Dr Peter Bounds

Job: Senior Lecturer

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Computer Science and Informatics

Research group(s): Centre for Engineering Science and Advanced Systems (CESAS)

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 257 7589

E: plmb@dmu.ac.uk

Personal profile

Peter Bounds is a member of the Water Software Systems research group. He worked in the computing industry for two years before joining the research group, and then for eleven years he was employed on fixed-term industrial-research projects working for the water industry. He has successfully completed projects for water companies within the UK, France and Belgium. He has made major contributions to the area of computer aided engineering environments for water distribution systems. He has integrated databases, simulators and optimization solvers into a commercial computer-aided network-engineering package called Finesse. He is particularly interested in employing high-level modelling languages to solve optimal control problems. Successes include online optimal network control scheduler, pressure control scheduler, network model calibrator, flow scheduler and hydraulic simulator. He is a senior lecturer at De Montfort University where this research was conducted. His experience with databases, user interfaces and programming languages in delivering solutions for water companies enhances his teaching of computing.

Research group affiliations

Centre for Engineering Science and Advanced Systems (CESAS)

Water Software Systems (WSS) research group

Key research outputs

Bounds, P.  (2010) “Application of High-level Languages for Water Network Modelling: Supporting an Advanced Computer Aided Water Network Engineering environment”, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

Skworcow, P., AbdelMeguid, H., Ulanicki, B. and Bounds, P. (2009). “Optimal pump scheduling with pressure control aspects: case studies.” Computing and Control in the Water Industry 2009 ‘Integrating Water Systems’, J. Boxell and C. Maksimovic, eds., Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, The Edge, University of Sheffield, UK, 113-119.

Skworcow, P., AbdelMeguid, H., Ulanicki, B., Bounds, P., and Patel, R, (2009). “Combined Energy and Pressure Management in Water Distribution Systems.” World Environment and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, S. Steve, ed., ASCE, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, 709-718.

Research interests/expertise

  • Computer Aided Water Network Engineering environments
  • Application of High-level Languages for Water Network Modelling

Areas of teaching

  • Database Management Systems
  • Dynamic Website and Office Applications


BSc(Hons) MSc PhD FHEA

Courses taught

  • IMAT3104 Database Management and Programming
  • IMAT3451 Final Year UG Computing Projects 
  • CTEC2908 Database Design and Management
  • CTEC2202 Web Applications
  • CTEC1909 Database Design and Implementation
  • IMAT1215 Database Management and Reporting
  • Deputy Programme Leadership of Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • DMUGlobal Trip for CSI students
  • Personal Tutoring in CSI