Professor Eerke Boiten

Job: Professor in Cyber Security, Head of School of Computer Science and Informatics

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Computer Science and Informatics

Research group(s): Cyber Technology Institute

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)116 207 8511



Personal profile

Eerke Boiten spent the first twenty years of his research career, first in the Netherlands and then in the UK, on mathematics and logic based methods to guarantee and verify the correctness of software. He published over 50 peer reviewed papers on formal methods, including program transformation, viewpoint specification, and refinement in process algebra and state-based systems (e.g. Z). On the latter topic, he authored the monographs “Refinement in Z and Object-Z” (Springer 2004, 2015) and "Refinement: Semantics, Languages and Applications" (Springer 2018) with John Derrick , and organised many conferences and workshops including nine editions of the BCS-FACS Refinement Workshop.

His research has since moved mainly towards cyber security and privacy. He set up and led Kent’s interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cyber Security from 2012 to 2017.  In 2017, he moved to De Montfort University to lead the Cyber Technology Institute, which then held NCSC/EPSRC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research status from 2019 to 2023 and NCSC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education (Gold) status since 2021. He became Head of the School of Computer Science and Informatics in 2019. His current research projects are in privacy impact assessment, anonymisation, cyber intelligence sharing, and privacy and broader implications of artificial intelligence. He often engages with the press on these topics and broader issues of impacts of computing in society.

Research group affiliations

Publications and outputs

Recent publications:


  • Cryptocurrencies: Computing Foundations, Risks and Socioeconomic Impacts, Henry George School of Social Sciences, 2023
  • The privacy risks of contact data, Association of British Chinese Professors, 2022. 
  • Pre-conference interview for Anthropology and Technology conference invited talk, September 2020
  • No, let's not put it on the blockchain (video), SAC Computing 2018

Recent press comments and op-eds:


  • Refinement, with John Derrick, Springer 2018

  • Refinement in Z and Object-Z, with John Derrick, Springer 2004, 2nd edition 2015

  • Integrated Formal Methods 2004, proceedings, with John Derrick and Graeme Smith, LNCS 2999, Springer

  • Mathematics of Program Construction 2002, proceedings, with Bernhard Möller, LNCS 2386

Research interests/expertise

Formal methods, cyber security, privacy

Areas of teaching

Privacy, data protection, cyber security, formal methods


Ir (Twente)

PhD (Nijmegen)

PGCHE (Kent)

Membership of external committees

  • Program committee member for ABZ (several years)
  • FM 2021 Paper First chair
  • EPSRC College member, since 2016 (grant reviews since 2002); grant reviews for NWO (Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research); H2020 reviews 2019
  • Panel member for Academy of Finland, 2015-2016
  • Program committee Mathematics of Program Construction, 1998-2015, program chair 2002
  • Program chair BCS-FACS Refinement Workshop, 9 editions 2002-2015
  • Steering Committee FOSAD Summer School, 2012-2019
  • Panel for EAPLS best PhD thesis award, 2010-

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Member of the BCS
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Current research students

Sarah De'Ath

Debalina Padariya (2nd supervisor)

Asif Minhas (2nd supervisor)

Trevor Wood (2nd supervisor)

Externally funded research grants information

Alan Turing Inst/Accenture 2021-2024 A Framework for Quantifying the Privacy/Utility Trade-off in Generative Model based Synthetic Data £150K
InnovateUK 2021-2024 CyberASAP various projects (Co-I) £136K



Cognitive and Socio-Technical Cybersecurity in Modern Railway System (Co-I)




“Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security”




Interviewing cybercrime victims




Economical, Psychological and Societal Impact of Ransomware, lead site, principal investigator (£913K total)

£445K (Kent/DMU)



H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015, “European Training Network for Cyber Security”, lead for Kent (€3.5M total)

€570K (Kent)



“Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security”




“Cryptoforma 2”, principal investigator




“Cryptoforma: formal methods and cryptography, the next generation of abstractions”, principal investigator




“Research Induction and Training Package at IFM 2004”, principal investigator




“Network: RefineNet”, investigator




“A Constructive Framework for Partial Specification, principal investigator




 “ODP Viewpoints in a Development Framework”, named researcher & investigator


Professional esteem indicators

  • Member of the Editorial Board of Formal Aspects of Computing journal, 2010-
  • External reviewer for Nuffield Bioethics report on Biological and Health Data, 2015
  • External examiner, MSc programmes in Computer Science, University of Sheffield, 2007-2012; MSc programmes in Advanced Computer Science and Security, University of Birmingham 2013-2017
  • Reviewer for many journals and conferences

