Dr Richard Smith

Job: Associate Professor / Head of Cyber Security Centre / Director of Cyber Technology Institute / Associate Head of School (Enterprise)

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Computer Science and Informatics

Research group(s): Cyber Technology Institute (CTI) (Cyber Security Centre (CSC))

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 207 8501

E: rgs@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/eaprs

Personal profile

Dr Smith is the Head of the Cyber Security Centre research group at De Montfort Univeristy.  As a member of the RITICS research institute he is investigating new ways to defend old technology, particular in Critical National Infrastructure. His work has centred around the develop of simulated cyber warfare scenarios around Industrial Control Systems to aid in the training and development of new tactics for both industry and government personnel through both DMU’s Cyber  Range CYRAN and SCIPS Simulated Critical Infrastructure Scenarios.  A key feature of his work has been in outreach and increasing awareness of the issues surrounding security of Industrial Control Systems with demonstrators built and run at global events for industry, academia and governments.

Research group affiliations

Cyber Security Centre (CSC)

Cyber Technology Institute (CTI)

Key research outputs

Smith RG & Berry PAM (2011), Evaluation of the differences between the SRTM and Satellite Radar Altimetry height measurements and the approach taken for the ACE2 GDEM in areas of large disagreement, J Environ Monit, Vol 13, Iss 6, pp 1646-1652

Berry PAM, Smith RG, Salloway MK & Benveniste J (2012), Global Analysis of EnviSat Burst Echoes Over Inland Water, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 50, No 5, Part 2, pp 1980-1985, DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2170695

Smith, R.G. & Berry, P.A.M. (2009), The utilisation of Digital Elevation Models in the Monitoring of Global Wetlands. The Proceedings of the Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science; 18th-20th November, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy; ISBN 978-92-9221-238-4

Berry, P.A.M., Garlick, J.D., Smith, R.G., (2007), Near-global validation of the SRTM DEM using satellite radar altimetry, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 106 Issue 1 Pages 17-27, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2006.07.011

Michailovsky C, McEnnis S, Berry PAM, Smith R & Bauer-Gottwein P (2012), River Monitoring from Satellite Radar Altimetry in the Zambezi River Basin, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, pp 2181-2192, DOI 10.5194/hessd-9-3203-201

Research interests/expertise

Security of Critical Systems and Operational Technology, Industrial Control Systems, Satellite risk frameworks, Forensics, Vulnerability Assessment, incident response, total network defence, sociotechnical security

Areas of teaching

Industrial Control System Securit

Security management

Penetration testing

Risk analysis


PhD – Space Geodesy

MSc – Distributed Systems Integration

BSc(Hons) – Computing & Electronics

Membership of external committees

RITICS Research Institute in Trustworthy Inter-connected Cyber-physical Systems 2018 – Present 

Membership of professional associations and societies

Member of American Geophysical Union 2008-2010

Forthcoming events

Conference attendance

ICS Capture the Flag – ICS Village by invite

April 2018 – RSA, San Francisco, USA

October 2018 – BruCon, Ghent, Belgium

GREAT Festival of Innovation – Hong Kong

Cyber Security demonstrator

Cyber Security Challenge Masterclass November 2017 London

A Freight shipping company scenario was created for the Cyber Security challenge Masterclass, with a realistic network created incorporating elements from Cisco, Checkpoint and DarkTrace. Participants: White Team: DMU, Airbus Group and BT; Red Team: BT; Blue Team: Cyber Security Challenge Masterclass contestants.

Organising committee INISCOM 2016, ICS-CSR 2017, 2018, 2019

Invited Talks Tackling Cyber-Enabled Crime: Delivering an Effective and Efficient Response, 2015, Westminster Briefing

Panel Chair InfoSec Europe 2018, Protecting Critical National Infrastructure, RITICS Spring Showcase 2019

European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria 13th – 18th April 2008.


Andersen, O. B.; Bauer-Gottwein, P .; Smith, R.; Berry, P. ; Krogh, P. E., (2008), Terrestrial Water Storage Monitoring from GRACE and Satellite Altimetry in the Okawango Delta (Botswana) (solicited).


