Professor Kassa Woldesenbet Beta

Job: Professor of Inclusive Entrepreneurship & Strategy

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Research group(s): Institute for Responsible Business, Centre for Enterprise and Innovation

Address: The Gateway, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 207 8528



Personal profile

Kassa Woldesenbet is Professor of Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Strategy and Deputy Director of the Centre for Enterprise and Innovation.  His research spans theory, policy, and practice, with a primary focus on Entrepreneurship, Strategy, SMEs, Institutions, and Top-level Managers. More recently, he has concentrated on developing resilience and enterprising opportunities for internally displaced and migrant women in the Global South, driven by a commitment to inclusive entrepreneurship and the empowerment of marginalized and disadvantaged groups.

Professor Woldesenbet has a prolific publication record, having authored over 60 papers, book chapters, and conference presentations. His work appears in esteemed journals such as Work, Employment and Society, the International Small Business Journal, and the Journal of Small Business Management. He is dedicated to engaged scholarship, emphasising the generation of real-world impact and bridging the gap between academia and practical application. This dedication is exemplified by his active involvement in the UK Research Excellence Framework, where his work demonstrates a significant connection between research and its implications for policy and practice.

Research group affiliations

Institute for Responsible Business

Centre for Enterprise and Innovation 

Key research outputs

Woldesenbet Beta, K., Mwila, N.K., and Ogunmokun, O. (2024) ), "A review of and future research agenda on women entrepreneurship in Africa, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 30(4): 1041-1092.

Jeremiah, M.S., Woldesenbet Beta, K.; Etim, R. S. (2023). ‘Issue-Based Environmental Sustainability Factors in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Industry: The Perspectives of Academics’, Critical Perspectives on International Business’, 19 (1): 113-151

Babajide, A., Obembe, D., Solomon, H., and Woldesenbet, K. (2022). ‘Microfinance and Entrepreneurship: The Enabling Role of Social Capital among Female Entrepreneurs’, International Journal of Social Economics, 49 (8): 1152-1171

Gezahegn, M., Woldesenbet, K., and Hailu, K. (2022). The role of entrepreneurial leadership on the MSMEs’ Effectiveness: A systematic literature review, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, 11(1): 0-17

Ogunsade, A, I., Obembe, D., Woldesenbet, K., and Kolade, S. (2021) ‘Entrepreneurial attitudes among university students: the role of institutional environments and cultural norms’, Entrepreneurship Education, 4: 169-190.

Woldesenbet, K., and Storey, J. (2019) ‘Navigating competing logics in developing Economy’, Africa Journal of Management, Published online on 6 February 2019,

Woldesenbet, K. and Worthington, I. (2018) Public procurement and small businesses: estranged or engaged? Journal of Small Business Management,

Woldesenbet, K. (2018) "Managing institutional complexity in a transitional economy: The legitimacy work of senior managers", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 13 Issue: 5, pp.1417-1434.

Vershinina, V., Woldesenbet, K., and Murithi, W (2018) “How does national culture enable or constrain entrepreneurship? Exploring the role of Haram bee in Kenya", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 25 Issue: 4, pp.687-704

Woldesenbet, K., Ram, M., & Jones, T (2012) ‘supplying large firms: The role of entrepreneurial and dynamic capabilities in small businesses’, International Small Business Journal, 30(5):493 -512.

 Ram, M., Jones, T., Paul, E., Kiselinchev, A, Muchenje, L., and Woldesenbet, K (2012), Engaging with super-diversity: New migrant businesses and the research–policy nexus, International Small Business Journal, Published online before print March 12, 2012, doi: 10.1177/0266242611429979 –

Ram, M. , Trehan K, Rouse J, Woldesenbet K, Jones T, (2012)  ‘Ethnic minority business support in the West Midlands: challenges and developments" Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 30(3) 504 – 519.

Ram, M., Woldesenbet, K., & Jones, T. (2011) ‘Raising the “table stakes”?:  ethnic minority businesses and supply chain relationships’ Work, Employment and Society, 25(2):309-326

 Woldesenbet, K. and Storey, J. (2010) Processes of senior managers' sensemaking and learning in a transitional economy. Human Resource Development International, 13 (5), pp. 501-518.

