Professor Mark Lemon

Job: Professor of Integrated Environmental Systems

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Engineering and Sustainable Development

Research group(s): Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD)

Address: IESD, Queens Building, De Montfort University, Leicester, LE1 9BH UK

T: +44 (0)116 257 7977



Research interests/expertise

Systems thinking and education for sustainability, integrated environmental systems, integrative methods and transdisciplinary skills; modern methods of construction; trust and knowledge in socio-technical systems.

Areas of teaching

Research methods

Resource Use and Pollution

Resource Efficient Design

Systems and sustainable development


BA (Hons) Sussex University (1973)

PhD Cranfield institute of Technology (1991)

Courses taught

Masters by Research

MSc Climate Change and Sustainable Development

MSc Industrial Sustainability

BSc. Energy and Sustainability Management

Contributions to various cross-campus courses

Membership of external committees

Faculty of Technology Ethics Committee

University Research Training Committee

Membership of professional associations and societies

Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) 1994

Conference attendance

McCain, H., Lemon, M. and Ford, P. (2009), Enhancing the Receptivity and Skills of Designers and Product Planners to Environmentally-Considered Product Development, International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 10 & 11 September 2009, University of Brighton.

McCain, H. and Lemon, M. (2009) Sector Comparisons in the Adoption of Eco-Design: Product Development and Retail Design SME’s. , UK Sustainable Innovation 09, Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution, 26th - 27th October 2009, Farnham Castle, UK

Finnigan, T. Lemon, M. Allen, B. and Paton, I. (2010) Mycoprotein, Life Cycle Analysis and the Food 2030 Challenge, Delivering Food Security with Supply Chain Led Innovations: understanding supply chains, providing food security, delivering choice, Royal Holloway, Egham, UK 7-9th Sept.

Finnigan, T. Lemon, M. Allen, B. and Paton, I. (2010) A scoping study towards an LCA for QuornTM mince,  V11 International Conference on on Life Cycle Assessment in the Food Sector, Bari 22-24th September

Cook, D., Lemon, M. And Reeves, A. (2011) Hurdles on the way to the starting gate – the going’s good as long as we don’t fall at the water jump:  a 3rd sector organisation delivering in partnership with local authorities, KTP Associates Conference Brighton, May.

Reeves, A. Lemon, M., and Cook, D. (2011), Local support for community action on climate change: lessons from the Communities Cutting Carbon project, KTP Associates Conference Brighton, May.

Gill, D. Wright, L. And Lemon M. (2011) Corporate Social Responsibility and Branding with Web Forum Research in the Retail Food and Drinks Sector” at the 7th International Conference of Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation, Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group, Said Business School, University of Oxford, 6-8 April.

Gill, D. Wright, L. And Lemon M. (2011) “Brand Communications and CSR”, Academy of Marketing, Marketing Fields Forever conference, Liverpool University, 4th July

Consultancy work

Marlow Foods - Quorn (2009) Life Cycle Assessment of Mycoprotein - (£20,000) (Co-Investigator)

Independent project evaluator on AquaStress (2009) – EU research project (Lisbon)

Advisor toEPSRCResponsive Mode; Design Dialogues: An exploratory study of design narratives, methodologies and tools towards achieving Factor 10 outcomes [GR/S90645/01]. (2008-09)

Environment Agency (2008) Evaluating the effectiveness of risk based decisions in the Environment Agency (Co-Investigator – £70,000)

Expert panel member for BT and Cisco on Corporate Sustainability (2008) White Paper (

TSB (2007) Methodology consultant for English Partnerships on Design for Manufacture projects

Yorkshire Forward (2006) Evaluator of Environmental Assets Projects (with CarlBro Consultants) (Principal investigator)

EU (2003) Advisor on qualitative and integrative research methods employed on the EU’s Aquadapt water management project.

