Dr Kylie Baldwin

Job: Senior Lecturer

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Allied Health Sciences

Address: De Montfort, University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 257 7735

E: KBaldwin@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/hls

Personal profile

Kylie Baldwin is a Sociologist with an interest in women’s health, reproduction, (in)fertility, gender and reproductive technologies.

She completed her doctoral research at DMU in 2016 which explored women’s use and experience of a new form of fertility preservation: social egg freezing. Her work has received significant coverage in the news media and has been discussed on the BBC, in the Guardian, The Times and Daily Mail. Kylie currently teaches on the Sociology and Health Studies programme at DMU.

Research interests/expertise

  • Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine
  • Social Egg Freezing
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Ageing and Fertility
  • Infertility and Involuntary Childlessness
  • Users experience of Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Areas of teaching

Kylie lectures on the BSc Health, Wellbeing in Society programme delivering modules on Medical Sociology, Gender and Health, and Research Methods.


  • BA Sociology (First Class) University of Leicester
  • MSc Social Research (Merit) University of Leicester
  • PhD Sociology (2016)

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Member of British Sociological Association
  • Co-convenor of the British Sociological Association Human Reproduction Study Group
  • Committee member of BSA Medical Sociology Group

Conference attendance

    Selected Conference Attendance:
  • Metric Culture: The Quantified Self and Beyond conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, 7  June 2017, 'Reproductive citizenship: monitoring risk and managing responsibility'

  • British Sociology Association Medical Sociology Pre-Conference Early Career Event, University of York, 12 September 2017, (Invited Speaker) 'Research fellowships and funding'
  • British Sociological Association Annual Medical Sociology Conference, Aston University 9th September 2016, 'Compelled to try: social egg freezing and reproductive citizenship'

  • Reproductive rights, new reproductive technologies and the European fertility market, 19-20 November 2015 Santander, Spain, 'Social egg freezing: a rational market choice?'

  • 2nd International Symposium on Social Egg Freezing, Barcelona 6th March 2015, 'The importance and relevance of 'critical experiences’ in understanding women's motivations for social egg freezing: experiences from the UK'

  • Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Goettingen University, Germany, Postponed Motherhood and the Ethics of the Family-14th October 2014 at Goettingen University, Germany. 'Frozen futures: The profile and motivations of women who freeze their eggs for ‘social’ reasons'

Professional esteem indicators

  • Reviewer for: Human Fertility, Human Reproduction, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, Health Risk and Society, Sociology of Health and Illness, Youth Studies, Sage Books, Women’s Health.
  • External examiner at The University of Winchester and The Open University
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Media interest and publicity 

Kylie's research has received widespread media attention and has featured in the following outputs: The Guardian, The Telegraph, BBC Radio 4, BBC World, The Times, The Independent, Marie Claire and The Pool.

Selected invited speaking:

  • Invited speaker for the British Sociological Association MedSoc Early Career Pre-Conference event 12th September 2017
  • Guest contributor/researcher BBC Radio 4 Documentary- ‘The Great Egg Freeze’
  • Invited Speaker/panel member for Timeless Public Debate: ‘Can women have it all?’ Funded by the LSE and Wellcome Trust, London, March 2016
  • Invited Speaker for the British Science Festival 2016 Scientific Section Presidential Address. Swansea University 7th September 2016 ‘Social egg freezing: motherhood on ice?’
  • Invited speaker for SmartEgg Event, London, ‘Egg freezing 101’ 7th February 2017
Kylie Baldwin