Full time undergraduate students

The following gives information on loans offered by Student Finance England for full-time undergraduate students commencing in the 2025/26 academic year. If you apply for funding through another national student finance provider (e.g. Student Awards Agency Scotland, Student Finance Wales or Student Finance Northern Ireland), please contact your national student finance provider for further information:

Make an online application to Student Finance England. You need to make sure that you are getting the maximum Maintenance Loan that you are eligible for

The gov.uk website also has a Student Finance calculator, which can give you an estimate on how much funding you may be entitled to.

If you need to contact Student Finance England, their telephone number is +44 (0)300 100 0607.

Going on placement?

For students who are undertaking a paid sandwich placement, the maximum amount of funding that you will be eligible for from Student Finance England will consist of a reduced rate Maintenance Loan.

If you live away from your parental home whilst on sandwich placement, then the maximum Maintenance Loan available is £3,194.
If you are living at your parental home whilst on sandwich placement, then the maximum Maintenance Loan available is £2,396.
You will still be able to apply for the Tuition Fee Loan from Student Finance England. This will cover the placement tuition fee which will be £1,905 in 2025/26. Fees are subject to change.

If your sandwich placement is unpaid and is within the NHS / local government / national government then you may be eligible for additional funding from Student Finance England. 

To find out if you do qualify for additional funding, contact Student Finance England.

  1. All students are reminded that they must have an approved student finance application before any funding will be released.

    All students must also have completed DMU's online re-registration process in order to trigger their payments from the SLC. Following the confirmation of your registration to SLC, if you do not receive your payments, please email studentfunding@dmu.ac.uk or call the Student Funding team on 0116 257 7595 (option 3).

    Please note: The NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF) is applied for via the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), not the Student Loans Company. Confirmation of registration to release the payments from the NHS LSF is done by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences.

    Useful links:

  2. DMU Support Fund

    The DMU Support Fund is aimed at home students who have taken out all funding and benefits that they are entitled to, but may require extra financial support.

    Disabled Students' Allowance

    More information about DSA

    For more information about the support available, please contact the Disability Advice and Support Team.


 Repaying your loan

You will begin to repay your loan in the April after you finish or leave your course, and only after you are earning over the income threshold. You will repay 9% of anything you earn over this income threshold. The amount you repay is based on your income, and not how much you have borrowed.

Interest is charged on your loan from the day the first payment is made until your loan is repaid in full or cancelled. The amount of interest you are charged does not impact the amount you repay each month.

The gov.uk website has further information on repayments and has up to date income threshold figures.

Funding under Sharia Law

The Sharia Law webpage has further information about funding under Sharia Law.

Financial benefits

You will need to be re-assessed for the following: