Dr Irina Ermolina

Job: Senior Lecturer

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 257 7870

E: IErmolina@dmu.ac.uk

W: www.dmu.ac.uk/pharmaceutical

Personal profile

Dr Irina Ermolina is a senior lecturer in Pharmaceuticals in the School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University. She gained her PhD degree in Molecular Physics in Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia. Prior to joining the DMU as an academic staff, Dr Ermolina was employed as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Glasgow University and Southampton University. Previously she worked as a senior researcher in Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Kazan, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Dr Ermolina now specializes in characterization of physical properties of pharmaceutical solids and powders studied by different analytical techniques; development and characterization of hydrogels as drug delivery systems; dielectric properties biological systems (proteins, DNA, cells, disaccharides); stability characterization of freeze-dried pharmaceuticals; the dynamic structure of proteins in solutions and membrane films.

Research group affiliations

  • Pharmaceutical Technology

Research interests/expertise

  • Freeze-drying Pharmaceuticals
  • Dielectric spectroscopy
  • Thermoanalytical methods
  • Terahertz spectroscopy
  • Characterization of hydrogels.

Areas of teaching

  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Analytical techniques for pharmaceutical applications
  • Material science for pharmaceutical applications
  • MSc Quality by Design course



Honours and awards

  • Lady Davis Grant 1997-1999, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Member of IoP (Institute of Physics, since 2006).

Professional licences and certificates

  • PGCertHE, De Montfort University
  • PIAT, University of Manchester

Conference attendance

Oral presentations at the following Conferences:

  • I.Ermolina. Dielectric spectroscopy and its applications to biopolymers and polymers characterization, RAPS (Recent Appointees in Polymer Science), Nottingham, Sept 2008.
  • I. Ermolina, G. Smith, Moisture buffering of freeze-dried pharmaceutical products: A study by broadband dielectric spectroscopy. 6IDMRCS,Rome Aug 2009.
  • I. Ermolina, V .Khutoryanskiy.Dielectric, terahertz and microscopic studies of phase transition
    in aqueous solutions of poly(vinyl methyl ether), RAPS (Recent Appointees in Polymer Science), Nottingham, Sept  2009.
  • I. Ermolina and V. Khutoryanskiy. Investigating temperature-induced phase transition in aqueous solutions of poly(vinyl methyl ether) by dielectric, terahertz and microscopic techniques. BDS-2010, Sept Madrid, 2010.
  • J. Darkwah, G. Smith, I. Ermolina, Terahertz Pulsed Spectroscopy Study of Amino Acids and Gelatin. PharmSci, Nottingham, 2010.
  • I. Ermolina, A. Pandya, G. Smith, Comparative study of freeze-dried disaccharides by dielectric spectroscopy with respect to molecular mobility and stability, PharmSci, Nottingham, 2010.
  • I. Ermolina, V. Khutoryanskiy. Effect of copolymer composition on physicochemical properties of 2-hydroxyethylacrylate-co-2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate hydrogels
    studied by Dielectric Spectroscopy and Thermogravimetric Analysis.  RAPS (Recent Appointees in Polymer Science), Loughborough, Sept. 2011.

Poster award:
I. Ermolina, E. Hackl, V. Khutoryanskiy. Study of 2-hydroxyethylacrylate-co-2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate hydrogels using thermoanalytical methods, dielectric spectroscopy and drug release assay, UK-PharmSci-2012, Nottingham, 2012.

Consultancy work

Freeze-drying Pharmaceuticals, Dielectric spectroscopy, Thermoanalytical methods, Terahertz spectroscopy, and characterization of hydrogels.
Currently Available: Yes

Current research students

Supervision of 6 PhD students:

  1. Joseph Darkwah, 1st supervisor
  2. Amee Pandya, 2nd supervisor
  3. Alex Wall, 2nd supervisor
  4. Sohail Arshad, 2nd supervisor
  5. Amjad Husain, 2nd supervisor
  6. Banji Kelan, 2nd supervisor

Internally funded research project information

  • DMU PhD Scholarship (full bursary),2009Terahertz imaging of the roller compaction process, Second supervisor
  • DMU PhD Scholarship (fees-only),2011Process Control/Monitoring in the Manufacture of Protein Based Therapeutics, First supervisor.

Professional esteem indicators

Journal Referee for:
Carbohydrate Research; J Physics D; J Non-Crystal. Solids; J Phys. Chem. D; Biophysical J.

Irina Ermolina