Berghs, M. & Pena-Fernandez, A. (2026). An Introduction to Global Health Interventions: Key Issues and Case Studies. London: Routledge.
Berghs, M. & Wilkinson, M. (2025). Current Issues: “Is the workplace about to get better or worse for disabled people?” Disability & Society, (forthcoming)
Simmonds, B. A., & Berghs, M. (2024). Editorial: Intersections of ageing and disability during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Sociology, 9, 1501580.
Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Kemp, R. & Webster, A. (2024). The indignities of shielding during the COVID-19 pandemic for people with sickle cell: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, Special Issue Intersections of Aging and Disability During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Frontiers in Medical Sociology, 9: 1334633.
Ola, B., Olushola, O., Ebenso, B. & Berghs, M. (2024). Sickle Cell Disorder and Its Psychosocial Burdens in Africa. In Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa Public Health Perspectives. Bukola, B., Kanayo,K & Inusa, B. (eds.). London: Routledge.
Berghs, M., Ebenso, B. & Ola B. (2024). The Social Determinants of Severity in Sickle Cell. In Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa Public Health Perspectives. Bukola, B., Kanayo, K & Inusa, B. (eds.). London: Routledge.
Berghs, M. (2024). The Critical Importance of Global Collaboration in Sickle Cell Advocacy and Management. In Sickle Cell Disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bukola, B., Kanayo, K & Inusa, B. (eds.). London: Routledge.
Afeworki Abay, R. & Berghs, M. (2024). Impossible Working Lives and Disabled Bodies during Racialised Capitalism: Perspectives from Germany and the United Kingdom. In Intersectional Colonialities, Embodied Colonial Violence and Practices of Resistance at the Axis of Disability, Race, Indigeneity, Class, and Gender. Afeworki Abay R. & Soldatic, K. (eds.). London: Routledge.
Berghs, M. (2023). Philosophical and practical challenges of Ubuntu: Application to decolonial activism and conceptions of personhood and disability. In: Southern Theories Contemporary and Future Challenges. Mutanga, O. & Marovah, T. (Eds.), London & New York: Routledge.
Atkin, K.M., Berghs, M., & Chattoo, S. (2023). Representing Disabling Experiences: Rethinking Quality of Life when Evaluating Public Health Interventions. Politics & Policy, 1-57.
Berghs, M. & Ebenso, B. (2023). Social Science Research & Sickle Cell. In Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Liamputtong, P. (Eds), Cham: Springer.
Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Graham, S., Kemp, R., Webster, A. & Howson, C. (2022). Black Sickle Cell Patients’ Lives Matter: Healthcare, long- term shielding and psychological distress during a racialized pandemic in England – a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open, 12(9), e057141.
Cronin de Chavez, A., Berghs, M., Ola, B. & Ebenso, B. (2022). Is screening for diabetes II among patients with sickle cell trait a potential example of structural racism in healthcare? Hemasphere, 6: 56-57.
Coen-Sanchez, K., Ebenso, B., El-Mowafi, I. M., Berghs, M., Idriss-Wheeler, D., & Yaya, S. (2022). Repercussions of overturning Roe v. Wade for women across systems and beyond borders. Reproductive Health, 19(1), 1-5.
Berghs, M, Dyson, M.A., Gabba, A., Nyandemo, S., Roberts, G., Deen, G. and Thomas, I. (2022). “I want to become someone!” Gender, Reproduction and the Moral Career of Motherhood for Women with Sickle Cell Disorders, Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25(5), 633-647.
Berghs, M. (2022). Let's Get Back to Normal? COVID-19 and the Logic of Cure. Frontiers in Sociology, 7.
Berghs, M. (2022). An African Path to Disability Justice: Community, Relationships and Obligations: by Oche Onazi, Cham, Springer, 2020, xix+ 179 pp.
Berghs, M, Dyson, S.M., Greene, A.M., Atkin, K. and Morrison, V. (2021). ‘They Can Replace You at Any Time!”: (In)Visible Hyper-Ableism, Employment and Sickle Cell Disorders in England, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 23(1), 348-359.
Dyson, S.M., Atkin, K., Berghs, M., Greene, A.M. (2021). On the possibility of a disabled life in capitalist ruins: Black workers with sickle cell disorder in England. Social Science & Medicine, 272, 113713
Berghs, M. (2021). Who gets cured? COVID-19 and developing a critical medical sociology and anthropology of cure. Frontiers, 5, 613548.
Berghs, M. (2021). An African ethics of social wellbeing: Understanding Disability and Public Health. In Disability in Africa: Inclusion, Care, and the Ethics of Humanity Falola, T. & Hamel, N. (eds). New York: University of Rochester Press.
