Dr Marie Bassford

Job: Associate Professor in Physics

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Engineering and Sustainable Development

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 2577055

E: mbassford@dmu.ac.uk

Research interests/expertise

Optics/Imaging Technology, STEM pedagogy.

Areas of teaching

Current: ENGD1101 Engineering Mathematics 1, ENGD3000 Individual Project,

Past: IMAT2203 Clasical Mechanics, PHYS1001 Physics Fundamentals, PHYS2002 Optics, PHYS4001 Physics Project, STEM2001 Forensic Investigation, STEM2002 Education for Mathematics and Physics, TECH1004 Media Capture and Processing, TECH2004 Video and Imaging Techniques, TECH2003 Electronic Sound and Vision, TECH3025 Imaging Technology.


MPhys Physics (1997 from the University of Leicester)

PhD Physics (2001 from the University of Leicester)

Courses taught

BEng/MEng Electrical Engineering, BEng/MEng Mechanical Engineering, BEng/MEng Aeronautical Engineering, BEng/MEng Energy Engineering, BEng/MEng Mechatronics, BSc/MPhys Physics, BSc Multimedia Computing, BSc Media Technology, BSc Media Production, BSc Audio and Recording Technology

Honours and awards

Advance HE "Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence" (CATE award) 2018

Membership of external committees

British Science Association, Treasurer (Leicestershire Branch)

Membership of professional associations and societies

Member of the Institute of Physics MInstP 2001 to present


CrashEd - An interactive learning experience, delivered by De Montfort University, showcasing STEM subjects in a hands-on car crash scenario.

Consultancy work

2011 Consultancy project with Rolls Royce (Civil Nuclear)

2012 Consultancy project with Rolls Royce (On-wing)

2013 Consultancy for iForce

2014 Consultancy for Everards Brewery

Internally funded research project information

Project Title: Evaluating the Performance of Physics Students on the Autistic Spectrum within HE.

Funding Source: Teaching Innovation Project (TIP 2017), awarded February 2017. 

Role: Principal Investigator.

Project Title: Development of forensic investigation cross-faculty module and crime scene outreach activities across the maths/physics/forensic subject disciplines. 

Funding Source: Teaching Innovation Project (TIP 2015), awarded June 2015. Project commenced July 2015.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator.

Project Title: Development of crime scene outreach activities and investigation into a cross-faculty module across the maths/physics/forensic subject disciplines.

Funding Source: Teaching Innovation Project (TIP 2014), awarded June 2014. Project commenced September 2014.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator.

Project Title: From Proof-of-Principle to Prototype: Industry Applications of Novel Visual Environment Sensor.

Funding Source: Higher Education Innovation Fund for Research (HEIF Round 5), Networking funding awarded August 2014. 

Role: Co-Principal Investigator.

Project Title: Development of a novel visual environment sensor for advanced monitoring applications to improve comfort, well-being and energy efficiency in buildings.

Funding Source: Higher Education Innovation Fund for Research (HEIF Round 5), awarded summer 2013. Proof of principle funding awarded January 2014. 

Role: Co-Principal Investigator.

Project Title: Medical and industrial applications of multi-exposure imaging on portable, cost-effective programmable cameras.

Funding Source: Revolving Investment Fund for Research (RIF Round 4), awarded December 2012. Project commenced January 2013.

Role: Principal Investigator.