Research interests/expertise

Kassa’s research interests encompass a broad range of themes, including inclusive entrepreneurship in various contexts such as ethnic minorities, women, migrants, and displacement. His work also delves into SMEs, strategic management, supply chains, gender issues, institutions, sensemaking, learning, and business management in transition economies. Additionally, he is keen to expand his research into the area of sustainability, with a particular focus on the intersection of entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

Areas of teaching

CORP2181: Business Research issues and Analysis; Corp3400: Strategy and Management Dissertation; LPBG5017: Dissertation Supervision


PhD, MSc, MReS, PGCertHE, Fellow of HEA

Courses taught

Management & Strategy, Business Communication and Creativity, Strategy and Management Dissertation 

Honours and awards

  • December 2023: The Research Team of the Year Award, BAL of the Ball Award 2023, Faculty of Business and Law 
  • July 2020 – Award for Research Excellence in Impact by the Business and Law Faculty
  • December 2019: Elite contribution commendation letter from the editors of Journal of Small Business Management
  • In 2016, my co-authored paper entitled ‘Beyond the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Mixed Embeddedness Approaches: a Review and Research Agenda’ received two awards as ‘Best Research & Knowledge Exchange paper 2016’ and  a Best paper in Entrepreneurship in Minority Groups’ at the ISBE 2016 Conference.
  • November 2015 – a  Best paper  award  by Institute for  Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE)
  • Overall 2012 ISBJ Best Paper Prize awarded by the International Small Business Journal Editors and associate Editors, Feb 2013
  • Distinction in Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, De Montfort University, 11/2010
  • October 2003- June 2007: PhD Studentship funded by the Open University.
  • October 2002- September 2003: Postgraduate scholarship funded by the Open University.
  • Best paper award written by doctoral students by British Academy of Management in 2006.

Membership of external committees

Membership of professional associations and societies

Member of the British Academy of Management since 2005.

Member of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship from 2023

Member of the  European Academy of Management from 2009

Forthcoming events

Business and Law Research Conference – 27 June 2024, Leicester

British Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group Conference, 4th July 2024, University of Leicester, UK

Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, 6-7 November 2024,  Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK 

Conference attendance

Woldesenbet Beta., K and  Abi, Meskerem, (  2024), ‘ Empowering Displaced Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from Ethiopia and Zambia through the 5M Gender-Aware Framework, paper to be presented at ISBE 2024 Conference,  -6-7 November, Sheffield, University of Sheffield Hallam

Woldesenbet Beta, K., and Kelalech, K. (2024) ‘Intersectional Resilience: The Entrepreneurial Struggles and Aspirations of Displaced Women in Ethiopia, Paper presented at the British Academy of Management Entrepreneurship SIG Conference, 4th July, Leicester, University of Leicester.

 Woldesenbet Beta, K. and Abi, Meskerem (2024), ‘Empowering Displaced Women Entrepreneurs: A Nuanced Understanding through the 5M Gender-Aware Framework in Ethiopia and Zambia’, Paper presented at the BAL 2024 Research Conference, 27 June, Leicester

Woldesenbet Beta, K., Mwila, N.K., and Abi, Meskerem, (2023), Paper presented at the ISBE 2023 Conference, 6-8 November, Birmingham, Aston University, UK. The paper is short listed for Best Paper Award.

Gezahegn, M., Woldesenbet, K., and Gudeta, K. (2022) ‘Examining Entrepreneurial Leadership Effect on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’ Effectiveness: Evidence from Ethiopia, paper accepted for presentation at the British Academy of Management Annual Conference, August 31st - 2nd September at The University of Manchester

Murithi, W., and Woldesenbet, K. (2020) ‘Do Family and Nonfamily Firms Contribute differently to Regional Economic Development? The Underlying Effects of Firm Strategic Behaviour, paper presented at Family Business in Arab World Conference, 4-5th November, Online.

Woldesenbet, K, and Murithi, W. (2019) ‘Firms’ Contribution to Regional Economic Development: The underlying effects of Firm strategic Behaviour, paper presented at European Academy of Management Annual Conference, 26-28 June , Lisbon, Portugal 

Murithi, W., and Woldesenbet, K (2018) ‘Family firms and regional economic development: The mediating role of industrial clusters and firm growth in emerging economies’, Paper submitted to Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018, Cologne, Germany 24th-28 July 2018.