EU (2003) Advisor on the use of qualitative and action research undertaken for understanding Social Exclusion and Learning with Newcastle, Gateshead, Rotterdam and Malmo Councils

Health and Safety Executive (2003) Human factors and organisational culture advisor to an HSE project on Distributive Cognition and offshore accidents.  With Bath University (Co-investigator)

Victim Care (2001-02) Evaluator for the Youth Justice Board on the implications for Restorative Justice of the Milton Keynes Victim Care Project

EMTA (2000) Evaluation of the options for personal development among NVQ trainers and assessors (Engineering and Marine Training Association) (Principal Investigator - £6,000)

Lafarge Aggregates (2000) Evaluation of the potential responses to the learning requirements of call centre staff, particularly at the interface with technical personnel (Principal Investigator - £10,000)

Current research students

Quality management in Libyan Secondary Schools - Hania Ali (2013, ft, 1st supervisor)

Technology transfer and clean water – a case study of Ghana - Dzokoto Seth Theodore Kwasi (2012, f/t, 2nd supervisor)

-A Systems Analysis and Development of the Potentials of Local Renewable Energy Systems For Rural Services in Nigeria - Onasanya Mobolaji (2011, f/t 2nd supervisor)

Social media and local economic development in Niger - Sidiki Diakite (2009, p/t 1st supervisor)

Community engagement and energy efficient households - Andy Stephenson (2008 p/t, 1st supervisor)

Evaluation and transition towns - Andy Mitchell (2013 f/t 1st supervisor)

Low cost housing in VietNam - Matt Parks (2014 p/t 1st supervisor)

Specialist banks and local economic development in environmentally vulnerable areas Abdo Hamed - (2015 f/t 1st supervisor)

Multi-national use of local resources: ensuring resilience in the Niger Delta Ashiedu Joel - (2015 f/t 1st supervisor)

Smart Cities and energy management Marouane Azenoude – (2015 f/t 1st supervisor)

Externally funded research grants information

DEFRA Football as a conduit for pre-environmental behaviour £151,000 (PI) – Project delayed due to DEFRA funding strategy – with Leicester City Football Club and Leicestershire and Rutland Football Association

EPSRC Reduction of Energy Demand in Buildings through Optimal Use of Wireless Behaviour Information (Wi-be) Systems (CI) £500,000 – with Nottingham University and Queen Mary College, London 2010 – 2012

EPSRC Complexity and Energy programme (CASCADE) £1,200,000 (CI) – with Cranfield University 2009 - 2012

Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP – Communicating Climate Change with Rural Community Council (2010-12) PI

Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP – Sustainable strategies in hospitals (2011-13) CI with Scarborough Hospital Trust

TSB Retrofit with East Midlands Housing Association, Newcastle City Council (Phase 1) with Newcastle City Council and East Midlands Housing Group

TSB Retrofit with East Midlands Housing Association, Newcastle City Council (Phase 2) with Newcastle City Council and East Midlands Housing Group

UKERC Incluesev network (2011) Funding for workshop and reports on the role of retrofit in addressing the gap between social housing and energy poverty (£5,000) (PI)

Construction INet (2011) Mass Customisation to Retrofit UK Housing (CI) (£75000)

Internally funded research project information

Co-ordinator of IESD contribution to the Square Mile Project and the ‘Living Lab’.

Professional esteem indicators

Independent project evaluator on AquaStress (2009) – EU research project (Lisbon).

Advisor toEPSRCResponsive Mode; Design Dialogues: An exploratory study of design narratives, methodologies and tools towards achieving Factor 10 outcomes. (2008-09).

Expert panel member for BT and Cisco on Corporate Sustainability (2008) White Paper (http:/ 

TSB (2007) Methodology consultant for English Partnerships on Design for Manufacture projects.

External PhD Examiner: Cranfield, Newcastle, Manchester Metropolitan, Coventry, Alicante universities.

Associate Editor: Environmental Sciences – Journal of Integrative Environmental Research and Design Principles and Practices.

