Professor Paul Fleming

Job: Honorary Professor

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Engineering and Sustainable Development

Research group(s): Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)116 257 7961



Personal profile

Paul Fleming is Professor of Energy Management in the Faculty of Technology and Director of Sustainable Development at De Montfort University.  He has over 25 years experience of working at local to regional level on energy efficiency, renewable energy and greenhouse gas emission reductions, with focus on the technical, non technical and public engagement aspects of achieving deep cuts in emissions.  It includes the analysis of monthly and half hourly electricity, gas and water data in buildings and using smart phones to communicate the science and engineering of a low carbon society to people attending music festivals.  Paul has undertaken research for the EPSRC, EU, Government and industry including working with the UK Sustainable Development Commission on large scale area based CO2 reduction measures.  Internationally he has worked with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, the OECD and the German Marshall Fund of the United States of America.  At the European level, he contributes to the work of the Energy Cities network of environmentally and energy conscious cities. 

Research interests/expertise

  • Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission at the local and regional level.
  • Analysis of half hourly energy and water consumption.
  • Public engagement in the science and engineering of reducing greenhouse gas emission.
  • Inter disciplinary research on low carbon buildings and cites.
  • Energy management in domestic and non domestic buildings.
  • Sustainable development in higher education.
  • Future and smart cities.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions inventories.
  • Energy visualisation and community engagement
  • Local and regional energy policy

Areas of teaching

Energy Analysis Techniques



Courses taught

Contribute to MSc Climate Change and Sustainable Development, MSc Energy and Sustainable Bulging Design, MSc Energy and Industrial Sustainability.

Honours and awards

Leicester City Council: National Energy Efficiency Award


German Marshall Fund Environmental Fellow – study tour of USA


Leicester City Council Beacon Council for Sustainable Energy, Part of team, with Leicester city Council that won the award


Overall winner, 2008 National Energy Efficiency Awards – C-Change project (Woodcraft Folk, De Montfort University and Centre for Alternative Technology)


Leicester Green life award 2010, face Your Elephant (Woodcraft Folk and De Montfort University)


NEA Regional Award, Leicester Sustainable Schools (EPSRC  public engagement project) 


Membership of external committees

  • Member, Leicester City Partnership
  • Chair, Leicester Environment Group
  • Member UK Energy Research Centre, Research Committee

Membership of professional associations and societies

Fellow of the Energy Institute


EU H202, Energy Data Innovation network (EDI-Net), 2016- 2019

EU H2020, Political and Social Awareness on Water Environmental Challenges, (POWER),  2015-2019

EU, IEE, Support and Training for an Excellent Energy Efficiency Performance (STEEP), 2014-2017

EPSRC, Goodee2ds - 2012 – 2014

Knowledge Exchange Partnership, Low carbon Schools - 2012 - 2015

EU, Smart Spaces - 2012 - 2015

EPSRC, The Carbon Game - 2010 - 2010

Knowledge Transfer Partnership,) Design of carbon neutral schools 2009 – 2012

EPSRC, Face Your Elephant; Engaging Festival Goers in the Science and Engineering of reducing their Carbon Footprint - 2009 - 2011

Sustainable Construction iNET, Thermographic imaging and monitoring of small businesses and schools (£40k) - 2009 - 2009

EPSRC Engaging pupils teachers and governors in the science, engineering and technology of “carbon neutral” schools - 2009 - 2011

EU Intelligent Energy Europe, CYBER-Display - 2008 - 2011

EU Intelligent Energy Europe, Automated Intelligent Metering for SMES - 2007 - 2009

Woodcraft Folk: Edinburgh Powerpod Evaluation - 2007 - 2009

Pilkington Energy Efficiency Trust, Climate Mobile evaluation - 2007 -2008

EPSRC The Renewables Roadshow - 2007 - 2009

DEFRA Climate Challenge Fund, Evaluation of the C-Change project - 2006 --2008

HEIF regional fellowship in energy data analysis - 2006 - 2007

HEIF Regional Fellowship in Communicating Energy - 2006 - 2007

EPSRC Building schools for a sustainable future - 2005 - 2006

EPSRC: Global Village 2006; Young People and Environmental Sustainability - 2005 - 2007

EPSRC Supergen: Sustainable evolution of the UK electricity supply network - 2003 - 2007

EPSRC: Activity Based Future Energy Scenarios for the decisions makers of tomorrow - 2002 - 2004

SDC: dCARB-uk - 2002 - 2003

EMRA: East Midlands Regional Assembly, Education for Sustainable Development - 2002 - 2003

EPSRC: Climate Change Masters Training Package - 2001 - 2006

FPV, NNE-1999-00583: NESE (New Education for Sustainable Energy) - 2000 - 2002

EPSRC: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Models Evaluation and Local Authorities - 2000 - 2002

DGXII, JOULE/ CRAFT: SHEEBA (Self Help Energy Efficiency Business Advisor) - 1999 - 2001

DGXVII, ALTENER: Ashton Green, Renewable Energy Community - 1999 - 2001

EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Municipal Measures to Promote Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings - 1999 - 2000

DGXVII, ALTENER: CURE (Communities Using Renewable Energy) - 1999 - 2000

EU, DGXVII, Thermie B: Improving Energy Performance in Dyeing Drying and Finishing, continuation project - 1998 - 2000

EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Self Directed Training for Local Energy Agencies - 1998 - 2000

EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Newark and Sherwood Energy Agency - 1997 - 2000

EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Large Scale Self Financing of Energy Efficiency Measures in Leicester and Barcelona - 1997 - 2000

EU, DGXVII PERU: The Leicester and Barcelona Local Energy Agencies - 1996 - 1999

EPSRC: The Sustainable City – Assessment and Management of Urban Energy Demand - 1996 - 1999

EU, DGXVII, Thermie B: Improving Energy Performance in Dyeing drying and finishing -1996 - 1997

Consultancy work

Consultancy work is undertaken across a range of energy and sustainable development related areas including policy, data analysis and expert advice and guidance. This includes

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emission at the local and regional level
  • Analysis of half hourly energy and water consumption to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Public engagement in the science and engineering of reducing greenhouse gas emission
  • Inter disciplinary research on reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Energy management in domestic and non domestic buildings
  • Sustainable development in higher education
  • Policy guidance on energy in buildings, industry and cities.
  • Studies on area based carbon emission reduction
  • Strategic Briefings
  • Low Carbon Economy 
  • Evaluation of citywide  CHP Schemes
  • City energy and climate strategy  Evaluation
  • Greenhouse gas emissions data and models
  • Training material for Energy Assessors
  • European Expert on Energy Efficiency to the Ukraine
  • European Expert on young people and sustainable development to China

Externally funded research grants information

  • EU, DGXVII, Thermie B: Improving Energy Performance in Dyeing drying and finishing -1996 - 1997
  • EPSRC: The Sustainable City – Assessment and Management of Urban Energy Demand - 1996 - 1999
  • EU, DGXVII PERU: The Leicester and Barcelona Local Energy Agencies - 1996 - 1999
  • EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Large Scale Self Financing of Energy Efficiency Measures in Leicester and Barcelona - 1997 - 2000
  • EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Newark and Sherwood Energy Agency - 1997 - 2000
  • EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Self Directed Training for Local Energy Agencies - 1998 - 2000
  • EU, DGXVII, Thermie B: Improving Energy Performance in Dyeing Drying and Finishing, continuation project - 1998 - 2000
  • DGXVII, ALTENER: CURE (Communities Using Renewable Energy) - 1999 - 2000
  • EU, DGXVII, SAVE II: Municipal Measures to Promote Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings - 1999 - 2000
  • DGXVII, ALTENER: Ashton Green, Renewable Energy Community - 1999 - 2001
  • DGXII, JOULE/ CRAFT: SHEEBA (Self Help Energy Efficiency Business Advisor) - 1999 - 2001
  • EPSRC: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Models Evaluation and Local Authorities - 2000 - 2002
  • FPV, NNE-1999-00583: NESE (New Education for Sustainable Energy) - 2000 - 2002
  • EPSRC: Climate Change Masters Training Package - 2001 - 2006
  • EMRA: East Midlands Regional Assembly, Education for Sustainable Development - 2002 - 2003
  • SDC: dCARB-uk - 2002 - 2003
  • EPSRC: Activity Based Future Energy Scenarios for the decisions makers of tomorrow - 2002 - 2004
  • EPSRC Supergen: Sustainable evolution of the UK electricity supply network - 2003 - 2007
  • EPSRC: Global Village 2006; Young People and Environmental Sustainability - 2005 - 2007
  • EPSRC Building schools for a sustainable future - 2005 - 2006
  • HEIF Regional Fellowship in Communicating Energy - 2006 - 2007
  • HEIF regional fellowship in energy data analysis - 2006 - 2007
  • DEFRA Climate Challenge Fund, Evaluation of the C-Change project - 2006 --2008
  • EPSRC The Renewables Roadshow - 2007 - 2009
  • Pilkington Energy Efficiency Trust, Climate Mobile evaluation - 2007 -2008
  • Woodcraft Folk: Edinburgh Powerpod Evaluation - 2007 - 2009
  • EU Intelligent Energy Europe, Automated Intelligent Metering for SMES - 2007 - 2009
  • EU Intelligent Energy Europe, CYBER-Display - 2008 - 2011
  • EPSRC Engaging pupils teachers and governors in the science, engineering and technology of “carbon neutral” schools - 2009 - 2011
  • Sustainable Construction iNET, Thermographic imaging and monitoring of small businesses and schools (£40k) - 2009 - 2009
  • EPSRC, Face Your Elephant; Engaging Festival Goers in the Science and Engineering of reducing their Carbon Footprint - 2009 - 2011
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnership,) Design of carbon neutral schools 2009 – 2012
  • EPSRC, The Carbon Game - 2010 - 2010
  • EU, Smart Spaces - 2012 - 2015
  • Knowledge Exchange Partnership, Low carbon Schools - 2012 - 2015
  • EPSRC, Goodee2ds - 2012 – 2014

Professional esteem indicators

Professor Fleming has worked internationally with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives and the German Marshall Fund of the United States of America. He also worked for the OECD in the preparation of their publication Urban Energy Management; a handbook of good local practice At the European level, he contributes to the Energy Cities network of environmentally and energy conscious cities. He has made presentations at many national and international conferences. He was the academic lead on a DTI Global Watch Mission to Canada to look at Canadian examples of implementing measures to achieve deep cuts in carbon emissions.

He is a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, a member of the Research Committee of the UK Energy Research Centre and Chaired the peer review panel of the DECC Energy Analysis Research Programme. He is a reviewer for several journals, (including the IMechE, Local Environment, Building and the Environment and Journal of Environmental Research) and is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Sustainable Energy

He is a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, member of EPSRC prioritisation panels, was a “state of science” peer reviewer for the Foresight and is an external referee for several journals (including Energy Policy, IMechE, Local Environment, Building and the Environment, Journal of Environmental Research, Cities, and International Journal of Sustainable Energy). He has reviewed proposals for ESRC, LARCI, and Scottish Office, Leverhulme, and British Council)

At the Regional level he was chair of the East Midlands Energy Group, a Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel for the East Midlands Regional Assembly review of the energy work of the East Midlands Development Agency. He was a member of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels looking at combine heat and power and also building school for the future. He is a member of the Leicester City Mayor’ s City Partnership and Chairs the Environment Group, that brings together public private and voluntary sectors experts to advise on the implementation of Leicester a low carbon city policies.
