Dr Ali Hilal Al-Bayatti

Job: Associate Professor in Cyber Security

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Computer Science and Informatics

Research group(s): Cyber Technology Institute (CTI) (Software Technology Research Laboratory (STRL))

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)116 207 8586

E: alihmohd@dmu.ac.uk

W: http://www.tech.dmu.ac.uk/~alihmohd/

Personal profile

Dr. Ali Al-Bayatti is a Senior Lecturer in Intelligent Transportation systems at Software Technology Research Laboratory, a research institute established within De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. , his research deals with vehicular (e.g. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks), Cyber Security (e.g. Security Management) and smart technologies (e.g. Context-aware Systems) that promote collective intelligence. Applications range from promoting comfort, to enabling safety in critical scenarios. The goal of his research is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, mobility, security and safety of transportationsystems.

Dr. Ali Al-Bayatti is currently teaching Undergraduate module ‘CTEC3604 Multi-service Networks’ in Computer Science. He is currently the programme leader for MSc Cyber Technology, MSc Software Engineering, MSc Cyber Security and MSc Professional Practice in Digital Forensics and Security.

Key research outputs

Research interests/expertise

  • Intelligent transpiration
  • Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
  • Mobile Computing
  • Wireless Computing
  • Context-aware Systems
  • Pervasive Computing
  • Computer/Mobile Security.

Areas of teaching

CTEC3604 Multi-service Networks (30 credit).


B.Sc. in Computer Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Technology, Iraq.

Ph.D. in Computer Science at De Montfort University, UK.  

Courses taught

Programme leader for MSc Cyber Technology, MSc Software Engineering, MSc Cyber Security and MSc Professional Practice in Digital Forensics and Security.

Current research students

Successful PhD Completion 

Dr. Khalid Alodadi “Solving Non-Line of Sight using Context-aware Systems in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks” De Montfort University (2016). 

Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi “Features interaction: detection and resolution in Smart Homes Systems” De Montfort University (2016).

Dr. Tareq Binjammaz “GPS Integrity Monitoring for an Intelligent Transport System“ De Montfort University (2015). 

Dr. Abdullah Aldawsari “Context-aware Driving Behaviour Detection System in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks“ De Montfort University (2015).

Dr. Yasser Almajed “Privacy Management in Data Warehousing” De Montfort University (2015). Dr. Fahad Alqahtani “E-commerce Customer Anonymity and Fair Exchange Protocol for Digital Contents” De Montfort University (2015). 

Dr. Abdulmalik Alhammad “Intelligent Parking Systems in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks” De Montfort University (2015).

Dr. Hani Alquhayz “Security Management System for 4G Heterogenous Networks“ De Montfort University (2015).

Dr. Mussab Aswad “Crash Detection Model Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks” De Montfort University (2014). 

Dr. Mafawez Alharbi “Context-aware PLE Architecture”, De Montfort University (2014). 

Dr. Laila Alhimale “Fall Detection Algorithm for Video Images”, De Montfort University (2013).

Dr. Saif Al-Sultan “Context Aware Driving Behaviour Model for VANET”, De Montfort University (2013). 

Dr. Awatef Rahuma “Semantically Enhanced Image Tagging System”, De Montfort University (2013).

Dr. Moath Al-Doori “Directional Routing Technique in Vehicle Ad hoc Networks, De Montfort University (2011). 

Dr. Muhammed Khan “A Co-Evolutionary Framework to Reducing the Gap between and Information Technology (2011).

Current PhD Students (Main Supervisor) 

Mr. Dennis Bohmlander "Innovative Crash-sensing Architectures - A new approach in contactless vehicle crash detection" De Montfort University. 

Mr. Raphael Riebl "Perfomance Testing methodology for Vehicle Ad hoc Networks" De Montfort University.

Mr. Sadir Fadhil "Context-aware overtaking assistant system. De Montfort University.

Mr. Nawaf Alqabandi “Context-aware Intrusion Detection system using Artificial intelligence in VANET” De Montfort University.

Successful MSc Completion 

Mr. Shadman Salah (2014). 

