Professor Muyiwa Oyinlola

Job: Director of IESD and Professor of Innovation for Sustainable Development

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Engineering and Sustainable Development

Research group(s): Institute of Energy & Sustainable Development (IESD)

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0) 116 257 7162



Personal profile

Muyiwa is  a Professor of Innovation for Sustainable Development, a Chartered Engineer and Director of the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development. Prof Oyinlola is  passionate about and committed to bringing positive change to the African continent. He has a strong track record of  facilitating collaboration among appropriate stakeholders, co-creating sustainable interventions, and providing support in the development of home-grown solutions to African challenges.

Muyiwa has  led multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, international consortia in drafting, winning, and successfully executing research projects cumulatively worth over £5 million. Previous projects have  been in  areas such as Sustainable Waste Management, Sustainable Built Environment,  Digital Transformation, Building Capacity of youths, and  improving energy access.   Prof Oyinlola consistently collaborates with transdisciplinary teams to ensure that project outcomes are interdisciplinary and encompass both technical and social factors. He  places particular emphasis on identifying and integrating socio-cultural considerations required for the long-term success of projects in low- and middle-income countries.

Muyiwa has over 50 peer reviewed  academic publications covering a wide remit. Prof Oyinlola  holds  a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering from Ahmadu Bello University, an MSc in Renewable Energy Engineering from Kingston University,  an MA in Education Practice from De Montfort University and a PhD in Engineering from the University of Warwick. Prof Oyinlola is a member of several professional bodies

Research group affiliations

Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development

Research interests/expertise

  • Sustainable Development
  • Innovation
  • Circular Economy
  • Engineering for sustainable development
  • Plastic Waste Management in LMICs
  • Heat transfer
  • Energy in emerging economies
  • Sustainable energy
  • Transdisicplinary  for International Development

Areas of teaching

  • Energy Engineering
  • Thermodynamics
  • Heat transfer
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Renewable energy


PhD Heat Transfer in Solar Absorber Plates with Micro-Channels, University of Warwick, 2012-2015

MA Education Practice, 

MSc Renewable Energy Engineering, Kingston University, London, 2010-2011

BEng Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello Univeristy, Zaria, 2002-2008

Courses taught

ENGD2101 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

ENGT5141 Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Membership of professional associations and societies

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Energy Institute

Professional licences and certificates

Chartered Engineer


Wealth from Waste: Value added products for Chennai Waste Pickers 

The aim of the project is to assess the feasibility of using local skills and materials to transform waste plastics into filaments for 3D printing, which is identified as a high value item.  This study will document the current waste materials available, and current applications for processing waste plastic and creating 3D print material. This research would set the groundwork for future studies and enable the development of new circular economy business models, underpinned with novel technological innovation. 

Low Cost Sustainable Housing Research 

The project explores utilizing up-cycled and locally engineered materials to design affordable, self-sufficient homes for low income communities. The research aims to establish scientific methods to co-design a self-sufficient home, integrated with inhouse-electricity generation, in-house-water-purification system, earthquake resistant foundation and walls as well as ensuring it is socially acceptable within the community.  Therefore the project addresses 3 of the United Nations goals for sustainable development. 

Goal 6- clean water and sanitation

Goal 7- Affordable and clean energy

Goal 11- sustainable cities and communities,

Conference attendance

1. Oyinlola , M.A. and Shire, G.S.F. (2016) Heat Transfer in Low Reynolds Number Flows Through Miniaturized Channels. The 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2016), Malaga, Spain

2. The 5th international conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale (HTFFM V), 22-26 April 2014, Marseille, France.  Analysis of temperature distribution in absorber plates with microchannels. Oyinlola, M.A., Shire, G.S.F. and Moss, R. W. (2014) Oral Presentation (Peer Reviewed)

3. The 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2014), 14 - 16 July 2014, Orlando, USA. Investigating the effects of channel aspect ratio on fluid flow and heat transfer  in absorber plates with minichannels.  Oyinlola , M.A., Shire, G.S.F. , Moss, R. W. and Khaliji Oskouei, M (2014). Oral Presentation (Peer Reviewed)

4. The 13th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC), 2- 3 September 2013, London, UK. Investigating Heat transfer in Absorber plates with mini channels. Oyinlola, M.A. and Shire, G.S.F. (2013). Oral presentation (Peer Reviewed).

Current research students

Celine Ilo - Development of an optimization model for a digitally enabled Circular Plastics Economy (CPE) in Africa. October 2022 - Date

Teerapath Limboonruang - Optimizing heat transfer in a solar parabolic trough collector absorber. January  2022 - Date

Thorsten Summ - Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of a Cost-Optimised Large-Area Insulated Glass Flat-Plate Solar Thermal Collector October  2020 - Date

Huraira Umar Baba - Compressed Earth Block as a Sustainable Building Material: Challenges Confronting Its Use for Mass Urban Housing in Nigeria.  January  2020 - Date

Zainab Mohammed - Promoting The Relevance of Socio-Cultural Context in Sustainable Architecture - A Study of Mass Housing Design in Abuja, Nigeria. January  2020 - Date

    Externally funded research grants information

    Digital_Lyo, Innovate UK, Digitalisation and Automation of Medicines R&D and Manufacture   Role - Co-investigator May 2023 – April 2025,  £1,331,543

    Consolidation grant, British Council Innovation for African Universities Programme Role - Principal-investigator January  2023 – January  2024,   £50,000

    Garbage In Value Out (GIVO), Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Role – Co-Investigator, January 2022 - October 2024, £1,500,000

    Circular Plastic Economy Innovation Hub, British Council ( Innovation for African Universities Programme) Role - Principal-investigator September 2021 – September 2022, £60,000

    Digital Innovations for Transitioning to a Circular Plastic Economy (DITCh Plastic) EPSRC-GCRF. Role - Principal-investigator May 2020 – Oct 2021,  £146,238 -

    Circular Plastic: Utilising frontier technology and user centred design to add value to plastic waste, facilitating entrepreneurship and employment EPSRC-GCRF. Role - Co-investigator Jun 2020 – Nov 2021,  £150,000 -

    Sustainability, inclusiveness and governance of mini-grids in Africa (SIGMA) - ESRC-GCRF. Role - Co-investigator March 2020 – March 2023,  £1,244,000 -

    Assessing the informal waste sector contribution to Nepal’s circularity transition - Royal academy of engineering   Frontiers of Engineering for Development Seed funding  - Role -  Co investigator -Aug 2020 – Mar 2022, £20,000

    Wealth from Waste: Value added products for Chennai Waste Pickers - Royal academy of engineering   Frontiers of Engineering for Development Seed funding  - Role -  Principal investigator -June 2018 – June 2019, £30,000

    Blackout-Chasing: Tapping Peri-Urban Energy Perspectives, Preferences and Prospects, Royal academy of engineering   Frontiers of Engineering for Development Seed funding  - Role -  Co Investigator – February 2017 – February 2018, £20,000

    Developing local capacity for building affordable self-sufficient homes - Royal academy of engineering   Frontiers of Engineering for Development Seed funding  - Role -  Principal investigator – November 2016 – August 2017, £20,000 -

    Internally funded research project information

    Principal Investigator: Low Cost Sustainable Home Prototype for Developing Countries (RIF Round 8, 01/08/16 - 31/07/17).Collaborators: Dr Tim Whitehead , Dr Amal Abuzeinab(DMU), Dr Farukh Farukh, Dr Karthikeyan Kandan

    Principal Investigator: Low Cost Sustainable Housing in Ahmedabad. Collaborators: Dr Tim Whitehead , Dr Amal Abuzeinab(DMU), Dr Farukh Farukh, Dr Karthikeyan Kandan

    Co Investigator: A perfect gap for SMILE: Smart Last-MILE Vaccine Cooling & Delivery System.Collaborators: Dr Karthikeyan Kandan,  Dr Farukh Farukh

    Co Investigator: Application of Terahertz Spectroscopy for In-Process Monitoring of Freeze-Drying of Pharmaceutical Products. Collaborators: Professor Geoff Smith, Dr.Ahmet Orun,

    Co Investigator:  Develop a device for monitoring the structure of the dry layer that develops in a product under-going the process of freeze-drying.  Collaborators: Professor Geoff Smith,  Dr.Ahmet Orun

    MSc Student projects Supervision

    Experimental study of a high performance solar flat plate collector

    Characterising a lab scale thermal energy store for concentrated solar thermal collectors

    Characterising the thermal performance of sustainable building components

    Developing a low cost parabolic trough collector for process heat

    Clean energy solution for powering and cooling off grid telecom shelters.

    CFD optimization of a solar Flat plate collector

    Heat and mass transfer analysis of a sustainable membrane distillation system


    1. British Council Researcher Links travel grant to attend the China-UK Workshop on Achieving the Low Carbon City in Shanghai, China between 14-16 June 2019
    2. DMU PhD high flyers Scholarship -  Investigating the potential of waste materials to construct low energy, thermally comfortable dwellings for low income communities - October 2018
    3. Vice Chancellors Future Research Leaders programme -  September 2018
    4. British Council Researcher Links travel grant to attend the workshop on Closed Loop Green Technologies for Rural Communities in Delhi India between 10-13 September 2017
    5. British Council Researcher Links travel grant to attend  the UK-China workshop on shaping low carbon energy future between 28-31 August 2017
    6. British Council Researcher Links travel grant to attend the workshop on Water, Sanitation and Energy Nexus Research Initiative, between13-16 September 2016.
    7. European Institute of Innovation and Technology Climate – KIC Pioneers into Practice programme. €8000 grant to contribute  to a low carbon product/service development in two European region April – October 2013

    Completed PhD Supervision

    Dr. Evangelos Sakellariou - Feasibility study and parametric analyses of Solar Assisted Ground Sourced Heat Pump systems for different European climate zones.  January  2017 – June 2020

    Dr. Longinus Ogugua - Application of Terahertz Spectroscopy in In-Process Monitoring of Freeze-Drying Process: An Optimization Study of Process Analytical Technology. January 2017 – April 2021

    Dr. Tunmise Timothy Ayodele - A Framework for Low carbon retrofitting of Residential Buildings in Nigeria. January  2017 -  December 2021 

    Dr. Salisu Isihak - Technology Options for Improving Access to Energy Services in Areas With Low Electricity Access Rate: A Geographic Information System (GIS) Based Approach to Electricity Planning in Nigeria. April  2018 -  December 2021

    Muyiwa Oyinlola 2021