Murithi, W. & and Woldesenbet, K. (2018) ‘Firm Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Regional Economic Development: The moderating effect of family involvement in the firm’, paper presented  at BAM 2018 Annual Conference, 4th-6th September, Bristol, UK

Adekunle, K., Obembe, D., and Woldesenbet, K. (2018) ‘Institutional Environments and Youths Entrepreneurial Orientation: Evidence from Nigeria’, Paper presented at BAM 2018 Annual Conference, 4-6th September, Bristol, UK

Woldesenbet, K. (2018) ‘The use of logics in a transitional economy, paper presented at 4th Biennial Conference of the Africa Academy of Management, 3rd- 6th January 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Murithi, W., Woldesenbet, K., and Vershinina, N. (2017)  Do ‘Harambee Spirit’ and ‘Familiness’ share their meanings in the context of ICT Sector Family Businesses in Kenya? Paper to be presented at 17th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, 21- 24th June, Glasgow, UK.

Babajide, A., Obembe, D., Solomon, H. and Woldesenbet, K. (2017) Fostering Entrepreneurial Activities through Microfinance in Nigeria. Paper presented at 5th European Research Conference on Microfinance, 12-14th June, Portsmouth, UK.

Woldesenbet, K. (2017) Managing ‘legitimacy level and navigating institutional logics in transitional economies. Paper presented at 22nd Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference, 24-26 May, Rome, Italy

Gast, A., Vershinina, N., and Woldesenbet, K. (2016) Beyond the entrepreneurial ecosystem and mixed embeddedness approaches: A review and research agenda. paper presented at ISBE 2016 Conference, 27-28 October, Paris, France.

Woldesenbet, K. (2016) Constructing and extending legitimacy, and exemplifying social orientation to manage competing institutional logics. paper accepted for presentation at the British Academy of Management 2016 Annual Conference, Newcastle, UK, September 6-8.

Vershinan, N., Woldesenbet, K, Kaur, K, and Trehan, K. (2016) Breaking out or Breaking in? Exploring family dynamics in planning for succession', paper to be presented at Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, California, 5-9 August 

Woldesenbet, K., and Theodorakopoulos, N (2015)  ‘Strategizing in the context of transitional Economy: the interplay between firm level and institutional logics’, Paper  presented at the 15th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, June 17th- 20th, Warsaw, Poland.

Theodorakopoulos, N., Sanchez-Preciado, D;, and  Woldesenbet, K.(2015)  ‘Intermediation for Technology Transfer from Academia to Rural Industry as Institutional Work: Filling the Void in a Less-developed Economy Setting’, Paper presented at 30th European Group for Organization Studies  (EGOS) Colloquium , July 2-4 2015, Athens, Greece.

Woldesenbet, K, Worthington, I, and Ram, M ( 2015) ‘ Public Sector Procurement and ‘under-represented businesses’ : engaged or estranged, Paper  presented at the British Academy of Management ( BAM) 29th Annual Conference, 8th- 10th September, Portsmouth, UK.

Vershinina, N., Kaur, K., Woldesenbet, K (2015) ‘Understanding Stakeholder Relationships amongst Punjabi-Indian Family Firm Members’ a paper presented at ISBE 2015 Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK

Jeremiah, M., Woldesenbet Beta, K and Vershinina, N (Sept 2015) “Examining the Corporate Social Responsibility Contribution to Environmental Sustainability in Developing Countries: The Role of Accountability Perspectives” BAM Conference, Portsmouth, UK

Woldesenbet, K., and Storey, J. (2013), The use of dominant logics in a transitional economy’, paper presented at the 13th European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2013 Annual Conference, June 26-29, Istanbul, Turkey

Woldesenbet, K, and Ram, M.(2013), SMEs and public procurement: contextualising the theory of mixed embeddedness’, paper presented at the 13th  European Academy of Management (EURAM ) 2013 Annual Conference, June 26-29,  Istanbul, Turkey 

Woldesenbet, K. (2009) ‘Making sense of senior managers’ ‘need to know’ in a transition economy’, Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Annual Conference, VU University of Amsterdam, 26-28 April.

 Woldesenbet, K., Storey, J., and Salaman, J.G. (2007), ‘Top-level managers’ knowledge about strategy and strategizing in a turbulent environment’, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Warwick, 11-13, September.

Woldesenbet, K., Storey, J., and Salaman, J.G. (2006), ‘Senior managers’ business knowledge in a transition economy', British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Belfast, 12-14 September (Awarded best paper prize authored by a doctoral student).

