Dr Graeme Stuart

Job: Research Fellow

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Engineering and Sustainable Development

Research group(s): Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)116 257 7964

E: gstuart@dmu.ac.uk

W: http://dmu.academia.edu/GraemeStuart

Social Media: www.linkedin.com/pub/graeme-stuart/14/39/793

Personal profile

Graeme has a BSc (Hons) in Applied Environmental Science from the University of Portsmouth as well as an MSc and a PhD in Energy and Sustainable Development from De Montfort University. Prior to undertaking his PhD, Graeme worked for Nottinghamshire County Council as an Energy Officer, where he was responsible for the Council’s environmental reporting and helped administer energy saving projects across the county.

Graeme’s PhD research was funded by an EPSRC industrial CASE studentship with Nottinghamshire County Council, Leicester City Council and Pilkington’s Energy Efficiency Trust (PEET) as part of the INREB (Integration of New and Renewable Energy in Buildings) Faraday Partnership.

Graeme’s research focuses on the empirical modelling of building energy performance. Complex models based on detailed analysis of high resolution time series energy consumption data provide benchmarks customised for individual buildings and allow even small changes in energy performance to be identified and analysed. Graeme uses these models to provide information to energy managers and to provide feedback to building users.

Research group affiliations

Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development

Research interests/expertise

  • Energy management
  • Numerical energy management
  • Automated data analysis
  • Energy consumption modelling
  • Event detection
  • Data visualisation
  • Energy performance
  • Energy feedback
  • Machine learning

Consultancy work

British Gas project assessing domestic energy end-use disaggregation systems.

Available - Yes.