Mr. Ahmed Malik (2013) “Factors effecting Delivering Insulin for diabetic patients using Bayesian Networks”

Mr. Anjanna Silva (2013) “Car Polling System”

Mr. Anas Alsharif (2012) “Automated Taxi Dispatch System (Taxi Business) De Montfort University.

Mr. Mahran Alsubee (2012) “Intelligent Car Parking System - A case of City of Medina, Saudi Arabia” De Montfort University.

Mr. Salman Alenezi (2012) “The Lines Between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” De Montfort University. 

Mr. Uqonna Ekwueme (2011)“Intelligent Car Parking Schemes” De Montfort University.

Mrs. Nada Al-Fakih (2011) “Cloud Based Personal Health Record” De Montfort University.

Mrs. Entisar Alshirf (2011) “Selection of Computer Programming Languages for Developing Distributed Systems. De Montfort University.

Mrs. Ohud Almutairi (2011) “Designing an Effective Intersection Collision Warning System: An Investigation into Important Criteria” De Montfort University. 

Mrs. Ruqayah Aljameel (2011) “The Application’s Usability Evaluation of Web-based Geographic Information System for Pst Office Webs” De Montfort University. 

Mr. Khalid Shaban (2011) “Evaluating Mobile Application Performance and Power Consumption Trough Model-Driven Engineering Methodology” De Montfort University.

Mrs. Laila Elgamel (2011) “ Selection of Programming Languages for Developing Distributed Systems” De Montfort University.

Mr. Ahmed Alghamdi (2010) “Feasibility of Separating Control/Data in 802.11 Family” De Montfort University. 

Mr. Mafawez Alharbi (2010) “Mobile Lecture” De Montfort University. 

Mr. Abdulkariem Alqarni (2010) “Global Intelligent Parking Schemes” De Montfort University. 

Mr. Abdullah Algashami (2010) “Good Practice for Effective E-assessment” De Montfort University. 

Mr. Sharaf Alzhrani (2010) “Intelligent Application for Car Hiring (Mileage Tracking Application)” De Montfort University.

Mr. Anas Alsharif (2010) “Automated Taxi Dispatch System” De Montfort University. 

Mrs. Asma Alothaim (2010) “Location Finder and Weather Forecast Application” De Montfort University. 

Mr. Fauwaz Alshammari “Risk Management in Software Development Projects” De Montfort University.

Mr. Ali Almiman “Security Survey in VoIP” De Montfort University. Mr. Thamir Alghamdi “Comparison of Two Parking Management Systems” De Montfort University.

Professional esteem indicators

Journal Article Reviewing
Networking [IET] 2016. Vehicular Communications [Elsevier] 2014, 2015, 2016. Sensors [MDPI] 2016. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering [Springer] 2014, 2015. The Journal of Engineering [IET] 2014, 2015; Journal of Advances in Engineering Software [Elsevier]; Journal of Network & Computer Applications 2013 [Elsevier]; Computer & Electrical Engineering Journal (CEE) 2011, 2012 [Elsevier]; International Journal of Ad Hoc Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC) 2010

Program Committee Member / Other Conference & Workshop Reviewing
IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2016-Spring 15–18 May 2016, Nanjing, ChinaIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2015-Spring 11–14 May 2015, Glasgow, ScotlandInternational Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology (I4CT) 2014Springer based Applied Electromagnetic International Conference (APPEIC) 2014Renewable Energy and Green Technology International Conference (REEGETECH) 2014International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET) 2014International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering, focusing on Industrial and Manufacturing Theory and Applications of Electronics, Communications, Computing, and Information Technology (ICOCOE) 2014IEEE Symposium on Computer Application & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE) 2013IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM) 2013IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA) 2013IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors (ICWiSE) 2013IEEE Symposium on Computer & Informatics (ISCI) 2013IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetic (APACE ) 2012IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology & Applications (ISWTA) 2012, 2013IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronic & Applications (ISIEA ) 2012ICNS Networking and Services 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014International Symposium on Innovation in Information & Communication Technology (ISIICT) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014International Conference on Computer Science & Information Technology (ICCSIT) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC) 2010 Member of the Steering committee of the International Online Workshop on writing a research paper (IOW-WRP) 2011AIRCC Worldwide Conferences
