Dr Sarah Greenfield

Job: Research Fellow

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Computer Science and Informatics

Research group(s): The De Montfort University Interdisciplinary Group in Intelligent Transport Systems (DIGITS), Centre for Computational Intelligence (CCI)

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 250 6171

E: s.greenfield@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/digits

Personal profile

Sarah Greenfield received the BA in Mathematics and Philosophy from London University in 1978. In 2005 she was awarded a distinction in the MSc IT degree from De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, and in 2012 she was awarded a PhD at De Montfort's Centre for Computational Intelligence, working under the supervision of Prof Chiclana. Her enduring interest in logic and the philosophy of mathematics was reflected in her original choice of degree subject. Her MSc project was in the field of type-2 fuzzy logic, and her PhD studies continued this theme in her exploration of mathematical and philosophical aspects of type-2 fuzzy logic in relation to such topics as uncertainty modelling and defuzzification.   Since completing her studies she has widened her research interests to include complex fuzzy inferencing and computational intelligence in transport.

Key research outputs

[1] Sarah Greenfield, Francisco Chiclana, Simon Coupland and Robert I. John, “The collapsing method of defuzzification for discretised interval type-2 fuzzy sets”, Information Sciences Special Issue, “High Order Fuzzy Sets: Theory and Applications”, volume 179, issue 13, pages 2055–2069, June 2009. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2008.07.011; ISSN: 0020–0255.

[2] Sarah Greenfield and Francisco Chiclana, “Type-Reduction of the Discretised Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set: Approaching the Continuous Case through Progressively Finer Discretisation”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, volume 1, issue 3, pages 183–193, 2011. ISSN: 2083–2567.

[3] Sarah Greenfield, Francisco Chiclana, Robert I. John and Simon Coupland, “The sampling method of defuzzification for type-2 fuzzy sets: Experimental evaluation”, Information Sciences, volume 189, pages 77–92, April 2012. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2011.11.042; ISSN: 0020–0255.

[4] Sarah Greenfield and Francisco Chiclana, “Accuracy and complexity evaluation of defuzzification strategies for the discretised interval type-2 fuzzy set”, The International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, volume 54, issue 8, pages 1013–1033, October 2013. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2013.04.013; ISSN: 0888–613X.

[5] Sarah Greenfield and Francisco Chiclana, “Defuzzification of the discretised generalised type-2 fuzzy set: Experimental evaluation”, Information Sciences, volume 244, pages 1–25, September 2013. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2013.04.032; ISSN: 0020–0255.

Research interests/expertise

  • Logic
  • Fuzzy logic, including type-2 fuzzy logic and complex fuzzy logic
  • Defuzzification of type-2 fuzzy sets
  • Uncertainty modelling using type-2 fuzzy sets
  • Computational Intelligence in transport

Areas of teaching

  • IMAT 1205: Mathematics for Scientific Computing (Year 1 BSc CGP and AIR)
  • IMAT 3451: Final Year Computing Project supervision


  • PhD in Computational Intelligence, De Montfort University, Leicester, 2012;
  • MSc in Information Technology (Distinction), De Montfort University, Leicester, 2005;
  • HNC (BTEC) Software Engineering Design, Brighton College of Technology, 1989;
  • BA Mathematics & Philosophy (2 II Hons.), Kings College, University of London 1978;
  • A-levels in Mathematics (B), Physics (A) and Chemistry (B), Withington Girls’ School, Manchester 1975.

Courses taught

  • IMAT 1205: Mathematics for Scientific Computing (Year 1 BSc CGP and AIR)
  • IMAT 3451: Final Year Computing Project supervision
  • IMAT 2800: Artificial Intelligence and Modelling for Games (2011 - 2013)

Honours and awards

Anita Borg Scholarship In 2010 I reached the final of the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, the Middle East and Africa (www.google.com/anitaborg/emea). The scholarship aims to encourage women to excel in computing and technology, and become active role models and leaders. Awards are based on the strength of candidates’ academic performance, leadership experience and demonstrated passion for computer science. My prize as a finalist was to attend a networking retreat at Google’s Engineering Centre in Zurich.

Creative Thinking Award In 2010 I received the third prize of £2,000 in De Montfort University’s Creative Thinking Awards for my Collapsing Defuzzifier. In my submission for this award I argued that mathematics is a creative enterprise.

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Member of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT)
  • Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Conference attendance

UKCI, September 2005, London, “A Novel Sampling Method for Type-2 Defuzzification”, Sarah Greenfield, Robert I. John and Simon Coupland, presentation. 

FUZZ-IEEE, July 2007, London, “Optimised Generalised Type-2 Join and Meet Operations”, Sarah Greenfield and Robert I. John, presentation.

UKCI, July 2007, London, “The Collapsing Method of Defuzzification for Discretised Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets”, Sarah Greenfield, Francisco Chiclana, Robert I. John and Simon Coupland, presentation. 

IPMU 2008, June 2008, Malaga, “Stratification in the Type-Reduced Set and the Generalised Karnik-Mendel Iterative Procedure”, Sarah Greenfield and Robert I. John, presentation.

IFSA-EUSFLAT, July 2009, Lisbon, “The Collapsing Method: Does the Direction of Collapse Affect Accuracy?”, Sarah Greenfield, Francisco Chiclana and Robert I. John, presentation. 

IEEE Symposium on Advances in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems, April 2011, Paris, “Type-Reduction of the Discretised Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set: What Happens as Discretisation Becomes Finer?”, Sarah Greenfield and Francisco Chiclana, presentation.

EUSFLAT-LFA, July 2011, Aix-Les-Bains, France, “Combining the alpha-Plane Representation with an Interval Defuzzification Method”, Sarah Greenfield and Francisco Chiclana, presentation. 

UKCI 2012, September 2012, Edinburgh, “The Grid Method of Discretisation for Type-2 Fuzzy Sets”, Sarah Greenfield, poster.

EUSFLAT 2013, September 2013, Milan, Italy, “The Structure of the Type-Reduced Set of a Continuous Type-2 Fuzzy Set”, Sarah Greenfield and Francisco Chiclana, presentation.

Externally funded research grants information

Evolutionary Computation for Optimised Rail Travel (EsCORT),  funded by Transport iNet, a research and development project running from 11/11/13 to 31/12/14.  Collaborators are Go Travel Solutions, the Rail Safety and Standards Board, and Network Rail.

Professional esteem indicators

Reviewer for:

  • Applied Soft Computing,
  • IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,
  • Soft Computing,
  • Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,
  • Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
  • Information Sciences, and
  • The International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.

On the programme committee for FCTA 2013 and FCTA 2014. (Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications).

Co-organiser of a special session on type-2 fuzzy logic at IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009, Lisbon.