Professor Bertha Ochieng

Job: Professor of integrated health and social care

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Nursing and Midwifery

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (01)116 2078973


Personal profile

Bertha Ochieng is Professor of Integrated Health and Social Care at De Montfort University. She has extensive experience of health and social care provision as a clinician, an academic and as a researcher working with community groups and health and social care providers. Her academic and research focus is on improving health and social care through the provision of high quality education and research that provides positive results to marginalised and social disadvantage populations throughout the life span. Bertha’s strengths are in developing solutions for addressing the health and social care needs of socially disadvantaged populations and building relationships with community groups and practitioners in the health and social care sector. Her work has resulted in collaborations with diverse teams, comprising of, voluntary sector organisations, academics, NHS Trusts and social care teams locally, nationally and internationally. Her research portfolio includes three broad themes:

  • Community empowerment and engagement to enable the voices of marginalised and socially disadvantaged populations to be heard in the planning and delivery of services. Examples of work in this area: Migrants families - barriers with accessing and utilising health promotion services in the UK; examining multi-ethnic parents’ views on healthy eating practices for children, Black and minority ethnic young people and their families’ experiences and views on healthy lifestyles.

  • Engaging health and social care providers to identify framework that supports development of integrated models of health and social care to manage long-term non-communicable diseases such as incorporating digital solutions in health and social care, identification of cultural sensitive health promotion models for prevention and self-management of lifestyle related illnesses; examples of work include: Using smart-home sensors with older adults with long-term complex multi-morbidity; working with health practitioners to develop an evidence-based training tool for weight management

  • Service development and knowledge transfer activities to enable health and social care workforce deliver high quality care. Examples of projects she has led include: community health practitioners experiences of using telephone triage; practice nurse development programme to manage patients in the community with long-term conditions, examining the impact of continuing professional development on healthcare outcomes; 

Research group affiliations

  • Nursing and Midwifery
  • Social science
  • Public policy
  • Health sciences

Research interests/expertise

  • Access and utilization of health and social care services,
  • Concepts of health and wellbeing
  • Diabetes and long-term disease self-management
  • Inequalities in health and social care,
  • Parenting styles and early child rearing
  • Self-care strategies in health and social care
  • Socially disadvantaged populations and immigrant health
  • Mixed methods
  • Qualitative methodologies
  • Service development
  • Systematic reviews
  • User and carer experiences/perspectives of health and social care

Areas of teaching

  • Health promotion
  • Public health
  • Systematic review
  • Research methodologies
  • Working with communities to improve health 


  • Post-graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management in Higher Education, University of Bradford.
  • PhD, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds.
  • MSc Health Education Health Promotion; Leeds Metropolitan University.
  • Post-graduate Certificate in Education; University of Huddersfield.
  • MA Development Studies; University of Leeds.
  • BSc (Hons); Leeds.

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK)
  • Nursing & Midwifery Council (UK)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health (UK)
  • Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health (European association)
  • Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies (Leeds)

Conference attendance

  • 2016: Diabetes care pathway: an analysis of self-management, 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna
  • 2016Spirituality and meditation as mediating factors in Black families wellbeing. Mental Health and Cultural Diversity International Conference, Leicester.
  • 2014: Welfare systems and wellbeing: exploration of Black Families' Experiences and Beliefs, Ninth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
  • 2012: Health literacy and access to health and social welfare services. Seventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, Universidada Abat Oliba CEU, Barcelona Spain.
  • 2012: Community group actions: their emergence, maintenance and continuance. Seventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, Universidada Abat Oliba CEU, Barcelona Spain.
  • 2010: Spirituality as a mediating factor in Black families beliefs and experiences of health and wellbeing. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences conference, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. 
  • 2010: Minority ethnic families and the challenges to practice a healthy lifestyle. 8th European Regional Conference of the Commonwealth Nurses’, Pathos, Cyprus.

Consultancy work

Professor Ochieng provides consultancy for a range of health and social care organisations. Her portfolio of activities includes specialist staff training on service development, user and family involvement, and ethnicity and cultural perspectives.
