Mr Neil Parpworth

Job: Associate Professor of Law

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester De Montfort Law School

Research group(s): Human Rights

Address: The Gateway, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 2078186



Personal profile

Neil is a Principal Lecturer.  His teaching and publishing interests lie in the fields of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights and Environmental Law.  He is the author or co-author of a number of books and articles in refereed journals.  He has also had many articles published in legal professional journals.  Neil is the programme leader for the LLB and Law Joint degrees offered by Leicester De Montfort Law School. 

Research interests/expertise

In addition to the materials listed under 'Publications and Outputs' above, Neil has had the following published in more recent times:

Allegations of the discriminatory use of stop and search powers before the courts: some recent English and American experiences (2014) 87 Pol J 92-104

Reforming Police Powers of Stop and Search: Voluntary Action (2014) 87 Pol J 234-244

Criminalising the Provision of False or Misleading Information in a School Application Form [2015] Ed Law 166-174

The Environmental Offences Sentencing Guideline and the Court of Appeal [2016] JPL 3-11

Section 60 and the Supreme Court (2016) 89 Pol J 174-184

Challenging executive inertia relating to Environmental Laws: a recent South African experience [2016] JPL 850-859 

School non-attendance offences: time for reform? [2016] Ed Law 221-233

The impact of the Environmental Offences Sentencing Guideline: an early assessment [2017] JPL 11-22

The South African Constitutional Court: Upholding the Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers [2017] Journal of African Law 273-287

Searching School Pupils: The Need for Better Guidance [2017] Ed Law 171-185

A Practical Example of the impact of the Environmental Offences Definitive Guideline [2018] JPL 3-10

The constitutional invalidity of warrantless drugs searches in South Africa (2018) 91 Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles 123-138

Police misunderstanding the scope of public order powers in Northern Ireland: differences of judicial opinion (2018) 91 Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles 249-263 

Areas of teaching

Constitutional and Administrative Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Environmental Law.


LLB (University of Leicester)

MA (University of London)

Courses taught


Honours and awards

Excellence in Research Informed Teaching, Fcaulty of Business & Law Research Oscar, July 2018

Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award, October 2018

Professional esteem indicators

Associate Editor, Environmental Law and Management (Wiley Publishing) 1993-2000

Assistant Editor, Encyclopedia of Environmental Health Law and Practice (Sweet and Maxwell) 1993-

An Editor of the Environmental Health Law Reports (Sweet and Maxwell) 1998-2003

Book Review Editor, Environmental Law and Management (Lawtext Publishing) 2007-