Berry, P.; Smith, R.; Benveniste, J., (2008), Representation of global inland water heights within the forthcoming ACE2 GDEM.

IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid & Earth Observation 2008, Chania, Crete, 23-27th June 2008.


Smith, R.G.; Berry, P.A.M.
ACE2 New Global Digital Elevation Model: Case Studies of Rainforest & Dunes.
IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid & Earth Observation 2008, Chania, Crete, 23-27th June 2008.

Smith, R.G.; Berry, P.A.M.
Representation of rivers and Lakes within the forthcoming ACE2 GDEM.
IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid & Earth Observation 2008, Chania, Crete, 23-27th June 2008.

Freeman J. A.; Berry P.A.M.; Smith R.G.
An Enhanced Ocean and Coastal Zone Retracking Technique for Gravity Field Computation
IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid & Earth Observation 2008, Chania, Crete, 23-27th June 2008.

Attwood, L.A.; Berry, P.A.M.; Smith, R.G.
Monitoring River systems using multi-mission Satellite Radar Altimetry.
IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid & Earth Observation 2008, Chania, Crete, 23-27th June 2008.

American Geophysical Union Symposium December 2008 San Francisco.

Hydrogeodesy: Space Geodetic Applications for Hydrology. Session Chair. 


Berry, P A, Smith, R G, Benveniste, J, Wheeler, J (2008), Global Inland Water Levels From Multi-Mission Satellite Radar Altimetry: A Quantitative Assessment of Current Capabilities and Future Potential, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl.


Smith, R G, Berry, P A, Benveniste, J, (2008) Representation of Hydrological Information Within the Forthcoming new GDEM, ACE2, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl.

European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria 19th – 24th April 2009


P.A.M. Berry, L. Attwood, J. L. Wheeler, J. Benveniste, and R. G. Smith, (2009), A Quantitative Global Assessment of Inland Water Measurement Capability using Multi-Mission Satellite Radar Altimetry, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria 19th – 24th April.


P.A.M. Berry, R.G. Smith, and J. Benveniste, (2009), The development of a new Global Digital Elevation Model, ACE2, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria 19th – 24th April.

R.G. Smith and P.A.M Berry, (2009), ACE2 Regional Enhancement of the SRTM using Satellite Radar Altimetry methodology, EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria 19th – 24th April.

American Geophysical Union Symposium December 2009 San Francisco.

Did not attend, papers given by international co-author.

Berry, P A, Smith, R G, Benveniste, J, (2009) Future Altimeter Missions Capability in the Coastal Zone, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.

Benveniste, J, Berry, P A, Smith, R G, Wheeler, J, (2009) Global Inland Water Monitoring in Near Real Time: Current Capability and Future Prospects, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.

European Geophysical Union Symposium May 2010


Global River and Lake Height Measurement using Satellite Radar Altimetry. Philippa A.M. Berry, Richard G. Smith, James Wheeler, and Jerome Benveniste.

Earth observation and water cycle science, ESRIN 18th – 20th November 2010


P.A.M. Berry, R.G.Smith, S.Witheridge, 2009. The Global Characterization of Inland Surface Water Observed with the EnviSat Individual Echoes. The Proceedings of the Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science; 18th-20th November, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy; ISBN 978-92-9221-238-4.

J. Wheeler, P.A.M. Berry, R.G.Smith, J.Benveniste, 2009. The ESA Near Real Time River and Lake System. The Proceedings of the Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science; 18th-20th November, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy; ISBN 978-92-9221-238-4.


R.G Smith, P.A.M. Berry, 2009. The utilisation of Digital Elevation Models in the Monitoring of Global Wetlands. The Proceedings of the Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science; 18th-20th November, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy; ISBN 978-92-9221-238-4.

P.A.M. Berry, J. Wheeler, R.G. Smith, 2009. Inland Water Monitoring from Multi-mission Satellite Radar Altimetry - Current Status and Future capability. The Proceedings of the Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science; 18th-20th November, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy; ISBN 978-92-9221-238-4.

P.Chamelo, P.A.M. Berry, R.G Smith, 2009. Lake Volume change by Drainage Basin from Satellite Radar Altimetry. The Proceedings of the Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science; 18th-20th November, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy; ISBN 978-92-9221-238-4.

