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Job: Lecturer in Criminology
School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences
Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
T: 0116 207 8863
E: john.mann@dmu.ac.uk
Mann, J. (2025) Cognitive Enhancing Drug Use in an Age of Neoliberalism: Issues and Implications for Future Potential Legislation and Policy. In: McVeigh, J. Van de Ven, K. Mulrooney, K. (Eds.) (2025) Human Enhancement Drugs Vol.2. London: Routledge.
Mann, J. (2022) Cognitive Enhancing Drug Use Amongst Students in (Neoliberal) Higher Education: A Functional Response. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687637.2022.2064268
Mann, J. (2022) Cognitive Enhancing Drug Use by Students in Higher Education: Neoliberalism & Harm Reduction. HED Matters. Vol 4(2). ISSN: 2652-9572 (Online). https://humanenhancementdrugs.com/hed-matters/