Dr Mark Fowler

Job: Principal Lecturer in Forensic Science and Teacher Fellow

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 250 6385

E: mrfowler@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/pharmacy

Research group affiliations

  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Biomolecular Technologies Group.

Research interests/expertise

  • Molecular biology applications
  • Medicinal herb authentication
  • Forensic science (fingerprint analysis and recovery, DNA)
  • Genetics education, TEL and OER.

Areas of teaching

  • Forensic and clinical molecular biology
  • Genetics and genomics
  • General forensic science.


  • BSc(hons) Science and the Environment (biotechnology)
  • PhD Plant Molecular Biology
  • PgC (distinction) Forensic Science
  • MSc (distinction) Science, medical science.

Courses taught

  • BSc Forensic Science
  • BSc Biomedical Science
  • BMedSci Medical Science
  • MSc Advanced Biomedical Science

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Member, Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education/Fellow,
  • Higher Education Academy (current).
  • Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine (current).
  • Member, Institute of Biology/Society of Biology (current).
  • Professional Member, Forensic Science Society (current).

Conference attendance

Molecular Identification of St John’s Wort by PCR amplification of the ITS1 Region: Implications for medicinal plant identification. Caroline Howard, Paul D Bremner, Mark R Fowler and Adrian Slater. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2008; 60: A10. British Pharmaceutical Conference, September 2008.

PlantID – A System for the Identification of Medicinal Plant Material by DNA Profiling. Caroline Howard, Eleni Socratous, Sarah Smith, Eleanor Graham, Mark R Fowler, Nigel W Scott, Paul D Bremner and Adrian Slater. RRJ Arroo (ed.) (2010).

Trends in Natural Products Research: Abstracts of the Phytochemical Society of Europe. Phytochemical Society of Europe, Leicester. ISBN 978-0-9565472-0-0. Meeting held at De Montfort University Leicester, April 2010. Howard C, Socratous E, Williams S, Graham E, Fowler MR, Scott NW, Bremner P D, Slater A A.  One-tube assay for four Hypericum species – PlantID PLANTA MEDICA 77: 1243 2011.

PI10 PCR based assays for the authentication of Black Cohosh Products. Miss Sarah Williams, Dr Caroline Howard, Dr Paul Bremner, Dr Mark Fowler and Dr Nigel Scott. 59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research 4-9 September Anatalya Turkey 2011.

Externally funded research grants information

Plant ID
Higher Education Collaboration Fund, 1/7/2009-31/3/2010 £24,000 CI (with A Slater, NW Scott and E Graham, East Midlands Forensic Pathology Unit)

Sickle Cell Open: Online Topics and Educational Resources (SCOOTER)
JISC Open Educational Resources Programme, 31/08/2010-31/08/2011 £123,548 (total value £247,096) CI (with V Rolfe and S Dyson).

The use of mobile touch screen devices in teaching crime scene processing to forensic science students. Higher Education Academy, 2011 £3,000 PI (with NW Scott, R Brawn and V Rolfe).

HALS JISC Open Educational Resources III, 2011 £199,982 CI (with V Rolfe and J Williams).

How institutional culture can change to adopt open practices
HEA/JISC Open Educational Resources Case studies – Pedagogical development from OER practice, 2011 £2,000 (joint PI with V Rolfe).

Professional esteem indicators

HEA Teaching Development Grant reviewer.
Reviewer for “New Directions”.

Case studies

Total sales for "Plant Biotechnology; the genetic manipulation of plants" are now well over 11,000 copies and is in its second edition and in the top 10 plant genetics books by sales on Amazon UK. It is described as a “superb book and a valuable resource for all those with an interest in the genetic modification of plants”, widely recommended text by universities worldwide.

Expertise in fingerprint research recognised by invitation to join the SATIN project (led by Dr Paul Smith of Portsmouth University, Leicestershire Constabulary, BVDA, Hampshire Constabulary, the Scottish Forensic Services and staff at the National Police Improvement Agency (NPIA) Forensic Training Centre); the SATIN project was highlighted in The Investigator magazine (Feb 2010, 41-43).

Both contributions to the Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology were by invitation.