society

    T: 0116 257 7119


    Areas of expertise: male infertility, men’s reproductive experiences, health and gender

  12. Dr Tina Hamilton, Senior Lecturer

    T: +44 (0)116 3664387


    Areas of expertise: mental health, patient and carers experiences of services, qualitative and mixed-methods

  13. Dr Tina Harris, Associate Professor/Senior clinical lead in Midwifery for the national maternity and perinatal audit

    T: +44 (0)116 257 7804 


    Areas of expertise: midwifery practice, practice variation and clinical decision making in clinical caredecision making in clinical care, maternal and perinatal audit ethnicity 

  14. Dr Zara Hooley, Senior Lecturer for CLaSS


    Areas of expertise: same-sex parenting, family sociology, qualitative research

  15. Dr Caroline Law, Research Fellow

    T: +44 (0)116 250 6124


    Areas of expertise: sociology of health, illness and medicine; in/fertility and reproduction; men, men's health, masculinities and reproduction; chronic illness; endometriosis; qualitative methods

  16. Dr Sasha Loyal, Lecturer in Health and Wellbeing in Society/Research Fellow

    T: +44 (0)116 201 3896 


    Areas of expertise: reproductive timing, fertility trends, ethnicity and religion

  17. Miss Jessica MacLeod, Research Assistant

    T: N/A


    Areas of expertise: women's health, maternity care inequalities, chronic illness

  18. Dr Diane Menage, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery


    Areas of expertise: The nature and value of compassion in midwifery, evidence-based midwifery, qualitative research methodologies

  19. Jessica Turner, Research Assistant

    T: +44 (0)116 207 8306


    Areas of expertise: women’s health, reproduction, qualitative research methods

  20. Dr Christina Weis, Senior Lecturer

    T: +44 (0)116 250 6576


    Areas of expertise: surrogacy, feminist ethnography, reproductive health, gamete donation

  21. Dr Amanda Wilson, Lecturer in Psychology

    T: 0116 2078 815


    Areas of expertise: men and family planning, marginalisation, health

PhD researchers

  1. Andrew Coutts, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Male (in)fertility, cross border reproduction, gamete donation. 

  2. Kelly Da Silva, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Assisted conception, IVF, fertility support. 

  3. Kate Pleace, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Fertility, menopause, women's health. 

  4. Sophia McCully, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: (In)fertility, fertility treatment, qualitative research methods. 

  5. Sally Butcher, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: (In)fertility, women’s health, practice research. 

  6. Fahad Hossain, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Couples' desires and plans to have children, impact of chronic illness on reproductive decision making, semi-structured interviews, interviewing couples. 

  7. Aishwarya Viswamitra, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Disability studies, intersectionality, women's health. 

  8. Sarah Thrower, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Maternal psychopathologies, the emotional transition to motherhood, midwifery. 

  9. Alison Hoffmeister, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Postpartum care and health, practice research, performance and live art. 

  10. Julie Morgan, PhD research student

    Areas of expertise: Virtual Reality (VR), assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), ethical and regulatory considerations. 

Associate members

  1. Dr Manjiri Khare, University Hospitals Leicester, Leicester


  2. Dr Wendy Norton, Associate Professor/Reader in Health and Social Care

    Areas of expertise: assisted reproduction, surrogacy, sexuality, sexual health

  3. Dr Priya Davda, Honorary Research Fellow, The Centre for Reproduction Research, De Montfort University