Woldesenbet, K., Storey, J., and Salaman, J.G. (2006), 'Top managers’ knowledge about strategizing and capability: a study in Ethiopia', DRUID Summer Conference 2006 on 'Knowledge, Innovation and Competitiveness: Dynamics of Firms, Networks, Regions and Institutions', Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 June.

Woldesenbet, K., Storey, J., and Salaman, J.G. (2006), 'Managers’ business knowledge in a transition economy', First International Conference on  Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC ), University of Warwick, 20-22 March.

Woldesenbet, K. (2009) ‘Making sense of senior managers’ ‘need to know’ In a transition economy’, Paper Presented at International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), April 26-28 Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This paper is one of the outputs from my PhD research. Conference attendance is funded by the department of Strategy & Management.

Ram, M., Woldesenbet, K., & Jones, T (2009) ‘Raising the “table stakes”:  ethnic minority businesses and supply chain relationships’, paper presented at the Institute for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference. Attendance funded by the CREME. 

Recent research outputs

Research Report on Developing Resilience and Enterprisng Opportunities for Internally Displaced and Migrant Women in Ethiopia and Zambia, May  2024

British Academy Funder Report, May 2024

Current research students

Zenas Azuma Azuma  - 2nd Supervisor ( about to submit)

Mesfin Gezahegne - 1st  Supervior ( completed)

Jeremiah, Mfon Solomon - 1st Supervisor (completed)

Kaur, Kiranjit - 1st Supervisor ( completed)

Murithi, William - 1st Supervisor ( completed)

Gast, Annabell - 2nd Supervisor ( Withdrawn)

Ogunsade, Adekunle - Isaac 2nd Supervisor (completed)

Lahaware, Zeeshan - 2nd Supervisor ( completed 

Agbo, Jideofor - 2nd Supervisor

Externally funded research grants information

Exceptional achievement in securing significant research income worthover GBP 974,000 from various sources (p, 9 para 3):

2020 - £49,662 from the British Academy for the ‘Developing resilience and enterprising opportunities for internally displaced/migrant women in Ethiopia and Zambia (PI)

2010-2013 - £490,000 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for Supplying to Public Sector project (PI)

2010 - £35,000 from ESRC for the research project entitled ‘Facilitating Entrepreneurship in New Migrant Community (Co-I).

2009-10 - £400,000 from Advantage West Midlands for MEECOE project (Co-I) to promote a strategic and innovative approach to supporting ethnic minority businesses in the West Midlands (Co-I)

2023- 2024 - £48,453-Leverhulme Trust for the project ‘Gender and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in a Developing Economy applied - not successful .  

Detailed information: 

The research project I was involved as co-investigator in, the Minority Ethnic Enterprise Centre of Expertise (MEECOE) generated substantial external research funding. This research project was funded by Advantage West Midlands with an award value of £400,000.  For the follow up study in this area, I with my colleagues secured further funding amounting to £35,000 from the Economic and Social Research Council with the research project titled ‘Facilitating Entrepreneurship in New Migrant Community.  The Selling to Public Sector Project, where I acted as a principal investigator, was funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Higher Education Innovation Fund with amount of £490, 000, from December 2010-2013. Most recently, I am PI on the project entitled ‘(DREO4WEZ) and funded by the British Academy. The total funding for this project is £49,662.

My research findings on barriers to SMEs engaging with local procurement created a new evidence base that have shaped new procurement rules, processes, and practices within Leicester City Council, supported an increase in spend on services and products from local SMEs – up from 18% in 2015 to 46% in 2018 – and increased local engagement with the procurement process.

  • Over £650,000 of value added to the local economy by businesses improved their performance.
  • In an increase in LCC’s locally based spend by 8.3% (GBP 19,000,000) between 2015 and 2016.
  •  Public sector leverage to SMEs increased to £32 million.
  • An increase in ethnic minority engagement with business support provider by 40 percent.

The DREO4WEZ  study advances theoretical understanding by intertwining spatial, political, and emotional dimensions of multiple embeddedness, offering a nuanced perspective on the complexities that shape the entrepreneurial experiences  and the the contested nature of entrepreneurship in addressing poverty and empowerment among marginalized groups  such as internally displaced women.

