Dr Leticia Ozawa-Meida

Job: Senior Research Fellow

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Engineering and Sustainable Development

Research group(s): Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD)

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)116 257 7970

E: lozawa-meida@dmu.ac.uk

W: www.dmu.ac.uk/research/centres-institutes/iesd/index.aspx

Personal profile

Greenhouse gas accounting (national, regional, local and organisational level), end use energy demand analysis, estimation and analysis of energy and greenhouse gas indicators, scope 3 emissions.

Research group affiliations

Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development

Key research outputs

Ozawa-Meida L, Brockway P, Letten K, Davies J, and Fleming P. (in press). “Measuring carbon performance in a UK University through a consumption-based carbon footprint: De Montfort University case study” in Journal for Cleaner Production, UK. (article in press).

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.09.028


Sheinbaum C, Ruiz BJ, and Ozawa L. (2011). “Energy consumption and related CO2 emissions in five Latin American countries: changes from 1990 to 2006 prospects” in Energy, volume 36, issue 6, pp. 3629-3638.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2010.07.023

Sheinbaum C, Ozawa L, and Castillo D. (2010). “Decomposition analysis of energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in Mexico's iron and steel industry using the logarithmic mean Divisia index” in Energy Economics, volume 32, issue 6, pp. 1337-1344.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2010.02.011

Ozawa-Meida L, Fransen T, and Jiménez-Ambriz R.M. (2008). “The Mexico GHG Programme: corporate responses to climate change initiatives in a ‘Non-Annex I’ Country”, in Corporate Responses to Climate Change, Achieving Emissions Reductions through Regulation, Self-Regulation, and Economic Incentives, R. Sullivan (editor), Chapter 9, Greenleaf Publishing, London, United Kingdom. 

Worrell E, Price L, Martin N, Hendriks C, Ozawa-Meida L. (2001). “Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Global Cement Industry” in Annual Review of Energy and Environment, vol. 26, November, p. 303-329.

Research interests/expertise

Corporate climate strategies, industrial energy use and climate change mitigation.

Areas of teaching

Integrated Environmental Strategies, MSc Climate Change and Sustainable Development.


Eng, MEng, PhD

Courses taught

Integrated Environmental Strategies, MSc Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

Honours and awards

As a DMU team (IESD, Estates and Procurement Departments) jointly with ARUP

Name of the award: MCA Award (consultancy awards)

Date: April 2011

Reason conferred: ‘Environment’ and ‘Times Award for Best Consultant/Client team’ for the application submitted “Breaking New Ground in Higher Education Carbon Footprinting”.

Conference attendance

Conference Title: “1st International Conference On Revisiting the Socio-Political and Technological Dimensions of Climate Change”

Dates: 19-20 May 2011

Location: University of Central Lancashire

Title of contribution: De Montfort University’s comprehensive consumption-based carbon footprint and sustainability initiatives

Authors: Ozawa-Meida, L. Brockway, P., Letten, K., Hudson, B., Bull, R. and Fleming, P.

Type of contribution: Presentation and refereed conference paper

Funded by: JISC

Associated research grant: “Re-engineering procurement (PRO) Reducing carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and enabling sustainability” (PROCO2)

Consultancy work

4/2007-6/2009   Energy and climate change independent consultant in Mexico

The following are a list of projects in different topics related to climate change:

Adaptation to Mexico of the Livestock Project Protocols of the Climate Action Reserve, through a performance standard analysis and supported by a stakeholder process.

Identification of the building blocks of implementing sectoral agreements on GHG emissions from a program perspective and from a company perspective.

Collaboration in the development of the content of a distance learning course on Climate Change and Sustainable Development focused on advisors that guide the teaching of young and adult people with low education or educational gaps.

Road-test the cement sector proposal template developed by Ecofys and GTripleC for Mexico and organization of technical and policy workshops on “Sectoral No-Lose Targets” in Mexico.

Estimation of GHG emissions from the category of Industrial Processes and Use of Products for Mexico’s National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 1990-2006.

Analysis of energy efficiency and climate change mitigation options for the pharmaceutical industry in Mexico.

Editorial and technical support for the elaboration and publication of the Mexico’s National Strategy on Climate Change.


Project title: “Measuring and monitoring Scope 3 carbon emissions (procurement and estates)”

Client (funding source): HEFCE
Dates: February – August 2011
Role in the project: Researcher
Collaborators: DMU Estates Department, DMU Finance Department (Procurement), ARUP
Currently available to undertake consultancy

Current research students

Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed

Mode: Attending Living Lab PhD

Supervisory role: 2nd supervisor

Working title of Research Programme: “Optimal ranking sequencing of retrofit options for greenhouse gas emissions reductions in non-domestic buildings”

Externally funded research grants information

Project title: “Face your elephant; engaging festival goers in the Science and Engineering of reducing their carbon footprint”

Funding Agency: ESPRC
Dates: August 2009 – April 2011
Role in the project: Researcher

Project title: “Re-engineering procurement (PRO) Reducing carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and enabling sustainability” (PROCO2)

Funding agency: JISC
Dates: February 2011 - May 2012
for the PROCO2 project
Role in the project: Researcher
Collaborators: ARUP

Project title: “All in One: Feasibility Analysis of Supplying All Services Through One Utility Product”

Funding agency: ESPRC
Dates: October 2011 – March 2013
Role in the project: Researcher
Collaborators: Cranfield University, University of Leicester and University of Sheffield

Internally funded research project information

Project title: De Montfort University Carbon footprint research study

Funding source: RIF
Dates: April – July 2010
Role in the project: Researcher
Collaborators: DMU Estates Department, DMU Finance Department (Procurement), ARUP

Professional esteem indicators

Name of the journal: Energy Policy
Date: November 2011 - March 2012

Name of the journal: Carbon management
Date: November 2011

Name of the publication: Mexico's National Strategy on Climate Change
Editorial and technical support
Date: 2007 

Case studies

Title of the case study

Measuring scope 3 carbon emissions in the Higher Education (HE) Sector.


The consumption-based methodology developed in projects can now be applied to other Higher Education Institutions in England to gain a better understanding of their major greenhouse gas emissions and the actions.

Impact indicator

Environment and informing public policy in the Higher Education sector through HEFCE.

Research which led to impact

Carbon footprinting at DMU (2010) and in the HE sector (2011) by ARUP and DMU.

References to key output which underpin impact

Ozawa-Meida L, Brockway P, Letten K, Davies J. and Fleming P. (in press). “Measuring carbon performance in a UK University through a consumption-based carbon footprint: De Montfort University case study” in Journal for Cleaner Production, UK. DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.09.028

Evidence of impact

