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Fashion student funds charities with profits from making and selling nearly 3,000 reusable face masks in India

Fashion student funds charities with profits from making and selling nearly 3,000 reusable face masks in India
A Contour Fashion student from De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) who has made thousands of reusable face masks for the people of her Indian hometown is using all the profits to fund charities and plant trees.
15 October 2020

Research shows fungi can be natural alternative for dyeing clothes

Research shows fungi can be natural alternative for dyeing clothes
A research student from De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) has won praise for showing how fungi can be used as a natural and energy-saving way of dyeing clothes.
08 July 2020

Leicester families sought to design homes of the future

Leicester families sought to design homes of the future
DMU is part of a Europe-wide research programme which is working with residents, businesses and families to design a digital future
18 June 2020

Designing fashion for the future with a blast from the past: DMU Alumna of the Month Sam Tretton

Designing fashion for the future with a blast from the past: DMU Alumna of the Month Sam Tretton
DMU Alumna of the Month Sam Tretton is helping to change the damaging cycle of fast-fashion with her bespoke and sustainable designs.
03 January 2020

Photography graduate achieves her dream of working with the RPS

Photography graduate achieves her dream of working with the RPS
A photographic artist and alumna of De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) has realised her dream of hosting an exhibition at the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) gallery, after years of entering their amateur competitions.
01 April 2019

DMU announces new Chair of the Board of Governors

DMU announces new Chair of the Board of Governors
Following an open and transparent competitive process, Ian Squires has been appointed as the new Chair of the Board of Governors.
12 December 2019
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