Berghs, M. (2021). Caroline Williamson Sinalo, Rwanda After Genocide: gender, identity and post-traumatic growth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pb£ 22.99–978 1 108 44459 0). 2018, xiii+ 219 pp. Africa, 91(2), 338-340.
Berghs, M. & Dyson, S.M. (2020). Intersectionality and Employment in the United Kingdom: Where are all the Black Disabled People? Disability & Society, 1-24.
Berghs, M., Dyson, S.M., Gabba, A., Nyandemo, S.E., Roberts, G., Deen, G. (2020). "You have to find a caring man, like your father!" Gendering sickle cell and refashioning women's moral boundaries in Sierra Leone. Social Science & Medicine, 259, 113-148.
Berghs, M., Ebenso, B., de Chavez, A.C. & Ola, B. (2020). Time to apply a social determinants of health lens to addressing sickle cell disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa. BMJ Global Health, 5: e002601.
Peña-Fernández, A., Anjum, U., Wadoum, R. E. G., Koroma, S., & Berghs, M. (2020). Competing ethics in a pilot strategy to implement parasitology training and research in post-Ebola Sierra Leone. International Health, 12 (6): 509-514.
Berghs, M. (2020). Biosocial Model of Disability. In Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, Gu, D. & Dupre, M.E. (eds.) Cham: Springer.
Berghs, M. Chataika, T., El-Lahib, Y. & Dube, A.K. (eds.) (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. London: Routledge.
Berghs, M. (2019).An African ethics of social wellbeing: Understanding disability and public health In Disability in Africa, Falola, T and Hamel, N. (eds). New York: University of Rochester Press.
Dyson, S. & Berghs, M. (2018). Ethnicity, Disability and Chronic Illness. Understanding ‘race’ and ethnicity in social welfare, Chattoo, S., Atkin, K., Graig, G. & Flynn, R. (eds.) Bristol: Polity Press.
Berghs, M. (2018). Ethical (Dis)enchantment, Afflictive Kinship and Ebola Exceptionalism.Disability and Everyday Worlds. Thomas, G. & Sakellariou, D. (eds.). London: Routledge.
Berghs, M. (2017). Cash not Care: The Planned Demolition of the UK Welfare State. By Stewart, Mo. New Generation Publishing: London. 2016. 188pp. £15.99. ISBN 978-1-78507-783-8. Self & Society, 45 (3-4), 336-341
Berghs, M. Atkin, K., Graham, H., Hatton, C. & Thomas, C. (2017). Public health, research and rights: The perspectives of deliberation panels with politically and socially active disabled people. Disability & Society, 32 (7): 945-965.
Berghs, M. (2017). Emancipatory Engagement and Co-production: Action Research for Disability Justice. SAGE Research Methods Cases Collection. London: SAGE Publications.
Berghs, M., Atkin, K. & Dyson, S. (2017). Resignifing the Sickle Cell Gene: Narratives of Genetic Risk, Impairment and Repair. Health, 21 (2), 171-188.
Berghs, M. (2016). War and Embodied Memory: Becoming Disabled in Sierra Leone. London and New York: Routledge. [paperback]
Berghs, M., Atkin, K., Graham, H., Hatton, C. & Thomas, C. (2016). Implications for Public Health: Theories and Models of Disability. Public Health Research, 4 (8).
Berghs, M. (2016). Local Phantoms, Global Images and Performativity: Reparations and National Memory in Sierra Leone. Rethinking Disability. Devlieger, P., Rusch, F., Brown, S. & Strickfaden, M. Antwerpen: Garant.
Berghs, M. & Kabbara, N. (2016). Disabled People in Conflict and Wars. Disability in the Global South: The Critical Handbook. Grech, S. & Soldatic, K. (eds.). London: Springer.
Berghs, M. (2016) Disabled States and Impaired Citizens in the Global South: Bio, Necro to Impairometrics. Minority Reports. 2 (1): 237-256.
Berghs, M. (2016). Current Issues: Neoliberal Policy, Chronic Corruption and Disablement in West Africa: Biosecurity, Biosocial Risks and the Creation of ‘Ebola survivors’? Disability & Society, 31 (2), 275-279. [Used in Centre for Diseases and Control (CDC) United States historical exhibition on Ebola]
Atkin, K., Berghs, M., & Dyson, S. (2015). ‘Who's the guy in the room?’ Involving Fathers in Antenatal Care Screening for Sickle Cell Disorders. Social Science & Medicine, 128: 212-219.