Internally funded research project information

 ISPF BA Funded Project - January - May 2024

Project Aim

The Collaborative Research Agenda on Inclusive Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development, funded by the ISPF BA, aims to explore and enhance the role of inclusive entrepreneurship in promoting sustainable development, with a particular focus on empowering women and addressing gender equality and poverty alleviation.

1. Focus on Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development:

Both events in Addis Ababa and Lusaka cantered on the critical themes of inclusive entrepreneurship and sustainable development. Addis Ababa emphasized empowering women entrepreneurs, gender equality, and poverty alleviation through entrepreneurial initiatives. Lusaka highlighted the importance of translating entrepreneurial knowledge into impactful actions, focusing on the challenges and successes of women entrepreneurs in Africa.

2. Diverse Participation and Collaborative Spirit:

In both locations, the events brought together a wide array of stakeholders, including women entrepreneurs, government agencies, advocacy groups, and entrepreneurship training institutes. This diverse participation underscored the necessity of collaborative efforts to address complex challenges and drive meaningful change in the entrepreneurial landscape.

3. Issues Discussed:

In Addis Ababa, discussions delved into gender disparities in entrepreneurship, strategies for empowering women, and the role of entrepreneurship in sustainable development. The Lusaka event focused on current initiatives, success stories, persistent obstacles, and the interplay between entrepreneurial ecosystems and sustainable development. Both events highlighted the significant challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and the need for targeted support mechanisms.

4. Generation of Ideas for Future Collaboration:

Both events succeeded in generating valuable ideas for future research and collaboration:

- Addis Ababa: Participants identified the need for policy frameworks promoting gender equality, support mechanisms for women entrepreneurs, and networks for sharing best practices.

- Lusaka: Ideas included initiatives to turn entrepreneurial knowledge into practical actions, enhanced support systems for women entrepreneurs, and collaborative research on entrepreneurial ecosystems and sustainable development.

Project outcome

The research networking events in Addis Ababa and Lusaka were pivotal in advancing the project's aim. They provided platforms for in-depth discussions, knowledge exchange, and the generation of actionable ideas. The comparative insights from both events highlight the complementary nature of the discussions and the collective commitment to fostering inclusive entrepreneurship and sustainable development. The success of these events is evident in the establishment of new research directions, collaborative initiatives, and a reinforced network of stakeholders dedicated to achieving the project's goals.

Professional esteem indicators

Regular reviewers of Internal Small Business Journal (from 2011)

Reviewers of paper submitted to Small Business Management Journal from 2013

Case studies

Enhancing Leicester’s Economy by Increasing Local SMEs’ Participation in the City’s Procurement (REF 2021)

Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) are a large and familiar part of the UK business landscape, so why has it traditionally been so difficult for them, particularly small ethnic minority-owned businesses, to participate in public procurement processes? Research led by Associate Professor Kassa Woldesenbet Beta examined barriers to SMEs engaging with local procurement, creating a new evidence base that has enhanced understanding of the challenges. Supported by the DMU collaborative approach to research, the findings have shaped new procurement rules, processes and practices within Leicester City Council, supported an increase in spend on services and products from local SMEs – up from 18% in 2015 to 46% in 2018 – and increased local engagement with the procurement process.

Further Evidence of impacts

The Assistant Mayor (Policy Development) and Head of Procurement has stated that:

Engagement with DMU’s researchers contributed to the establishment of new procurement procedures (Contract Procedure Rules) for the City Council, streamlined open and transparent procurement processes, a new social value charter and accompanying guide for suppliers/​​contractors and better-informed strategic decisions … Sustained changes were made to improving the culture of procurement process and practices. [C1]

Specific changes include:

  • In 2015, modifications to the procurement rules and procedures creating greater flexibility. These changes now allow the council to use the most appropriate procedures and permit a procurement value of up to GBP75,000 (previously GBP30,000) for goods and services, and up to GBP250,000 for works to be advertised in a ‘relaxed and responsive manner’, so that procurement officers can decide upon the most appropriate procedure for each contract.
  • Changes in LCC’s procurement practices in 2015 included not using the preferred supplier list, opting out from the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO), developing separate processes for new tenders, and splitting large contracts into smaller lots .
  • LCC added a new Social Value Charter in 2018 into the council’s procurement framework in order to maximise social value sustainably by ‘employing locally and responsibly, sourcing locally, supporting and engaging with local communities, improving environmental sustainability, and doing business ethically’ , reflecting the DMU research on diversity and inclusivity in procurement.