Dr Victoria (Vicki) Aldridge

Job: Associate Professor in Psychology

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 207 8158

E: vicki.aldridge@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr Vicki Aldridge's joined DMU as a lecturer in 2017, becoming a senior lecturer in 2018, and associate professor in 2023. Vicki has been the programme leader (director) for undergraduate psychology at DMU since 2019, undertaking programme management and overseeing development for four BPS accredited psychology degree programmes. Prior to joining DMU, Vicki worked as a teaching fellow in statistics at UCL's Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. Her research interests lie in the development of eating behaviour and dietary change across the lifespan, with a particular focus on the characteristics and development of disordered feeding in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, and the support available for these groups. She is also interested in the wider context of both typical and atypical eating behaviours, and in the physical, psychological, and social outcomes of different eating patterns.

Research group affiliations

  • DMU Psychological Research Group
  • Health Psychology Cluster
  • DMU Food Lab

Research interests/expertise

  • Feeding behaviour and dietary development
  • Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
  • Food neophobia and picky/selective eating
  • Sensory processing and sensitivity relating to food and eating
  • Mealtime interaction and socialisation


  • BSc (Hons) Psychology
  • MSc Research Methods in Psychology
  • PhD Psychology
  • PGCert Teaching and Learning in Higher and Professional Education

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Higher Education Academy (HEA) - 2013 to Present - Fellow
  • International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) - 2016 -2018 Member

Conference attendance

  • Coulthard, H. & Aldridge, V. (April, 2019). Evaluation of novel fruits and vegetables in adults; associations with generalise foods, disgust and sensory processing. Poster presented at the British Feeding and Drinking Group annual meeting 2019, Swansea, UK.
  • Aldridge, V., Harris, G., Shea, L., & Greville-Harris, M. (March, 2019). ARFID and Differential Diagnoses. Presented at the International Conference on Children’s Eating Behaviour, 2019, Birmingham, UK. [Workshop]
  • Aldridge, V., & Wade, A. (December, 2016). Formative feedback: Supporting and enhancing teaching and learning in statistics. Presented at the Ninth Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics (OZCOTS), Canberra, Australia. [Oral presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K. (2015, October). Reliability Assessment Using SPSS. Presented at the SPSS user conference (ASSESS), York. [Oral presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K. (2015, July). Using Formative Feedback to Drive Teaching and Learning in Statistics. Presented at the Burwalls 2015 meeting for teachers of medical statistics, Kings College, London. [Oral presentation]
  • Aldridge, V., Koutoumanou, E., & Wade, A. (2014, November). Teaching Statistics to Non-Statisticians: The Educational and Marketable Success of Short Courses. Presented at the School of Life and Medical Sciences education showcase event, UCL. [Poster Presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K. (2013).P-values?  Presented at the Burwalls 2013 meeting for teachers of medical statistics, Oxford. [Poster Presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K., Dovey, T. M., Martin, C. I., & Meyer, C(2013, April). Interview analysis of healthcare professionals’ perspectives on paediatric feeding disorders. Presented at the International Conference on Specialist Intervention for Feeding Disorders, Stafford. [Oral Presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K., Dovey, T. M., Martin, C. I., & Meyer, C. (2012, November). Characterisation of child mealtime behaviour: a clinical vs. non-clinical comparison. Feeding Disorders Conference 2012, London. [Oral Presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K., Dovey, T. M., Martin, C. I., & Meyer, C. (2012, June). Parents’ practices, experiences and perceptions of feeding: A qualitative comparison of clinical vs. non-clinical views. Presented at The European Conference in Paediatric Psychology, Oxford. [Poster Presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K., Dovey, T. M., Martin, C. I., & Meyer, C. (2012, June). The relative contributions of child factors to variation in child feeding behaviour. Presented at The European Conference in Paediatric Psychology, Oxford. [Poster Presentation]
  • Aldridge, V. K. (2011, July). Feeding disorders: What the world knows. Presented at the North West Dysphagia Special Interest Group, Manchester. [Oral Presentation]

Current research students

  • Robinson, L., FT (UCL)  - Eating Disorders and Bone Health [completed]
  • Fox, G., PT (DMU)  - Picky Eating in Adulthood [Completed]
  • Yau, S., FT (DMU)  - Child and Parent Perceptions of Parent Mealtime Emotions [Current]
Vicki Aldridge