Lewis Gibbons

Game Art Design BA (Hons)

Email: lewisgibbons12@gmail.com

Lewis chose DMU after learning of the prestigious reputation that our Game Art course has. After coming to an open day and getting ‘a detailed insight into the curriculum, the life of current students and success stories from people at the other end’, he applied the very next day. He was particularly interested to learn that although many graduates go on to work in the games industry, others have gone on to successful careers in the Film, TV, VFX, Architecture, Automotive Design and Fashion industries giving a wide choice of graduate career options.

During his time in our industry standard studio environment, Lewis has developed essential soft skills which are needed in industry such as team work, time management, organisation and a strong work ethic. He has also developed the refined technical skills required to specialise in environment design and production. These are demonstrated in the highly stylised examples of work included here. After graduation Lewis hopes to initially find work in the games or film industry, but also has a particular interest in concept design and traditional art methods; so he would also love to branch into the Fashion Design industry one day.Lewis-Gibbons-Quote

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