Chinese New Year Celebration 2021 – "Understanding China", A Lecture by Professor Mark Buck

29/01/2021 (11:00-12:00)
To register please click here. Please contact if you have any questions.
Prof. Buck 2 (002)

In order to promote international understanding in a world where there is much uncertainty and insecurity, it is essential that people of all cultures look beyond their own assumptions and beliefs and seek to understand the assumptions and beliefs of other cultures. This lecture will attempt to identify the assumptions held by many in the West about Chinese society and government and compare them with assumptions held in China about Western society and government. The question of to what extent there is a clash of civilizations and whether that can be overcome or accepted will be addressed.

The lecturer will place an emphasis on the importance of divergent historical development and argue that only by viewing the two cultures from an historical perspective can mutual understanding be achieved.

45 minutes lecture + 15 minutes Q&A

This event is open to the public, DMU staff and students. This is free to attend.

Please contact if you have any questions.

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