Oceans from Space, Venice, Italy 26th – 30th April 2010

Did not attend paper given by international co-author


C. Martin-Puig, P. Berry, R. Smith, C. Gommenginger , G. Ruffini, P. Cipollini, L. Stenseng, O. Anderssen,  D. Cotton, J. Benveniste, S. Dinardo, (2010), SAR Altimetry Over Water Surfaces, Oceans from Space, Venice, Italy 26th – 30th April.

ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 27th June - 2nd July 2010.

Oral presentations:

P.A.M.Berry, R.G. Smith, S. Witheridge, J. Wheeler, 2010. Global Inland water monitoring from Satellite Radar Altimetry - a glimpse into the future.

P.A.M. Berry & R.G. Smith, 2010. A Global Assessment of the EnviSat RA-2 performance over non-ocean surfaces. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 27th June - 2nd July.

R.G. Smith, P.A.M.Berry, J.Benveniste, 2010. ACE2: Global Digital Elevation Model.

Cotton, David; Andersen, Ole Baltazar; Berry, Philippa; Cipollini, Paolo; Gommenginger, Christine; Stenseng, Lars; Benveniste, Jerome ; Dinardo, Salvatore; Martin-Puig, Cristina, 2010. The SAMOSA Project: Assessing the Potential of SAR Altimetry Over Water Surfaces.

R.G. Smith, P.A.M.Berry, 2010. Rainforest Canopy Mapping - a Unique Snapshot from the new GDEM, ACE2.

S. Witheridge, P.A.M.Berry, R.G. Smith, 2010. Analysis of EnviSat RA-2 Burst Echoes over Lake surfaces.

J. Wheeler, P.A.M.Berry, R.G. Smith, J. Benveniste, 2010. The ESA Near-Real-Time River & Lake Processor.

International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) September 2010, Fairbanks, Alaska. 

Did not attend, papers given by colleague from DNSC.

Oral paper:

Berry, P.A.M. & Smith R.G., (2010) The new Global Digital Elevation Model ACE2.

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, June/July 2011, Melbourne, Australia


Smith, R.G. & Berry, P.A.M. (2011), Intercomparison of the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model with multi-mission satellite Radar Altimetry and other DEMs, IUGG 2011 general assembly, 28th June – 7th July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

Berry, P.A.M., Salloway, M. K., Smith, R.G. &  Benveniste, J. (2011), Global inland water monitoring from satellite radar altimetry  a glimpse into the future, IUGG 2011 general assembly, 28th June – 7th July 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

Externally funded research grants information

Title: ACE2    Funder: ESA ESRIN

Amount: 114 KEuro    Type: Research and development     Period: 2008 – 2010    Role: Contract Prime Collaborators: None.

Title: River and Lake Modelling      Funder: ESA ESRIN

Amount: 279 KEuro    Type: Research and Development    Period: 2008 – 2010    Role: Contract PrimeCollaborators: Newcastle University, Technical University of Denmark.

Title: River and Lake Modelling CCN Funder: ESA ESRIN

Amount: 279 KEuro    Type: Research and Development    Period: 2010 – 2012    Role: Contract Prime Collaborators: Newcastle University, Technical University of Denmark.

Title: SMALT Funder: ESA ESRIN

Amount: 287 KEuro    Type: Research and Development    Period: 2010 – 2012    Role: Contract Prime.

Collaborators: Technical University of Vienna, STARLAB.


Amount: 40 KEuro Period: 2008-2010 Role: Subcontractor    Collaborators: SatObSys (Prime), STARLAB, NOC (Southampton), DNSC.


Amount: 34.5 KEuro   Type: Research and Development    Period: 2010 – 2011.

Role: Subcontractor    Collaborators: SatObSys (Prime), STARLAB, NOC (Southampson), DNSC.

Title: Fine Scale Altimetry   Funder: SSTL

Amount: 8KEuro Type: Research and Development    Period: 2011– 2012     Role: Subcontractor Collaborators: Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (Prime), SatObSys, NOC (Southampson), UK Met Office.