Berghs, M. (2015). Disability and Conflict: Rethinking Migration, Flows and Boundaries. Disability and the Global South. 2 (1): 442-459. [Invitation]
Berghs, M. (2015). Radicalising ‘Disability’ in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations. Disability & Society, 30 (5): 743-758. [Special Issue]
Dyson, S., Berghs, M. & Atkin K. (2015). ‘Talk to me, there’s two of us’: Fathers and Sickle Cell Screening, Sociology, 50 (1), 178-194.
Chataika, T., Berghs, M., Mateta, A. & Shava. K. (2015). From Whose Perspective Anyway? The Quest for African Disability Rights Activism. Reclaiming Activism: Western Advocacy in Contention. De Waal, A. (ed.) London: Zed Books. [Invitation]
Berghs, M. (2015). Staying Alive is just Step One for West Africa's Ebola Survivors. The Conversation, 22 October. Available at: http://theconversation.com/staying-alive-is-just-step-one-for-west-africas-ebola-survivors-49329
Berghs, M. (2015). Britain after the Blitz: How to Rebuild a city fit for a Post-Conflict Population. The Conversation, 7th September. Available at: http://theconversation.com/britain-after-the-blitz-how-to-rebuild-a-cityfit-for-a-post-conflict-population-47111
Berghs, M. (2014). Embodiment and Emotion in Sierra Leone. The Global Politics of Impairment and Disability: Processes and Embodiment. Soldatic, K. & Meekosha, H. (eds.). London: Routledge. [Invitation]
Berghs, M. (2014). Qualitative Mixed Methods Approaches in a Post-Conflict Ethnographic Case Study with War-Wounded People. SAGE Research Methods Cases collection. SAGE Publications.
Berghs, M. (2014). The Global Economy of 'Care.' Disabling Barriers, Enabling Environments. Swain, J., French, S., Barnes, C. & Thomas, C. (eds.). London: SAGE Publications. [Invitation]
Berghs, M. (2014). The New Humanitarianism: Neoliberalism, Poverty and the Creation of Disability. Disability, Human Rights and the Limits of Humanitarianism. Schuland-Vials, C. & Gill, M. (eds.). Aldershot: Ashgate.
Conteh, E. & Berghs, M. (2014). 'Mi At Don Poil': A Report on Reparations for Amputee and War-Wounded People in Sierra Leone. Freetown: Amputee and War-Wounded Association. [Invitation and voluntary collaboration]
Berghs, M., Atkin, K. & Dyson, S. (2014). Involving Fathers in Ante-Natal Screening for Sickle Cell Disorders: Improving Informed Decision Making - Summary of the Research Findings. York: University of York.
Berghs, M. (2013). War and Embodied Memory. Becoming Disabled in Sierra Leone. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Asiedu, V. & Berghs, M. (2012). Limitations of Individualistic Peacebuilding in Postwar Sierra Leone. African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 2 (1): 136-151.
Berghs, M. & Dos Santos-Zingale, M. (2011). A Comparative Analysis: Everyday Understandings of Disability in Sierra Leone. Africa Today, 58 (2): 19-40. (Invitation special edition - Everyday Life in Postwar Sierra Leone)
Berghs, M. (2011). Embodiment and Emotion in Sierra Leone. Third World Quarterly, 32 (8): 1399-1417. (Invitation special edition - Disability in the Global South)
Berghs, M. (2011). Paying for Stories of Impairment-Parasitic or Ethical? Reflections undertaking Anthropological Research in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 13 (4): 255-270.
Berghs, M. (2010). Coming to Terms with Inequality and Exploitation in an African State: Researching Disability in Sierra Leone. Disability & Society, 25 (7): 861-865.
Gastmans,C., Berghs, M., & Dierckx de Casterlé, B. (2008). Verantwoordelijkheidspraktijken en Verpleegkundigen Gedurende de Euthanasieprogramma’s van Nazi-Duitsland (1939-1945). Témoigner: Entre Histoire et Mémoire : Revue Pluridisciplinaire de la Fondation Auschwitz. 100:157-176.
Berghs, M., Dierckx der Casterle, B. & Gastmans, C. (2007). Practices of Responsibility and Nurses during the Euthanasia Programs of Nazi Germany: A Discussion Paper. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44 (5): 845-854.
Berghs, M. (2007). Disability as Embodied Memory? Questions of Identity for the Amputees of Sierra Leone. Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational, Women's & Gender Studies, 78-92.
Berghs, M., de Casterle, B.D. & Gastmans, C. (2006). Nursing, Obedience, and Complicity with Eugenics: A Contextual Interpretation of Nursing Morality at the turn of the Twentieth Century. Journal of Medical Ethics, 32 (2): 117-122.
Berghs, M., de Casterle, B.D. & Gastmans, C. (2005). The Complexity of Nurses' Attitudes toward Euthanasia: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Medical Ethics, 31 (8): 441-446.