Dr Neena Lakhani

Job: Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 207 8279

E: nlakhani@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/hls

Personal profile

Neena Lakhani is a qualified pharmacist and registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council UK and a member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society). She is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice at De Montfort University, Leicester.

Neena is the Inter-professional Education (IPE) Lead for the undergraduate pharmacy programme (Master in Pharmacy). She is also a practising pharmacist and a pharmacy research champion for the NIHR CRN East Midlands, a member of the Local Pharmacy Network for NHSE East Midlands, Centre for the Advancement if Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) and Primary Care Pharmacy Association (PCPA). Her research expertise includes adopting qualitative methodologies to explore service users’ perspectives to medicines adherence, including cultural influences in minority ethnic communities.

Neena leads on the research, development and delivery of Interprofessional Education initiatives for the Leicester School of Pharmacy (DMU). Her latest research includes studying the impact of inter-professional education for pharmacy and medical students in the primary care setting. Her other research interests include the role of community pharmacists for the management of both minor conditions and long-term respiratory conditions in the South Asian population.

Neena has worked with Primary care organisations, NHS trusts and agencies in the development, delivery and evaluation/audit of pharmacy practice services within community pharmacy. She has developed and led on the Pharmacy First Minor Ailments Scheme for NHS Leicester City. Her background practice experience includes working in hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy and primary care. She is a former Chair and member of the Leicestershire and Rutland Pharmaceutical Committee.

Research group affiliations

Leicester Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation for Integrated Care (LIPIIC)

Key research outputs

PhD thesis ‘An exploration of Factors affecting the use of community pharmacy services by South Asians in Leicester’.

Research interests/expertise

Community pharmacy practice: project development

Management of minor ailments in ethnic populations and diverse communities

Public Health: Pharmacy initiatives

Interprofessional education

Prevention and management of Infectious diseases

Respiratory health in BME

Qualitative research methodologies

Areas of teaching

Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice

Interprofessional Education


BPharm(Hons); MSc; DipHospPharm; PhD, SFHEA, MRPharmS

Courses taught

Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Interprofessional Education

Honours and awards

BPharm: upper second (June 1979)

MRPharmS (June 1980)

MSc: distinction (June 1981)

DipHospPharm (June 1995)

PhD (Feb 2012)

SFHEA (June 2017)

Membership of external committees

Faculty Research Ethics Committee (FREC) DMU from 2007- Current: Member

Steering committee for Faculty Inter-professional Education, DMU Faculty of Health and Life Sciences from 2005 - Current: Member

Membership of professional associations and societies

General Pharmaceutical Council
No 2026015 Sept 1980- Current Member

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of GB
No 73436 Sept 1980- Current Member

South Asian Health Foundation (SAHF) Sept 2014 - Current Member

Local Pharmaceutical Network (LPN) April 2015 - Current Member

UK Public Health Association (UKPHA) Special Interest Group Jan 2007 - Current Member

Primary Care Pharmacists Association (PCPA) June 2017- Current Member

Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education, UK (CAIPE) June 2010 - Current Member

Leicestershire and Rutland Pharmaceutical Committee May 2013-May 2016 Chair

RPSGB Local Branch Committee October 2007-October 2011 Member

Leicestershire and Rutland Pharmaceutical Committee May 2008-April 2018 Member

Professional licences and certificates

Member of the General Pharmaceutical Council UK

Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society UK

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)


The impact of a clinical placement programme for pharmacy students in primary care (funded by HEEM) Evaluation with General Practice. June 2018 (ongoing): Evaluation

The management of Gout in Primary Care Evaluation with General Practice and UHL July 2018-ongoing: Evaluation

IPE Medicines Optimisation in Primary Care Evaluation (with UoL) April 2017-ongoing: Evaluation

South Asian Respiratory Intervention (SARIs). RIF funded project-grant of 11K at DMU (in collaboration with Anna Prof Murphy, Glenfield Hospital and Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, UCL and Fellow of NICE) June 2015-ongoing: Research

IPE Polypharmacy in Hospital Evaluation (with UoL)-Nov 2015-Nov 2016: Evaluation

The Management of Interventions in Asthma (MIA study) Data collection with Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, UCL and Fellow of NICE) Jan 201-June 2014: NIHR Research

South Asians’ perspectives of community pharmacists as health care advisors for minor ailments PhD Research project October 2003-October 2010: Research

Researcher for evaluation of Minor Ailments Scheme Leicester City CCG (in collaboration with Leicester City PCT) Jan 2011- Nov 2011: Research

Inter-professional education E-learning project stroke and diabetes (in collaboration with Northampton University and the BDRA, UoL): October 2007- July 2008 Education development

‘Endocul’ endometriosis project: http://www.endocul.co.uk/ Research project led by Prof Lorraine Culley DMU and the University of Birmingham City. Feb 2008-June 2008: Research

Consultancy work

Screening of migrants for Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) NIHR Consultancy and Collaboration UHL and UoL: May 2017 - ongoing

Community/Primary Care Pharmacy Research Champion Consultant with CRN NIHR, East Midlands: April 2014 - Current

SIMPLE COPD and SIMPLE Asthma and COPD studies-interventions in community pharmacy. Consultancy and Collaboration with Dr Anna Murphy, consultant pharmacist, Glenfield Hospital: June 2010 - June 2011

Externally funded research grants information

Research Grant application: The Management of Interventions in Asthmatic children of South Asian origin: follow up study (MIA) UCL London Professor Monica Lakhanpaul Jan 2011- Jan 2012 NIHR Grant

Research Grant application: A pilot of an inter-professional medicine review process for improving the care planning of older people DMU and UoL-Professor Stephen Wood May 201 -Jan 2016 NIHR and Wellcome Foundation

Grant award: Pharmacy First: Minor Ailments Scheme Enhanced Service for NHS Leicester City CCG Jan 2008- Nov 2008 CCG consultancy grant 55K

Grant award: Consultant Practice Pharmacist Evington Road Medical Centre Jan 2010- Jan 2011:CCG internal grant 55K

Professional esteem indicators

Journal of Inter-Professional Care (guest reviewer).

Case studies

De Montfort University

1. Neena has recently expanded IPE events for Pharmacy students. These involve future health professionals learning from, with and about each other. They are often joined by students from other HLS courses, medical students from the University of Leicester and professional practitioners. The General Pharmaceutical Council has commended this as a beacon of good teaching practice. 

2. Neena and the Pharmacy Practice team have developed a programme, in collaboration with the University of Leicester and GP Practices, which gives final-year Pharmacy students the opportunity to work with medical students at GP practices. It’s part of a “timely and thought-provoking” scheme that is being expanded after a successful pilot phase.

University of Leicester

3. Leicester universities work with GPs to put interprofessional care on the curriculum