Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
McKie, R.E and Aitken, A (2025) Community Resilience to Flooding in the UK: A Study of Matlock, Derbyshire. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Turgoose, D., McKie, R.E. Connelly, P (2023) Pet Insurance Discrimination and Domestic Violence: Double Jeopardy in the UK. Violence Against Women. DOI: 10.1177/10778012231176201
Holder, F., Carbone, J., McKie, R. E (2023) Climate Obstruction and Facebook Advertising: How a Sample of Climate Obstruction Organizations Use social media to Disseminate Discourses of Delay. Climactic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-023-03494-4
McKie, R.E. (2021) Obstruction, delay, and transnationalism: Examining the online climate change counter-movement. Energy Research and Social Sciences. 80,
Turgoose. D and McKie, R.E. (2021) Generic Personal Safety Applications; empowering victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse? A Practitioner Lens Gender-Based Violence.
McKie, R.E. (2019) An Environmental Harm to Examine UK Nuclear Energy Expansion, Extractive Industries and Society.
Johnston E., Crisp A., McKie, R.E., Brawn, R (2019) Forensic science and human migration: The Role of forensic Genetics. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement. Series 7 (1): 450-451.
McKie, R.E. (2018) Climate Change Counter Movement Neutralisation Techniques: A Typology to Examine Climate Change Counter Movement Messaging, Sociological Inquiry,
Stretesky P.B., McKie, R.E., Lynch M.J., Long, M,A. & Barrett, K.A. (2018) Where Have all the Falcons Gone? Saker Exports in a Global Economy, Global Ecology and Conservation, Available at:
Stretesky, P.B., Long, M.A., McKie, R.E., Aryee, F (2018) Does Oil and Gas Development Increase Crime with UK Local Authorities 2003-2015? The Extractive Industry and Society
Stretesky, P.B., McKie, R.E (2016) A perspective on the historical analysis of race and treatment storage and disposal facilities in the United States" Environmental Research Letters, 11 (3) DOI: (Selected as a Monthly Highlight March 2016
McKie, R. E., Stretesky, P.B, Long, M.A. (2015) Carbon Crime in the Voluntary Market: An Exploration of Modernisation Themes among a Sample of Criminal and Non-Criminal Organisations. Critical Criminology 23 (4): 473–486.
Peer Reviewed Books
McKie R.E (2023) The Climate Change Counter Movement: How the Fossil Fuel industry sought to delay climate action. Palgrave Macmillan.
Cudworth E., McKie, R.E. Turgoose, D., (eds) (2022). Feminist Animal Studies: Theories, practices, politics. Routledge Publications.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
McKie, R.E. Faraque, O. (Forthcoming) Across the Global South. In Timmons et al, (eds) Global Assessment on Climate Obstruction. Oxford University Press
Daley, F., Newell, P., McKie, R.E., Painter, J. (Forthcoming) Climate Obstruction in the UK. In (eds) Brulle, R., & Roberts, T. Climate Obstruction Across Europe. Oxford University Press.
McKie, R E. (2023) Climate Change, Governance, and Inequality. Eds Long, M.A., Lynch, MJ, Stretesky, PB. Handbook on the Environment and Inequality. Edward Elgar Publishing.
McKie R.E. (2022) Animal Abuse, In Atkinson, R., Ayres, T (eds) Shades of Deviance. 2nd Edition. Routledge Publications.
McKie R.E (2022) The Climate Change Counter Movement: An International Deviant Network, The International Handbook on Anti-Environmentalism, eds. Tindall, D and Dunlap, R.E. Edward Elgar Publishing
McKie, R. E (2018) The Limits of Ecological Modernisation to Reduce GHG Emissions. A Case Study of Crime in Carbon Markets. In Environmental Crime and the Money,
McKie, R. E., Stretesky, P. B., Lynch, M. J., Long, M.A (2017) The Criminal Kind: Green Criminology and the Prevention of Ecological Destruction* Forging a Socio-Legal Approach to Environmental Harms: Global Perspectives, New York, Routledge Publications,
Research and Policy Reports
McKie, R.E., Aitken, A. (2023) Flood Prevention and Resilience in Matlock: A British Academy Funded Project. Community Report. November 2023.
McKie, R.E., Aitken, A. (2023). Flood Prevention, Resilience Building and Communities: Policy Primer. November 2023.
Edwards G, Gellert PK, Faruque O, Hochstetler K, McElwee PD, Kaswhan P, et al. (2023) Climate obstruction in the Global South: Future research trajectories. PLOS Clim 2(7): e0000241.
Plehwe, D.. Goldenbaum, M., Ramanujam, A., McKie, R.E., Moreno, J.A., Ekberg, K., Hall, G., Araldi, L., Walker, J., Brulle, R., Neujeffski, M., Graham, N., Hrubes, M. (2021). “The Mises Network and Climate Policy: 9 Key Findings” Policy Briefing, The Climate and Development Lab, Institute at Brown for Environment and Society, online at July 2021. Published by CSSN, July 2021
McKie, R.E., Milani, C.R.S., Walz, J.R, Roberts, T., Edwards, G., Faruque, O.M., McElwee., P., Hochstetler, K., Kashwan, P., (2021) Is Climate Obstruction Different in the Global South? Preliminary Observations and a Research Agenda. Research Primer. Climate Social Science Network. Institute at Brown for Environment and Society, online at
Datasets and Databases
McKie, R.E. et al (2023) Atlas Think tanks: Main Employers. Available at: