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Business and Law Scholarship
The Business and Law Scholarship was created to support aspiring students from low income backgrounds into studying on undergraduate courses within the Business and Law Faculty. The scholarship is £3,000 per year of study.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, students must:
Have made DMU their firm choice for the first year of a new full time BA/BSc undergraduate degree programme at De Montfort University in the current academic year (not distance learning)
Be a home/fee paying student — have a UK Student Support Number (English, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish students)
Apply online to be income assessed by Student Finance
Demonstrate financial need — household income must indicate that students are eligible for means-tested support from Student Finance with a household income of up to and including £50,000
Be paying tuition fees under the new tuition fee regime of £9,250 or £9,535
Be self-funding — your course of study must not be externally funded
Hold no other form of donor or university funded scholarship
Terms and conditions
This scholarship is not transferrable.
The data on your student finance record must meet the award edibility criteria. In order to be able to be fully assessed against the criteria you must:
Have completed your student finance application and it must have been assessed and finalised by your relevant UK student finance authority.
Have signed and returned your student declaration form to the SLC.
Ensure your relevant UK student finance authority record is available to DMU. Therefore, you must have given permission for your information to be shared with the university.
Ensure that your parents/sponsors have given student finance their permission for their information to be shared with DMU.
Student records must include bank details in order for the scholarship to be paid, as the scholarship is paid directly into a student's bank account by DMU. If your student record is not in a position for payment to be made, your payment will be delayed or not made at all.
The scholarship will be paid in instalments in line with DMU’s normal Bursary and Scholarship payment schedule, which is once per term.
Any scholarship payments made by DMU after a student has interrupted their studies or withdrawn from the university will normally be recovered from the student.
Any scholarship payment made by DMU in error OR paid as a result of false information submitted will normally be recovered from the student.
If a payment is not received, it is the responsibility of the student to urgently contact the Scholarships Team at DMU, so that the non-payment can be investigated.
DMU reserves the right to revise or amend these eligibility criteria and terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. The information provided above must be used in conjunction with award specific information on our Scholarships.
How to apply
Applications for 2025/26 are now open and close at 5pm on Thursday 31 July.
Apply here.
Further information
Further information: If you have any further queries please contact the Development and Alumni Scholarships Team, via email at
Applications for 2025/26 are now open