Reviewer for among others International Journal of Sustainable Development, British Academy of Management, Environment International, Technovation, Environmental Sciences, Waste Management Research, The Environmentalist, Team Performance and Management, FQS, Building Research and Information, Journal of Integrative Environmental Research and Design Principles and Practices.

Visiting Professor of Sustainable Development at University Campus Suffolk.

External reviewer for the the School of Environment, Development and International Studies (EDIS) at the Open University.

Ongoing Research Projects

Internal HEIF project Transformative learning for the public good – an integrative approach to sustainable community development (£20,000, Principal Investigator)

KTP – Towards a more energy efficient asset management strategy with emhhomes (£126,000 Principal Investigator) continuation from the earlier KEP

Big Lottery funded Sustainable Harborough, (£57,000 to DMU Principal Investigator)

Completed Research Projects

British Council – Newton Fund (Completed 2016) Co-design for low cost low energy housing: A comparison between the UK and Peru. (£30,000 Principal investigator)

GoodDee2ds: (completed 2015) Digitally engaging & empowering employees for energy demand reduction (£180,000 Co-Investigator)

EU funded CoDes (completed 2015) Education for Sustainable Development (Principal investigator)

EU funded Eracobuild project (completed 2013) on the development of an integrated method for evaluating energy efficiency in domestic dwellings – with Parity Projects (Principal investigator);

Chesshire Lehman (2015) energy and the voluntary sector (£5,000 Co-investigator)

HEIF funded KEP project with East Midlands Housing Group (2012) Towards a new business strategy for low carbon social housing (Lead academic) (£126,000, Principal investigator)

Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP (2010) – Communicating Climate Change (Lead academic) with Leicestershire and Rutland Rural Community Council (£126,000 Principal investigator).

KTP – (2011) Sustainable energy and water systems - Trust (£126,000 Co-Investigator) with Scarborough Hospital

UKERC Incluesev network (2011) Funding for workshop and reports on the role of retrofit in addressing the gap between social housing and energy poverty (£5,000 Principal investigator)

EPSRC – (2010 - 2012) Reduction of Energy Demand in Buildings through Optimal Use of Wireless Behaviour Information (Wi-be) Systems (£597,000 Co-investigator).

EPSRC (2010 - 2013) Complex Adaptive Systems, Cognitive Agents and Distributed Energy (CASCADE) (£1,200,000 Co-investigator).

Construction INet (2011) Mass Customisation to Retrofit UK Housing (£75000, Co-Investigator)

TSB Retrofit (2010) Two projects with East Midlands Housing Association and Newcastle City Council (Phase 2) (Co-Investigator)

TSB Retrofit (2010) Two projects with East Midlands Housing Association, Newcastle City Council (Phase 1) (Co-Investigator).

EU – Asia Link (2008) MI-EIS - Management and implementation of enterprise information systems (China, Netherland and UK University partners) 

EPSRC (2007) Awareness and understanding of complexity science principles for real world research EP/DO33667/1 (final report tending to outstanding) (£70,000) (Co-Investigator)

Lead (PI) on three ESRC PhD Case awards (2000-07)

BT (2000) Exploration of different cultural archetypes - organisational ‘shapes’ - for undertaking Research and Development (Principal Investigator)

BT (2000) Visiting research fellow investigating organisational culture, rules and measures as they affect customer service (Principal Investigator - £3,000)

EU (1996-00) Policy relevant models of the Natural and Anthropogenic Dynamics and their Spatio-Temporal Manifestations (Env4-CT95-0159 Archaeomedes II)

EU (1996-98) Environmental Response of Mediterranean Systems (Env4-CT95-0181 ERMES II)

EU (1998) New competencies for sustainable tourism in natural protected areas: a case study of the Peak Park. (Leonardo) (Principal Investigator - £7,000)

EU (1995-96) Cultural and Natural Heritage – Environmental Perception and Policy Making (EV5V-CT94-0846 EPPM)

EU (1991-94) Understanding natural and anthropogenic causes of desertification in the Southern Mediterranean (EV5V-0021 Archaeomedes I)
